Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Anonymous #A99E
People like that are too busy fapping to it to care about all the plot holes and contrivances in show. The villain could be defeated by a ham sandwich so long as the pairings they like are pounding each other at the end it does not matter.
Posted Report
Artist -

Comment terrible on a picture -> 3 day ban… reasonable.
That they contribute to the absolute decline of people able to take feedback like an adult is beyond many of them. And the last time i made an effort to be constructive i was insulted by the artist and when i matched their tone i got banned and the artist ran scott free. Almost as if some people are more equal than others. Hence why i stopped even trying to be constructive, you losing either way anyways unless you praise someone to the heavens.
Posted Report
Anonymous #A99E
That is why most don’t even comment anymore. 90 percent of uploaded images never have anyone talking about them. This is also a common occurrence. The upper-class is allowed to be immature rude and obnoxious to just about anyone. Any clap-back by a commoner and they are swiftly dealt justice. Odd how a lot of them love socialism but still use the same hierarchy and class system they supposedly opposes.
Posted Report
Anonymous #12A2
@Anonymous #A99E
Derpibooru is going to 1984 route, I rarely comments there, I try not to interact or socialize with anyone there anymore, only post related images on image threads, never touched the forum threads there anymore, because those places are full of hiveminds that is controlled by the abomination Ciaran.
Posted Report
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Derpibooru Ref-cute-gee
This is what I encourage basically everyone to do. It’s constant S.S.D.D. over there, you won’t win any arguments or change any minds. Same people doing the same shit for years. I don’t mean to make it sound like “dude just give up lmao” but alternatives exist for a reason. Use them!
Posted Report
Anonymous #A99E
Very true. A lot of the well-known artists do not ever post there anymore. You used to be able to talk to a lot of them but they all just up and left it. Even if they still do pony art it is not them posting it. It is mostly the same few people posting anymore.
Anonymous #D83B
I’ll definitely get banned again this time knowing who did it, if I singled out Ciaran as the only way too emotional moderator.
Anyway, 3 lessons learned.
  1. Anonymous option is useless. Mods have x-ray vision and will know who you are.
  2. You’ll always make enemies even if you don’t intend to.
  3. Better yourself for the sake of yourself, not others. They can be sensitive or they don’t care in the end. Trust with caution.
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
  1. This is true here, too. However I guess here you could use a VPN and post without an account. Can you do that there? Not that I do this. All my insane comments are proudly posted under my account, even though I use a VPN all the time to keep the CIA away.
  2. Sounds like life.
  3. Sounds like life.
Let me add one.
  1. Ciaran is a douche.
Anonymous #D83B
I can praise every other mod except him and he’ll still press the button because he doesn’t like being the weakest link. He’s probably the only one pressing the ban button first, and asking questions later. Which feels more insulting when he says something nice about my uploads after he bans me.
Anonymous #A99E
@Anonymous #800E
Considering the people involved who have thrown accusations at others with no proof other then “You do not like me shipping children in a children’s cartoon. You must be some sort of bigot.” and their snide remarks and shitty meme pics to desperately ignore making an rebuttal. Kindly fuck off.
Anonymous #A99E
The people who was replaying and Ciaran limp-dick response of “Defending from accusations” all of them usually are the ones accusing others and Ciaran would not bother unless they say something that could make them look bad.

migrated from D
For your own sanity and your own good, stop using Derpibooru forums, I stopped using it several months ago and I totally do not need it in my life anymore.
Ponytown or other MMORPGs are much better places to socialize and share opinions than those Derpi forums.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
Some people have a problem letting go of hypocritical acts by other people. Obviously, one would be best off simply not associating with those people, but it’s hard for some folks not to just take that and go with it.
I feel for that guy.
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