@Azure Fang
Sounds cool. And as long is it does
run like a 3D Starbound, it should be okay (good god, is that game put together poorly).
As a Starbound modder and beta veteran, I’m intimately aware of how shit it is. But, when you can get it to work “right” it has its fun.
That said, if you’re interested in NMS and don’t mind giving up your refund rights, make sure you check IsThereAnyDeal before buying. There’s almost always at least one authorized Steam key seller that has it on 50% discount.
EDIT: And if you want to see some gameplay not biased toward “subscribers” or “view count” or other bullshittery, hit me up on Steam and I’ll open up a broadcast of my inane play. We’ve crossed paths enough times in comments and discussion threads, it shouldn’t be hard to find me.