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General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2295

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2294

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2293

Anonymous #4756
I would very much like to see the Left and Right come together on this, especially among Whites.
The (((Left))) will cooperate with us against (((the Powers that Be))), you say?

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2292

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2291

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2290

Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

How retarded it is that you get called a bootlicker when you try to argue that the government should not enslave you with regulations and social programs

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2289


….You are aware that the big companies and alphabet agencies (especially the FBI) take the lead from the ADL when it comes to ‘muh racisms’, yes? And that before that, they took it from the ACLU, yes?
…And that both of these agencies are very much Jew owned and operated?
Look, I’m glad that there’s growing push-back against Jewish power; but it’s nowhere near enough. I would very much like to see the Left and Right come together on this, especially among Whites.
As for the article, that is a signal to other Jews that people aren’t doing enough right now to suck the kosher cock, and they need to up the ‘oy vey, such antisemitism!’ angle. It’s a signal to mayors and police chiefs that, yes, it’s OK to start beating BLM protestors when they start attacking Jewish areas and businesses and such. And, well - we’re starting to see that.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2288

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2287

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #5849  
I will have to investigate all the newspaper articles sometime but I am not very convinced by what I see. The most recent and only census in Russia at the time had put the Jewish population at a little over five million”: Not hard to imagine both the passage of time (there must be a little more of us) and standard exaggeration that all various groups do to round this number to six million. I would have to get the context, but it is entirely possible that six million being a figure thrown out for eastern europe in general. The numbers for the nations going to that delectation in Poland may also be accurate or near accurate for the time. As for the others I would have to get context of the articles. As @Barhandar stated, the word Holocaust was in use before and it would be no different they saying “48 was massacred” along with other references to tragedy in here and some Jews don’t even like the use of the term for tragedy due the older meaning of the word Maybe there is something here when I look in greater detail. I still haven’t even gotten in to Jewish mysticism or the six million figure claims, but as with all of these anti-semantic claims I have encountered thus far there is a lot of error to the point I can’t take the full narrative very seriously.
@Psy Key  
Ah. I see I did not clarify between orthodox Israeli jews and just ethnic jews. I apologize.
Not sure if that distinction means much considering there are religious Jews who aren’t the most found of Israel and secular Jews who are completely zionist. In fact, a lot of early zionism was driven by atheist focusing more on a ethic Jewish identity
Oh yeah, and those declassified documents that, near the bottom, talk about how jews are placed into positions and are given preferential treatment to avoid things like WW2 service, and that the western nations will serve the jews, and they should deny anything and everything if ever questioned by a gentile. Page 119 is a fantastic read.
From my understanding, that document, at least parts of it anyway, are forgeries. In particular, the date and location for the 47th Conference of American Rabbis was wrong  
CAPE MAY, N. J. (Spl.)—The
historic 47th convention of the Cen­
tral Conference of American Rab­
closed here with the reform
rabbis of the United States
pledged to a program of leader­
ship and accomplishment which!
will enable them to assume their
rightful place at the helm of Jew­
ish affairs.
The Central Conference of American Rabbis, at the 47th Annual Conference, held in New York on June 26th, 1937, declared for the Exemption of Jews from military service in accordance with the highest interpration of Judaism
I will offer y’all a olive branch in that I understand that we have been gaslite by a whole host of forces and that the shared context being forced upon us certainly has some holes. Remember the Satanic Panic? That was just a bunch of crazed fundies with a bit of a revival by Pizzagaters (and mutation under Qanon), right? Well, it’s awfully creepy that within these FBI documents on the finders cult (already murky though more complex) there is two random pages that appear to confirm the validity of the McMartin Trials! Go look at pages 48 and 49. Does these mean that the ramblings of those Conservative groups from the time are 100% accurate and infallible or that the world they want we should follow? No, it doesn’t, but it does mean we should give somethings a second look. Same goes with you, or Maulkin’s, or anybody else. There is things like the USS Liberty incident and incidents that defy the popular portrayal within our media and culture of ALL GERMANS/NAZIS WERE 100% UNFORGIVABLY EVIL! Yet it is a big ask and even if I could be persuaded if some part of it is true you can’t use that to make me eat BS or have to destroy my country for a white nationalist project even if I can understand how someone would believe that.
Naming the Jews? How about looking at the ADL struggling to name the supposed left they control

