Big Bad Politics!

Anonymous #0CFA
@Anonymous #372F  
Environmentalism is a death-cult. It’s a way for Leftists to virtue-signal about how much better they are than everyone else by cutting their own nations’ economies off at the knees and driving their own people into poverty while enriching their people’s enemies. This is how they demonstrate “commitment to the movement,” which is to say, revolutionary zeal.
This is why the exact same people who preach about “the green future” and “green energy” and “public health” throw the borders wide open and ring the dinner bell to bring in tens of millions of ultraviolent disease-dripping IQ-55 Third World troglodytes who couldn’t give the faintest quantum trace of a shit about the environment, the culture, or the law.
Leftists don’t believe in any of the things they claim to believe in. It’s all rhetoric, no dialectic. They’re filled with hatred and project their bad motives onto everyone else. The only thing they believe in is power–power over you.
Have you ever read anything from the late Dr. Jerry Pournelle? He was a science fiction author who worked for the Air Force and NASA at his day jobs. Solar panels have always been so energy-intensive to manufacture that, if they are to be used at ground level, it takes thirty years of 12 hr/day tropical sunlight just to get them to the point where they break even and have given back the energy it took to make them. Prior to that point, solar cells are a net energy sink, not an energy source. And when you count in inclement weather, dust, the need to repair them when they are damaged, that figure of thirty years goes up.
Dr. Pournelle’s insight was that the only place solar cells are actual tools and not toys to appease smug assholes with green hair is in space. NASA did some experiments in the 1970s and found that solar cells, because there’s no dust, no weather, no wind, no atmosphere blocking 90+ of sunlight from reaching them, and because they can be placed in orbits where they are exposed to sunlight more than twelve hours per day, they are more than ten times as efficient in orbit as they are on the planet’s surface. The power can be beamed down in the form of coherent microwaves and picked up by a type of antenna called a “rectenna” that converts microwaves to electrical current almost losslessly–85 efficient in NASA studies almost fifty years ago where they sent power down from satellites and picked it up on the ground in experiments and verified that it worked. They were going to use the Space Shuttle to build solar power satellites back then, when the Iran-Iraq war started and crude oil prices dropped by two thirds because the two nations were trying to undercut one another on the world oil market to fund their war, so solar power satellites got shitcanned, probably forever.
What is key to understand here is that environmentalists don’t want inexpensive clean energy for the peasants. They want your children and grandchildren to hunt rats by candlelight forever while they live in their gated condos drinking expensive wine and laughing at the starving peons outside. Where their food and electricity and expensive wine and jet fuel for round-the-world junkets will come from are details they haven’t thought out, because it’s a masturbatory power fantasy of grinding their boot-heels in your face, not an actual plan.
Anonymous #0847
Solar isn’t reliable. You would either have too much or a scarcity and then you have all the scam artists have taken advantage of idiots like that stupid idea of solar roads and other such that people have pissed trillions of dollars that could be used to create actual alternatives.
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
@Anonymous #372F  
Aside from the irrational fear of nuclear power, a really big mistake people are making is looking for *A* clean solution to our energy needs. Such a miracle source may exist but all signs point to our asses being centuries away from discovering it, if not millennia.
Personally I think what it ultimately comes down to is that if you really want to absolutely minimize environmental damage and potential for environmental damage then inevitably you’re going to have to work towards moving production out of the environment. We can play around on the ground all we like but there’s a limit to how safe or clean you can make a process, and the high-output processes hit that limit faster than the low-output. And given that our energy needs are ever growing, and exponentially at that, the solution is never going to be low-output.
I suspect that the more immediate future of energy generation (and by “immediate” I mean “over the next 200 years”) is going to see a gradual shift to a mixture of nuclear breeder reactors and experiments with complex orbital solar. In particular I think the latter will begin to take off once the exploitation of space by private enterprise begins in earnest, by virtue of it simply being cheaper in the long run to produce it entirely on-site than to regularly ship fuel up from the ground.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Anonymous #0847  
Thermal solar is reliable enough, the problem is power logistics.
@Anonymous #0CFA  
@Officer Hotpants  
A problem that solarstationary orbit power satellites and beam relays incidentally solve.  
Fun fact: we have all the tech necessary to build a Dyson Swarm and solve all our energy needs for the nearest millenium.  
Yes, I think that if people stopped being fucking cretins, human civilization would get up two positions on Kardashev scale in just a thousand years.
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
That’s what I’m talking about with complex orbital solar. Instead of a field of panels on the ground that get a few hours of good light you have massive frames out in space, that are unconstrained in size by anything save physics, mounting panels designed to adjust themselves to track the sun at all hours. Since they’re already producing their own energy, you can utilize ion thrusters to maintain a more or less stable position far further out into space. From there, depending on how far away it is you can either send energy directly to the receiving stations on the Earth or send it to a relay station in orbit that then sends it onward (though of course that would be less efficient, necessitating a larger array to compensate for the energy lost). No need to visit the sun directly yet.
Though as I said, I also think it’ll be mostly supplemental until we reach the point where we need large quantities of energy in space.
Anonymous #372F
@Officer Hotpants  
People are still afraid of Nuclear power? If 10+ nuclear bombs can accidentally fall out of US bombers and not cause a problem, I think secure power plants that aren’t designed to blow up or leak radiation everywhere are fine. There’s been, what, three severe nuclear power plant incidents since they were introduced? Out of what I’ll guess are 500~ total plants?
I’m more afraid of the chemical plant in my town than I am of nuclear power plants.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Anonymous #372F  
People are afraid of nuclear power because it’s unknown, and there’s a propaganda campaign against it, both to keep nuclear-phobia at certain level so that nukes don’t start flying, and because nuclear reactors with their cheap, plentiful power are severely unprofitable to literally everyone involved in current energy business.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

