If you mean Internet Explorer (and not Edge), it’s literally on its countdown to end of life. Most sites will have stopped giving it any official support.
@Officer Hotpants
The funny thing it wasn’t doing that last night or early this morning.
Yeah I know that like DA stopped working with Internet Explorer. Funny enough I tested to see if I wouldn’t be able load pictures on the this site and the pictures loaded just fine.
I still don’t have internet at my home. So I have to come to my sister’s to go on the internet. Yet I can some how I can connect to internet on my 3ds and on the satellite dish.
DiGiorno makes two kinds of pizza. The normal one is great. The “rising crust” pizza is defective. It weighs a ton and no matter how long you cook it it comes out of the oven soaking wet. You can use an entire roll of paper towels to soak up the water but it’s never enough. The damage has already been done and the whole pizza is ruined. You have two minutes to eat the crust before the whole thing gets ice cold even though it had just come out of the oven.