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2286

Anonymous #4756
It is Christopher Langan’s take on the Big Ideas that are driving certain current cultural mania generally and his guess at the specific Big Plan behind them, but in this excerpt he is not talking about the Rootless Cosmopolitans in particular. He is calling out Bill Gates, not George Soros. If you look up his name, you see that the MINITRU branch called Wikipedia has declared him Officially Naughty. He is guilty of posting a great deal of thoughtcrime online, though he has not so far as I know made more than a few veiled references to the Rootless Cosmopolitans of whom you speak.
And, tangential to that point, I have said this in other forums, but civilization has more than one enemy. The Rootless Cosmopolitans are our enemy. Islam is also our enemy. China is also our enemy. In my opinion they are orthogonal to one another and it’s not as simple as “those darn sneaky Semites are behind it all, pulling all the strings.” Alliances shift. China persecutes Uighurs at home but sells advanced weapons to Iran and Syria, with full knowledge that they are to be smuggled to Hamas and Hezbollah. Our enemies don’t like one another very much. Speaking as an amateur historian, that tends to present opportunities, if we are wise enough to make use of them.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2285


…No? Is that meant to be a parody of what I’ve said?
What I said is not hard to conceptualize or believe; you need only look at Jewish history to understand their nature, and the forces which shaped them.
Consider a people with no homeland, essentially nomads with no place to call their own.
So, they move to another land, and try to settle there.
Do they breed and intermingle with the natives there? Well, then, they cease to be ‘them’ - that tribe has ended, swallowed up by the natives as a distant genetic memory. That group effectively died out, like a pinch of salt in a bucket of water.
Okay, so another group of this tribe moves elsewhere, and does not mingle - it keeps to itself, keeping strong racial ties, making its own little community among strangers. Do they survive? Well, maybe; but that breeds suspicion among the ‘Them’ outside, and the ‘Them’ outside see the new, strange looking people as increasingly strange and threatening, heightening insularity. Odds are, they get wiped out or otherwise ousted, ran out of the area. Certainly they will not thrive.
So, third group (or perhaps just this second group fleeing); this one still highly favors its own and has a keen interest in keeping its bloodline going - it doesn’t want to mix with the other outsiders - but it is also quite aware that outsider’s self-interest competes with its own, and that a strongly unified ‘Them’ will fuck them over. So, besides being insular and keeping to their own, they seek to break down the other group - to pit them against each other, erode their unity, whatever it takes so they aren’t singled out as a foreign ‘Them’. Well, that’s suddenly a lot more successful. The group operates in favor of its own, while working to convince the ‘Them’ around them that they’re really no different, they’re all the same, they’re no threat, or by pitting the other sub-groups against one another…
This group is successful at surviving; indeed, it works quite well. But what if it begins to take advantage of the ‘Them’ around them? It can leverage more power by being, shall we say, less than honest and honorable. It can shave the edges off of coins, for instance; or it can poison ‘Them’s wells to get more money for their doctors, etc. And so, in time, the advantage conferred by being dishonest becomes genetically favorable, and the ones that are the most successfully dishonest are more likely to pass on their genes, and raise children predisposed to such dishonesty - while, at the same time, still pre-disposed to strong in-group preference.
What we are seeing today is this group’s proclivities made manifest and run rampant. It is why, I believe, the only peaceful solution is separation - an uprooting, to use dear old Uncle’s words. Among themselves, the slimy shysters and the dishonest scammers will have no advantage, and indeed will be at a disadvantage - they can only scam their own in-group, and that’s more liable to be caught and discouraged. Their genetic proclivities can be repaired, so they no longer seek to behave parasitically as a cultural strategy.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2284