“Population is uninformed and ignorant and there are greedy fucks in control” problem, basically.
@Anonymous #372F  
Yeah, and it actually costs a lot to run them, so only less capitalistic countries are capable of doing it, and even then they prefer more practical solutions, like sticking smaller NPPs on a ship (docked in a port with connections to power and heating grid) so that they don’t have to pay outta the wazoo to move spent fuel.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
Artist -

oh no
@Anonymous #372F  
if this apocalyptic scenario ever happens, a reactor meltdown will be the least of the concerns.  
But yes nuclear is scary. Like, we manage to extract pure energy from the core of matter itself, backed by physicists, Fermi, Einstein, Bose, Feynman, the range of subatomic physics is under our control and to explore and improve, discovering forces, quarks, touching what we really are, but so much power is scary. Like something forbidden.. by whom? a God? Why do leftists act such as christians fearing a judgement, an impeding doom, the idea that man is reaching the status of his own god.  
Not only we can if we want, but this is what we must achieve, to go back to a future as we planned. And for all of this, we need: Energy. for transport, industry, life.  
we can’t not ignore this, this is science and science, booster of the 20th century, is what we need. this is the real gift of God, we must not feel shame, or think “is that too much?” the answer must be “No.”
edit: once again we’re having a rise of fuel, gas and power prices…
Anonymous #0CFA
“Nine-year-old Virginia girl is raped in school bathroom by tranny. Her father goes to school board meeting to register his objections to school board’s policy of letting trannies into the girls’ bathroom. School board denies anything happened and calls him a liar, despite the tranny being in jail now charged with rape. School board cowards “feel intimidated so now the father is in jail himself, on Federal terrorism charges.
These people want a civil war. They are absolutely desperate to bring one about so that they can live out their power fantasies of lording it over the kulaks and sending dissidents to the gulag.
Anonymous #0CFA
They think they can. And so far, the cops and soldiers they openly despise are still, with extremely rare exceptions, following their orders.
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