Vent Thread

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

One of my sister’s friends keeps asking when she going be coming back from my parents house. My sister has explained multiple times she’s not going back until her Mother in Law is feeling better.
Color Anon
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Distant banjo noise
What strict guidelines? This place is crazy relaxed, much more than derpibooru as well.  
All what people here asked you to do was to please stay in topic but if that’s enough to make you feel unwelcome and wanting to leave so much then okay, I guess.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
From what I’ve read Steam is like permanent rental. You pay a one time fee for the privilege of playing a game on their server, and you have to log in to authenticate, and they can terminate you for any reason at any time, and they can delete the game for any reason at any time, and you’re screwed. Fuck that.
You know, I’ve got games, CDs back when those existed, from 25 years ago that I can play in a DOSbox on any computer and as long as I don’t do anything to physically destroy the disk I’ll be able to play it forever because the lifetime of a CD is longer than a human lifetime.
It’s the same thing with Windows 10. You don’t own it, you’re renting it from Microshaft. What you buy is an exclusive license to rent a copy of the OS that they can change at any time without your permission.
When did we switch over to living in a society (LOL) where you own nothing?
Anonymous #5DF6
It’d be nice. Unfortunately nobody really makes physical copies anymore (and the ones that exist are merely downloaders for the on-demand service) with the excuse of “game too big to fit”. I remember buying games that came with multiple discs for installing, don’t give me that bullshit. Hell, DVDs have a pretty decent carrying capacity. BDs are even better.
But no, let’s sink all our money into an on-demand service that will result in the loss of your software if and when the company fails. I believe this is part of the reason software pirating is tolerated far more than usual theft, perhaps even seen as acceptable.
Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Afaik, there was a court ruling in France that said that some individual did own the games they’d purchased on steam. Details are fuzzy and I don’t have the link on hand tho
Anonymous #0AE7
From what I’ve read Steam is like permanent rental. You pay a one time fee for the privilege of playing a game on their server, and you have to log in to authenticate, and they can terminate you for any reason at any time, and they can delete the game for any reason at any time, and you’re screwed. Fuck that.
You know, I’ve got games, CDs back when those existed, from 25 years ago that I can play in a DOSbox on any computer and as long as I don’t do anything to physically destroy the disk I’ll be able to play it forever because the lifetime of a CD is longer than a human lifetime.
It’s the same thing with Windows 10. You don’t own it, you’re renting it from Microshaft. What you buy is an exclusive license to rent a copy of the OS that they can change at any time without your permission.
When did we switch over to living in a society (LOL) where you own nothing?
Serious answer: M$ has been floating that particular trial balloon for twenty years. There is a convenient “leak” of internal M$ documents and memos saying “the next version of Windoze will be a subscription for a service that will require monthly payments and won’t work without an Internet connection.” Until around 2015 the public response was, shall we say, negative. Since then a non-trivial number of consumers and businesses have said “Okay, Big Daddy Bill! You’ll just put in the tip, right? And M$ has been very encouraged by this. Note the widespread acceptance of “Office 365” in which your business is halted 100% dead if the Internet connection goes down and you can’t even reach the saved files if you saved them to “the cloud” instead of locally.
All of this fits too neatly to be anything but part and parcel of a certain vision for the future that certain very powerful groups have been pushing very hard almost as long as M$ has been trying to convince the public to let them make Windows subscription-only. Using “the environment” as a pretext for outright economic warfare against rural areas, to depopulate them and force the population into the cities in order to seek work, has been going on since the late 1970s. By some mysterious coincidence the push for “the cashless society” started at the exact same time, pushed by some of the very same people.
This is the plan. Everyone–well, not everyone, exactly, just peasants who don’t matter–is to live in a tiny room with a shared bathroom at the end of the hallway, in a grim prefabricated concrete Soviet-style apartment building, or maybe a Tokyo-style “coffin hotel,” in a polluted rat-hive city, where you don’t dare go outside after dark to go the supermarket lest you be murdered by the junkies lounging in every alley. Automobiles are bad for the environment. Freedom of movement is bad for Mother Gaea. You will ride a bicycle and you will like it. And the bicycle will be rented, so that it can be taken away from you at any time. And if you don’t like this state of affairs and start talking about “dangerous” ideas, the government/bank (it’s already a distinction without a difference, if you haven’t noticed) will cancel your card. Cash will be a thing of the past. Cash will be illegal, and it will be justified with laws about “money laundering” and “hoarding” and “terrorism” and maybe even “paper money transmits disease.” If you step out of line, you’ll get evicted, immediately, because there’ll be no other means to pay. You won’t even be able to buy a can of beans, because your card won’t be accepted and paper money will no longer exist. You won’t be able to pay in cash, or save cash for emergencies. You’ll sit down, shut up, and obey, or else. Just like government controlled medicine. Want your kid to keep getting those asthma meds? Say “I love Big Brother.” Say it. SAY IT. Louder! I can’t hear you! Or else.
