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General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 270

Boot badge - It's Bootiful

Last night, I had a sort of weird dream. It had a slight Regular Show feel to it. ||There were shots of a wall that I felt belonged to some high school, then, next thing I know, there was this bunch of love triangle stuff between Gloria the Hippo from the Madagascar films, and the Regular Show characters Mordecai and Margaret. Gloria tries to woo Mordecai not only with words, but also via dressing in a very minimal fashion, wearing only flowers to cover her nipples, and maybe a thin thong for her genitals. Gloria says things such as that both Margaret and her have characteristics which Mordecai likes, but she has even more for him. Then, suddenly it abruptly changes to a female Incineroar hitting on Mordecai for about 10-20 seconds. ||
After that its blurry from what I can recall, until another scenario occurs where there’s this one person whose eyes I see through, is in some kind of office or studio. The room he or she is in is rather plain in its color scheme, and on one particular desk is an 8-bit Apple Computer, in this case, its an Apple ][+. Then as this man or woman (I never get to see the person’s face in the dream) sits down and interacts with this Apple ][+, disco music starts playing, and it just gets louder after a short while. The song that played the most intact during this was “I Was Made for Loving You” by KISS. Regardless of how this unnamed person was using this ][+ computer from 1979, be it typing words and sentences or inspecting the case (side note: the person did not even try to look for a working monitor nor TV of any kind to hook up to the computer, but he still went on using it!), and in at least one case, the song’s beat and the person’s typing sounds were in sync! Shortly after that, I woke up.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 269

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
I and the guy are investigating why scenes from disaster movies are being repeated in real life. We begin by raiding some casino. The guy knocks out several people, while I straight up slice the neck of one other. Then the boss of the casino shows up, and says we shouldn’t kill him because there is something we need to see. He leads us to a room with about a hundred CRT screens. One screen is live footage, another is from “Sharknado” (I’ve never seen that film.). They match exactly.
So we head to the location, but everyone seems calm now. Some old man asks to borrow my credit card, which I don’t have. The guy gives him his credit card instead. We pass some other man who is spraypainting the ground pink. Then I get a chocolate bar. It is half white chocolate, half normal chocolate. And it comes with a certificate of authenticity for the magic crystals it contains.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 268

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 267

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
This dream was realistic but totally without logic.
It starts in a rainy forest, that is untouched by civilisation except for two modern buildings. The residents of these buildings are rivals with each other, and may or may not be elves. I’m going back and forth between the buildings for some reason.
Somehow I end up in downtown of a big city with many people. I’m walking down the street with some guy. There are some fake weapons scattered around as well. I clearly remember a battleaxe and a scythe. I lose track of the guy and end up in a poor area with ditches and tall fences. There is one threatening man there walking his two dogs, one dog is normal looking, the other is obviously evil. I pick up a stick to defend myself, but it is way too small to actually do anything. The man mocks me, as if I’m not worth attacking.
I slowly back away and find myself in a landfill with the guy from the city. It’s really more of a swamp, with the occasional trash bag here or there. I do find some raw vegetables, which I take.
We make our way to a metro station and are seperated again. But this is the weirdest place; it’s like a crossing itself maze of stairs and escalators, many of which lead to nowhere. I meet up again with the guy from the city and landfill, but he seems to be decades older and having gone bald. While we climb some stairs he says something that doesn’t make sense. And then we take seperate escalators away. My escalator lead to nowhere.
A woman on next escalator says “I hope you have some warm vegetables.”  
I reply “No. I have some cold vegetables.”  
And I use the vegetables to escape.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 266

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
Throughout this whole dream it feels like it is being watched.
It is walking along a desert road. There are human tourists on the road, and most seem to be deliberately walking slowly directly in its path. Eventually it starts literally pushing them away.
Then, all that is left is the road. A horse appears, though it hadn’t seen her up to that point. It conjures an oasis into existence. The horse goes in to drink, and it watches her intently. She’s very pretty. Eventually, she returns to the road, and it can feel her weariness.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 265

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
I’m cooking a ton of things at once in a large kitchen, and also some bacon in a pot on a small gas stove on the carpeted floor in next room. The gas is spreading. I go to turn it off and it all ignites, the flame only barely missing my hand.
(I haven’t really used a gas stove in more than ten years.)

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 264

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Very odd dream. Some sort of sheriff is trying to apprehend a criminal/very dangerous individual and… edits reality to arrest him. I wish I could describe it better but it was like he played through several different scenarios till he found the most optimal one with the bad guy was captured. I saw several play out and though I don’t have much memory of each it was weird hearing people talking in slips as the sheriff looked around and messed with said reality.
@Fleur de Lis  
Oh, nice to see you. What I meant by this: @Fleur de Lis was that, at least my impression of a lot of your dreams at the time involved contemplation and observation of yourself. Now, been awhile since I read them, so I might recess that, but that is what I thought at the time.
>I don’t remember any details, but the text was pony-related.  
Pony fanfiction.
>Suddenly I’m trying to explain to her what a PDF file is.  
This right here sounds like something I could dream.
I proclaim victory in the name of Jesus Christ, and the Serpent admits defeat  

