I misread it as, “How Racial Groups HATE Each Other”
Most racial groups hate others considered within their own racial group.
Hispanics and Asians are easiest to explain.
Despite most outsiders considering those two labels as being groups, those categories consist of various different cultural, and possibly even racial, backgrounds.
Everyone knows blacks kill the most blacks.
As for Whites, look at Europe, look back just to the world wars and German hatred for Poles and Russians. Look at a thousand years worth of history between England and France or the hatred between England and Ireland.
If you want to see a group hate itself, just isolate that group and allow human nature to assert itself.
It is human nature to be tribal, if no differences exist, we’ll find something and emphasize it to the point of pride, then we’ll discriminate over it.
Okay, despite saying we all tend to hate our own kind most, I also believe we prefer our own kind over others. It’s a paradox and paradoxes are also a HUGE part of human nature.
But simply put, in the US, Whites are taught to be not racists, other groups aren’t. That and many liberal Whites are mentally ill and hate themselves, so they side with other races and become race traitors every chance they get.
That’s why you hear some more about white supremacy being a major problem from either whining, self centered blacks or pathetic, self hating Whites.