Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Donor | Gabby - Best Birbcat, don't @ me
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (unintended savior)

Senior Moderator
Everything Stays
I’m just gonna enjoy sitting back and watching these morons work so vehemently to normalize one of the ‘dirtiest’ words out there by calling anyone who disagrees with them a nazi. It’s really fun honestly.
I mean shit, I’ve been called a nazi so many times this year alone that I’ve long since lost count between the derpi drama and the random unsolicited PMs I get on twitter. Off the top of my head I get called nazi, homophobe, transphobe, racist, chud, white supremacist, and other nonsense I can’t even be assed to figure out the meaning of.
As a bisexual Native American though it’s really fucking entertaining to be called a white supremacist homophobe though
Anonymous #A543
lmfao same. I’ve been called a nazi for (drumroll pls) defending freedom of speech!  
If that wasn’t ironic enough, I’m also a tranny of polish descent. And yes, I’ve been called transphobic as well
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

i do enjoy the show, and i spend time pondering about the psychology of all of it
im a history nerd, since my days as a wee lad that i took heavy interest in ww2 arms and tactics, specially on the german side, but a lot of times i couldnt discuss how cool the SS autunm cammo uniform looks without the fear of being branded a nazi, but nowadays i would be called that and a racist by just breathing (despite being some rando brown south american in a country with a military that still holds the prussian tradition), at the end i just laugh it off, i mean, what are they gonna do? hire a bitcoin assasin to run me over with his scooter-mobile and stab me with his insulin pen?
Anonymous #7590
They get easily triggered by just dumb memes made for fun and shit.
@Humble Oriathan  
It’s a total bummer that an artist with potential had to add politics because they want to be right in everything and behave like a complete intolerant moron to the ones that give an different opinion of something.
Say that to the ones that started the division in the first place and thinking that we have a goddamn problem in the 1st place.  
Didn’t know you’re mexican, there’s a forum with several ppl from several hispanic countries if you wanna know
Just another shithole where “tolerant” ppl posts braindead posts for hours.
Anonymous #5F71
A very tiring autistic derpiuser liked to call me an unaware, racist beaner behind my back just because I disliked stuff he obsessed about and this made him feel attacked, uneasy and depressed.  
It was pitful to watch him wielding words like weapons all the time, but never knowing how to use them and neither understanding that most of them were meant to be used ironically and not in a serious way as he used them all the time.
Anonymous #5F71
This is the kind of user that the derpistaff protects and encourages all the time.  
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #5F71  
“I don’t even watch the show.” That say it all pretty much. Fake fans jumping into something because it was the “popular” thing to get into. They were never invested or passionate about the series in the first place. People like that is the reasons we be getting alot of Calart Bullshit that care more about sexual preferences and reboots to piss off fanbases. Then making something entertaining or good to watch on TV after a shitty day.
They wouldn’t like it if their were cartoon shows people made showing kids what really happen within the holocausts. Teaching them the negatives of multiculturalism/race mixing, and chemically castrating yourself for diversity & inclusion points.
Anonymous #7590
Ah, maybe that counts for something. :P
@Anonymous #5F71  
>Hasn’t seen any the show’s seasons and thinks s8/s9 were good just because pissing off the internet.  
Clearly is just another dude that doesn’t know jack shit of the show’s progression or main plot, just shitting with no damn reason or having a least the knowledge of the show.
Anonymous #5F71
More like horrible people who enjoys being assholes to others and don’t see anything wrong with doing that.  
In fact they think that nobody should ever call them out because they are convinced that what they do is the right thing and there’s no way to go through their shells to explain them why it’s not.
That’s the kind of people that Derpibooru’s staff nurtures, encourages and protects from any consequences so they could weaponize them at will.
Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Donor | Gabby - Best Birbcat, don't @ me
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (unintended savior)

Senior Moderator
Everything Stays
@Anonymous #5F71  
Yes, I too like generic low effort animation with lulrandumb humor my fellow kids.  
I’m pretty sure the only time I ever got some laughs from Pony Life was from some Rarity bits, and that’s like 98% Tabitha being Tabitha more than anything.
Humble Oriathan
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Wally Worshiper
Can you believe people call this place Derpibooru 2.0 when everyone is posting a bunch of shit that would’ve gotten them perma banned on the spot by now? I think people are just butthurt about DNP still being a thing.
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