Viewing last 25 versions of post by Seiken in topic Big Bad Politics!

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"[@Adan Druego":](/forums/dis/topics/big-bad-politics?post_id=62915#post_62915
) Druego"] 

I misread it as, "How Racial Groups HATE Each Other"

But simply put, in the US, Whites are taught to be not racists, other groups aren't. That and many liberal Whites are mentally ill and hate themselves, so they side with other races and become race traitors every chance they get.[/bq]

For some confirmation... there is also this chart dividing white people:


Found here":](

It's both ways worrying whether you put your own race or other races down.

From my experience, there is many people in europe that just hate people from other countries, but we got one thing in common that we can bond together about all day long: How stupid americans are. Thats like our second most favourite thing to do, right next after paying adequate taxes.
No reason given
Edited by Seiken