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2283


Brothers and sisters, I tell you that the gates of Heaven are closed to you unless you keep voting for the same Republicrooks over and over and over who have stabbed you in the back and done nothing but cave to the demands of the Demonshits.
On this feast day of Saint Glenn Beck (sorry, there’s no feast since Beck ate all the food) let us remember that the Bible spells “God” wrong. The D should have been flipped upside down. The TRUE creator of the universe is the GOP, and only Republicans will be saved.
But it is not enough to register Republicrook and vote Republicrook. You must also tithe half your money to self-made millionaire Tim Pool and spend the other half on guns. But don’t you think for a second that you’re to use those guns watering the tree of liberty, that is heresy! Nay! Ye must fire off thousands of dollars of ammunition every week and pose for selfies on Instagram wearing camo and posing with five guns to show off how much of a badass ’Murican you are.
And don’t you dare feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless. That’s socialism! Poor people are poor because they are lazy and refuse to lift themselves up by their bootstraps and become self-made youtube millionaires begging for donations!
Let us bray.
GOP good.
DNC baaaaad.
GOP good.
DNC baaaaad.
They’re both bad. They’re both the “kosher sandwich”. They are, if you will, the sword and shield of the satanic cabal of tiny-hatted vice-merchants.
The Left is their primary ‘attack’ arm, where they fight to destabilize the US and make it more hospitable to their parasitic nature. This means destroying all sense of nationalism, family ties, decency and morals, culture and cultural values. It is from this side that they seek to fundamentally change the demographics of the US, too. By means of an endless flood of refugees from all over the world, they to turn the US into a multi-cultural hell-hole; mixing our bloodlines until we are a docile, low-IQ, light brown mystery-meat concoction that will happily slave away for Funko-Pop figurines, stuffing our faces with Soylo and ground up cockroach paste, living in pods and masturbating to the newest Marvel movie ad, never questioning Jewish power, never a threat to them.
The mainstream Right - the Conservatives, the Republicans, whatever you want to call it, is the Shield. They protect against the only real threat to Jewish power - the true Nationalists, the people who see beyond the Kosher Sandwich, the ones who understand the nature of Jewish power and the genocidal plan they* have for all races (when all other races have been mixed, there will be only undifferentiated goy, after all). Meanwhile, they are the primary defense of Israel; it is from Republicans you see the most willingness for war, and from their ranks you get the most soldiers willing and able to fight and die for the Middle Eastern wars on Israel’s behalf.
Sure, the Democrats sometimes act more as a Shield and the Republicans sometimes act more as Sword. With Libs, they stifle any real effective criticism of Israel domestically, and you can see this in how their rightful criticism of Israel in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict never really does anything useful - the same way the Republicans stifle anyone legitimately Pro-White and similar. Likewise, the Republicans are the most useful goys for pushing surveillance and restriction on our liberties. But, overall, that’s their purpose.
And never forget; they’re both controlled. The ones who really hold the power want us siding with one or the other, like football fans, and to blame the other side for all ills. The more Whites fight other Whites over details while ignoring the real problems we’re facing, the better it is for them.
*#NotAll, but many and certainly the ones in power, and the ones who don’t will still happily go along with and support the ones who do.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2282

Anonymous #4756
The Republicans co-opt and smother every attempt by their base to go off the reservation. Look at the Tea Party a decade ago. They were not willing to sit back and let Dubya sign another amnesty bill for illegal foreign colonists. They didn’t want any more trillion-dollar blank checks handed over to General Motors and AIG. What ever happened to them?
The GOP spent four years fighting Trump one hell of a lot harder than they ever fought the Kenyan or the Clintons. Doesn’t that activate your almonds?

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2281

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2280

Anonymous #4756
As such, you look at these people, and what do you find? Do they conserve anything? Are they actually effective at protecting what they say they will protect? Did they stand up to gay marriage, or the death-by-thousand-cuts gun control? Are they fighting the mental illness that is the trans movement? No, they buckle and cave almost immediately, and in 10-20 years they’ll be saying “bUt DeMoCrAtS aRe ThE rEaL tRaNsPhObEs!”, they’ll be ineffectively complaining about rubber-band bans, and they’ll whine about how mandatory anal sex for children is a bit too extreme.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2279