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 263

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
I look out the window, but instead of the outdoors I’m looking into a warehouse full of old arcade machines. I go “out” the door and begin looking around. Some guy says that he knows I’m there, and that I should come listen. He explains that he is maintaining these old arcade machines for some reason I don’t remember.
Another dream. I print out from computer onto paper a ton of text. I don’t remember any details, but the text was pony-related. I post these papers all over the walls. An old woman then places post-it notes over each page with “corrections”. Suddenly I’m trying to explain to her what a PDF file is.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 262

Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Another dream about the end of the world:  
It was raining giant fireballs and there was panic all around— buildings getting destroyed and people running in panic every which way. The Serpent appeared in front of me and told me that I would later have to fight my choice of one of these three titans: the Sun which could burn you with its mere presence and had been responsible for the fireballs, the Moon which could turn you into ice at will and had lordship over the seas, or the Serpent itself.  
There was an old cage elevator right next to a building. Some people I knew were already in there. I enter the elevator and it takes us deep underground. The Serpent appears and tells me that I must make my choice now. I choose to fight the Serpent. The Serpent takes me to a stage with magma pools and tells me to make my move. I proclaim victory in the name of Jesus Christ, and the Serpent admits defeat. The Serpent tells me that most of the population above has been wiped out and most structures have been destroyed. The remnants— us included— must rebuild civilization.  
Me and the others take the elevator back up and find that the Serpent had told the truth: most structures had been destroyed and there were hardly any people.
I might have filled in some details after I woke up… For example the Moon commanding the seas. That might not have been in the dream originally.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 261

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I had a dream I was at school. That doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s people who bother me. I find it somewhat comforting, I think, maybe. I was drawing something. The teacher came by and saw what I was drawing. There was a cipher on one of the pages and she didn’t like that so she confiscated the paper. She said that that sort of thing was not allowed. I explained to her that it was just to identify the page number, but she didn’t care. I was cool with that, to an extent. I asked her if I would get the paper back after class, at which point bygones would be bygones, no harm no foul, but she said no, I would never get the paper back. Well, you don’t mess with me in my world. I will give you several chances, I will be polite, but no one ever accepts my olive branch. They just keep poking. So I got up from my chair and grabbed her throat with one hand and began to crush her throat, choking the life out of her. She tried to fight back, speaking somehow, making threats. I lifted her off the ground and slammed her face into the side of the table. I smashed her eye on the corner of the table and kept hammering her face until I was certain to have cause irreversible brain damage before dropping the body and picking up the paper and walking out of the school with it.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 260

Boot badge - It's Bootiful

About several days ago, I had a dream about Santa Claus. No really. in the dream, there was some dialouge about Santa Claus being literally thousands of years old, older than the Roman Republic and the Empire of Alexander of Macedon, and that in his younger days he was a renowned Zoroastrian living somehwere in Achaemenid Persia, and even became a member of the Zoroastrian Priesthood, where he was well-liked by many.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 259

A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
I dreamed about Seinfeld last night, for some reason. I don’t know why, I’ve seen maybe three episodes ever, and one of those was the memetic Soup Nazi episode.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 258

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 257

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 256

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Terrible dream.
I was walking outside on a city street when two blips of light (one yellow, one blue) flew past really fast. They went inside a building. I ran inside followed by some woman. It turns out that these were fairies and we knew them personally (we didn’t know each other, we each knew one of the fairies, but they left when be both turned 15 in some “fairy purge”).
We looked everywhere for them. I walked into one huge room with loads of crap strewn around. There was a sign that joked about how difficult it is trying to explain the old wild west days of the Internet to kids these days. The two of us went into a room like an auditorium. The woman went back and asked some people if they had seen anything (she didn’t call them fairies because no one would believe her, she called them people, and the blue one was an Indian who had dark skin that only looked blue). The people who were working on AV equipment stonewalled her.
I looked up at the scaffolding where four dude bros were working. I saw them stuff the blue fairy into a bag. They saw me, so they dropped a ball like a kickball covered in glitter down to the floor to trick me into thinking that that was what I saw. I knew they were kidnapping the fairies here and everyone in the building was in on the crime.
Since I regularly fight zombies, vampires, and aliens in my dreams I’m usually well armed. I said “I hope you like incendiary bombs,” and threw a bomb like a Molotov cocktail at them (it was two glass containers, one inside the other, each full of a different chemical that explode when mixed). It landed between two of the dude bros and exploded, but they shook their heads and sneered at me. In dreams people have to consent to die, usually. Usually when I shoot someone I have to remind the person that people die when they get shot, and usually they apologize and fall over dead out of courtesy, but these four dude bros were assholes who wouldn’t consent to dying. I climbed the scaffolding and explained to them how bombs work and that they should be on fire and dying right now. They mocked me, saying “Can your bomb kill 100 people?” I said “No, but it can kill a couple people. You should be on fire, this is a medical emergency.” They didn’t listen.
I had to do something else. All the doors were locked. A stern babushka had the key to the door, but I didn’t need it. I knocked two doors down with my shoulder, because American doors are made of cardboard covered in veneer. I told another woman who was working there that I would follow her down the corridor to find out who was in charge of this place. That’s when I woke up.
That really stayed with me. In real life people are powerless to stop crimes because criminals have rights. In some places you’re even forced to flee your own home if someone is shooting at you because you have a “duty to retreat”. Some places make it a felony to defend your own life and the lives of your loved ones. But in dreams all that goes out the window and you can ride a velociraptor with a machine gun in one hand and a grenade launcher in the other and mow down bad guys left and right. But this dream was like real life where the criminals can kidnap people and get away with it, and it left me bummed for hours.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 255