The same people who tell you “the Great Reset” is a conspiracy theory, and you’re crazy for talking about it, have been talking about it for decades, and for the last ten years using that term. “The Great Reset” is not something some Alex Jones listener made up. It’s the term they use for it in their press releases. They can’t shut up about what they want to do. Telling the world about it makes them feel all warm and gooey inside. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays they tell us it’s all a conspiracy theory and we’re all nuts. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays they publish agitprop:
He’s one of the cool kids. Don’t you want to be like him? Don’t you want to be one of the cool kids? You’ll never be normal if you aren’t enthusiastic about being a high-tech serf, without even any of the rights European serfs had a thousand years ago. You’ll never get laid if you don’t want the Great Reset. You’ll never be normal. You’ll be censored, cancelled, banned, ostracized, and driven to the fringes if you say anything bad about it, because that’s “dangerous misinformation.” There will be no concentration camps because they won’t be necessary. They won’t even have to imprison you. They won’t even have to torture or kill you, because the criminal underclass they will allow free rein in the no-man’s-land that starts at the entry doors of the coffin hotel you lived in will do it all for them.
You will live in the coffin hotel. You will eat the bugs and drink the soy. You will drink municipal water that may have antidepressant drugs added at the water plant. You will ride a bicycle. If you have access to a vehicle, it will be a “smart car” with a government kill switch and remote controls, and it will be wired for video and sound, so that it can be remotely halted at any time and you can be dropped off at the police station if you dare to voice any badthink, even alone in a vehicle. Your access to even the “smart car” can be cut off at any time, with the pretext of an excessive “lifetime carbon footprint.” Like a medieval peasant you will in all likelihood never set foot more than ten miles from the place where you were born. You will be microchipped like a pet, because that is what you’ll be, with no rights, only privileges that can be suspended at any time, with or without cause. Every purchase you make will be tracked, recorded, and surveilled, down to a stick of gum–and so will you. You will live in Bentham’s Panopticon, and there will be no possibility of escape, not even in theory. You will have nothing, but you WILL be happy about it, because you’ll be wired out of your head on SSRIs–and maybe just a bit of brain surgery, if you resist taking the mandatory daily happy-pills. You WILL cease this crazy, dangerous conspiracy-theory talk about “rights” and “human dignity,” because those are selfish, racist, outdated concepts. You WILL be happy. Or else. It’s for your own good. And this is the future, every nightmare George Orwell had times every warning Aldous Huxley gave us. Forever.
And if this “utopia” makes Mad Max’s blasted radioactive desert look like paradise by comparison to you, join the club. I have no idea what to do about it. Half the population seems to be eating this stuff up with a spoon. “Govern me harder, Mr. Soros! I want to live in the tube!”
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Describing Vent Art, so it goes in the Vent Thread…
@Anonymous #E7D2  
This is a work of fantasy. At times, in some cases, some would call it “vent art”. Basically, if someone were to create a piece that depicted the lynching of certain individuals from a certain booru with a certain fan favorite’s name in the name, it’s vent art. That person is venting their frustration at the fact that in life, they aren’t allowed to solve issues by such simple means. There’s always that red tape that tie their hands when dealing with troublesome individuals.
It’s not petty. It’s a “Hey, don’t you all wish we could simply lynch this “person” and be done with it?” type of statement.
That’s fantasy. It’s like daydreaming of a simpler world in which problems like certain key staff members and certain individuals of certain troublesome groups could be dealt with in such a quick and clean way.
It’s healthy to vent, it’s better than taking action, after all.
Besides, this is tagged as “Breathe Play”, so it’s a fetish, I guess.
And remember that your kind draw “Nazi Punching” art, which is a call to violence against anyone and everyone you deem to be a “Nazi”… beside some of those individuals being non-white.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Forgot PIN for computer. I’ve only typed it 962 times, how could I possibly forget it. I tried maybe 10 different combinations and none worked. “No problem, what’s your Microsoft password.” I don’t know my Microsoft password. I had to reset both. I have no idea what someone with only 1 computer would do in that situation, because if I couldn’t get the access code off my email I’d be screwed.
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