Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

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Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Knight of Boops
Yeah, I came to this site specifically so I’d never have to even look at Dumpsterbooru ever again if I didn’t want to. Hard pass on that. XP
Honestly I’m not sure what you’re hoping to accomplish anyway, “take back” one thread on Dumpsterbooru? Wow, what a significant victory against the Leftist horde, truly. That’ll sure learn ’em. :P
Anonymous #A99E
If I recall when that situation happened with the spammer. Ciaran was the one that said it wasn’t a big deal and a bit later the spammer posts a forum gloating it was him in a manner akin to his writing. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
Anonymous #7D2F
@Anonymous #2D24  
A lot of his post are typical moralizing stuff. He hasn’t pick up yet that most people really are not buying the things college are spewing and in fact college it’s a huge lie at least as far as humanities go.
Anonymous #7D2F
Hey, look at this. I admit i’d be amusing to see what happens next. I think it wouldn’t be deleted, probably because at this point they don’t want any more hits to their credibility.
Posted Report
Anonymous #5F3A
And if you are here espousing that every member of some random fandom should be denied their civil rights - all of them - then that is also not going to fly, no matter how you refer to the fandom.
This is, hands down, one of THE STUPIDEST things I have ever heard anyone unironically vomit through their keyboard, and onto their monitor—before hitting the “post” button—in my entire life.
You will never guess who the absolute malformed science experiment gone horribly wrong behind this utter shitstain of a lie is.
No, really: just guess.
Posted Report
Anonymous #5F3A
Well, he is very consistently adamant on the idea that somehow, being a fandom member is an immutable characteristic that deserves legal protection and “civil rights” from being called a “weeb” or a “weeaboo”, like the absolute pigheaded retard that he is.
Again, literally the only person keeping an authoritarian stranglehold on what can be expressed in that thread is him, and him alone.
HE is the only one responsible for effectively keeping that thread an echochamber, whereas all the others that make up the (very) vocal majority of that thread are only merely able to contribute to said thread and make reports if they feel like it, Ciaran is the only mod to ever supervise it who literally deletes any and all posts that he personally believes does not belong, completely regardless of if they ever actually go against the thread’s rules or not.
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@Anonymous #5F3A  
It’s this weird activist/“good guy” mentality… they weeded out most opposing opinions and if they got nothing else to do they start going down a level to look at the next thing to attack, because if they don’t get their dose of Social Justice Dopamine they wither and die.
I know some people that take offense at being called a Brony… even though thats what they are… Just waiting on the day that too many people take offense at being called a Brony and they change it to “Cartoon Pony Partial Person” or some nonsense like that… just so that their fascism is more obvious.
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