He did a good job in his announcement, probably agreed with 80% of what he said, minus the hyperbole and embellishments. I am skeptical he can contain his worse aspects considering how random he has been in the past.
Trump says so much things and there is
SO much propaganda for and against him that it is hard to discern. This time is one of those where he was misrepresented. Surprisingly,
even Politifact says this (in their own way). Though these things tend to work often as a myth that is only quietly corrected after the myth has already spread while continuing to be affirmed in the mainstream press otherwise.
(>We already went through this one and it looks like you learned jack diddly squat.
Specifically Zaknel or in general?
@Fleur de Lis
For as much emphasis is put on the Western weapons the war is still primarily being fought by Soviet weapons ,derivatives made by Ukraine/Russia, and former Communist NATO countries over magical and modern Western hardware that gets so much of the headlines, sometimes deservedly, sometimes not. I don’t know if it is a embarrassment or pride to Russia that those old S-300 and Buk systems have held out so long (probably both). I know, strange observation to make with that but that is just on my mind with that being a S-300 missile made in the late 1970s to early 1980s.