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
The vampires are back and now instead of being enemies with the zombies they’ve teamed up. That’s very bad news. We’ve been using vampire blood as the main weapon against zombie outbreaks for years. If they’ve joined forces now we’ll need to come up with some new method of fighting them.
I was with some people, I don’t know who, in some kind of a dungeon or something and somehow I was using my powers to make zombies appear. They were coming out of the walls and the ground. My rational mind was aware that I shouldn’t be doing this, but I couldn’t stop it. These were more decayed, more juicy and gory, than normal. We tried to fight but there were too many, so we had to flee.
I’m outside in on a wooded road. I’m in a dream vehicle, which is like a self-propelled open cart. I’m hanging onto this thing and there’s some woman there (don’t know who) and we’re talking about how uncomfortable I am hanging onto this vehicle. We get to like a camp or something, surrounded by a chain link fence. I make the cart stop because I have to get something.
There are bad people there. There’s a building and I have to get inside. There are three of us now. I kick in some of the bricks on the ground floor of the building and try to squeeze through but it’s too narrow. The three of us get in some other way. It happened so fast that I don’t know how we got in. We are almost caught by a guard inside but manage to evade him. We come into a large room and there are high level vampires there, loads of them. These aren’t the normal kind of vampires I’ve faced in the past (one of the earliest dreams I remember is being trapped in a shopping mall full of vampires and I killed all of them, and they weren’t seen again until today), these are much stronger vampires we call “Draculas”. Shooting them only slows them down enough to escape. We learn that they are working with the zombies now.
We’re in a very large room full of long desks which maybe have computers on them. I’m sitting at the end of one of these desks (far left side) and sitting at the end is Matt Easton, the youtuber. He has a pile of weed and he’s rubbing his eyes with the weed which he says cures his eye problems. I tell him I too have eye problems and he says he will give me some of the weed for my eye problems. Then I wake up.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 254

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 253

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 252

Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist - shidtist
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A shidder who has reached 1000 combined forum shids or comments.
Liberty Belle - Shids the song of the unshidded

Half Dragon, Half Meme
About a week ago, I had this really weird dream. Weird in that it was like watching a movie, and oddly consistent.
First thing that happened was a montage of adventures had by someone that looks like Flynn rider from tangled. It made it clear the guy was friends with a giant spider.
and then he was sitting on a log in some wooded clearing. Then the dream cuts to who I think is Kaede (from Danganronpa) in a very pink traditional fairytale princess getup, with the small pointy hat. She pulls a tree branch out of a locker, the branch had two spiders crawling on it, one black and one brown.  
She walks up to Flynn and tries to give him the branch. Apparently the spiders related to his past adventures and was meant as a gift. I remember her saying “aren’t you happy to see them again?”. He gets mad for some reason and knocks it out of her hands. Then she gets upset, says something I don’t remember, and storms off.  
then the entire dream sort of faded into a Lord of the rings style map opening thingy. There was like a fucking narrator saying something about great unequal power and there were these brown and black markers with indie an jones like trails that I guess were meant to be the spiders.  
the two markers converge on a pink dot that was meant to represent Kaede. Then there’s this graphic transformation scene of her being bitten and then becoming a spider person thing. It wasn’t really clear  
it goes back to the Flynn guy who looks to his right to see TF2 Solider on a rock being very silly. Sudden Marth from Fire Emblem, professor Layton, the handy man from Time Splitters, and a few others that I didn’t recognize show up.
Then there’s this scene at a rocky area where some evil lady is ordering around another TF2 Solider, this one appearing like Halloween zombie outfit. They’re seemingly trying to find Kaede. They find this massive cocoon that is apparently her.  
The rest of the dream is a blur, but I recall that Flynn and co ended up in an underwater city at some point where in typical dream fashion they can just breath underwater.
Sorry for the word vomit. But this is exactly what happened and I am very confused.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 251

Anonymous #0A7A
Several or so days ago, I had a dream that went from place to place. The part I remember the most is of a crew of 3 men in a sleeper ship going on a deeps space journey on the way back from some studying a nearby star and its planet. All of the crew members have since gone into cryogenic stasis for the long journey back to Earth. In the background, a variation of the intro song to Transformers: Rescue Bots plays. A difference in this variation includes the replacement of “three bots in stasis” with “3 men in stasis”. A short outside view of the ship is shown before the dream ends up somewhere else, after which I woke up.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 250

Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
For whatever reason a dream about some kind of interplanetary conference (no aliens) on a space station turned into me getting a chair delivered to my house with zero buffer between the events.

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 249

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 248

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 247

General Discussion » Dream Thread » Post 246

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