Imagine dealing with fucked up people who constantly tries to get you to draw dickgirls, shitting nipples, scat, piss and gore versions of a drawing you uploaded a couple hours ago. Now imagine yourself thinking they are just trolls trying to get under your skin, but then you decide to check their accounts just to be sure, and you find out they are into that repugnant stuff for real and not only they have hoarded tons of that disgusting stuff, but they won’t ever shut up about it and the stuff they do to themselves while watching it, and then you find out they won’t stop trash talking you behind your back because you offended them (or something) when you said “no” to their endless requests and bitching.
On top of that, imagine dealing with people who 9 out of 10 times are on the autism spectrum, so any attempt to try reasoning with them is hopeless- they only care about themselves, they feel justified to always do whatever they want, any attempt to say “no” to them only triggers a meltdown on them, and they can carry a grudge for years because according to them, nobody can deny them anything and you always must be available for them whenever they want to talk, no matter if you want it or not.
And that’s not counting the ones who constantly nag you for “tips” to improve their crappy art, but as soon you mention words like “Practice”, “Effort” and “Dedication” they go full contrarian and angry because they wanted tips and secrets instead of boring and difficult things and there’s no way to make them understand that nobody can improve without practice and there’s no such a thing like magic tips that somehow transfers the skills and knowdeledge to their heads by merely reading them- they always will go full contrarian and fuming mad because according to them, you are a selfish asshole who is hoarding secrets and tips for yourself or what you have, and you make them feel so depressed instead of making them happy and a long etc.