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Brothers and sisters, I tell you that the gates of Heaven are closed to you unless you keep voting for the same Republicrooks over and over and over who have stabbed you in the back and done nothing but cave to the demands of the Demonshits.
On this feast day of Saint Glenn Beck (sorry, there’s no feast since Beck ate all the food) let us remember that the Bible spells “God” wrong. The D should have been flipped upside down. The TRUE creator of the universe is the GOP, and only Republicans will be saved.
But it is not enough to register Republicrook and vote Republicrook. You must also tithe half your money to self-made millionaire Tim Pool and spend the other half on guns. But don’t you think for a second that you’re to use those guns watering the tree of liberty, that is heresy! Nay! Ye must fire off thousands of dollars of ammunition every week and pose for selfies on Instagram wearing camo and posing with five guns to show off how much of a badass ‘Murican you are.
And don’t you dare feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless. That’s socialism! Poor people are poor because they are lazy and refuse to lift themselves up by their bootstraps and become self-made youtube millionaires begging for donations!
Let us bray.
GOP good.  
DNC baaaaad.
GOP good.  
DNC baaaaad.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2278


Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley and all his ideological descendants like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine, and Sean Hannity, Ayn Rand, all the Internet grifters who beg for handouts and call themselves “self-made capitalists” and then go and condemn literal homeless people who beg for handouts.
And loads and loads others. It was a death by a thousand cuts. The right laughed at the seemingly ridiculous things the left had been doing for years, not realizing that what the left was really doing was organizing in the halls of academia and multinational corporations and grooming future generations. It was all fun and games and laughing at the left and not offering up any viable alternative other than until it was too late and the left had already won.
…You have not named them, so I will;
Jews. All of the people you named there are jews (kissinger, Goldwater, Levine, Rand) or jewish puppets (nixon, Reagan, Limbaugh, Hannity). Buckley, I suspect, is Jewish as well, given his mother’s surname is “Steiner” - but I’m not sure.
As such, you look at these people, and what do you find? Do they conserve anything? Are they actually effective at protecting what they say they will protect? Did they stand up to gay marriage, or the death-by-thousand-cuts gun control? Are they fighting the mental illness that is the trans movement? No, they buckle and cave almost immediately, and in 10-20 years they’ll be saying “bUt DeMoCrAtS aRe ThE rEaL tRaNsPhObEs!”, they’ll be ineffectively complaining about rubber-band bans, and they’ll whine about how mandatory anal sex for children is a bit too extreme.
Meanwhile, the Left, and the destruction of culture, is VERY effective at getting what it wants even though what it wants is often contradictory and self-defeating.
The reason for this is simple; the Left is the drive and engine for Jewish power, as Jews typically thrive best in an environment where they have, well, cattle people - people who won’t question their power, who have no roots or strong ties, who are easily led along by NEW PRODUCT, etc. The Right, meanwhile, is where they managed to sequester all talk of traditional family values, white culture, really all possible threats to their power… And then they neutered them by making them puppets, ensuring that only their own people get into positions of power.
It is why the only thing ‘Conservatives’ are really effective at is policing their own side for people who are sincere, who are nationalist, who might threaten jewish power; they are VERY quick and active at decrying any ‘Nazis’ among them and ousting them. Oh, and standing up for big-business when they crush the average person - but, frankly, both sides do that anyway.
The Left is the Jewish engine of war; it is how they subvert and ultimately destroy civilization. The ‘Right’ - the mainstream, soft, kosher-friendly ‘Right’ - is only a sort of safety net to prevent any goys from straying too far off the plantation.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2277

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, William F. Buckley and all his ideological descendants like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levine, and Sean Hannity, Ayn Rand, all the Internet grifters who beg for handouts and call themselves “self-made capitalists” and then go and condemn literal homeless people who beg for handouts.
And loads and loads others. It was a death by a thousand cuts. The right laughed at the seemingly ridiculous things the left had been doing for years, not realizing that what the left was really doing was organizing in the halls of academia and multinational corporations and grooming future generations. It was all fun and games and laughing at the left and not offering up any viable alternative other than until it was too late and the left had already won.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2276


I hope Based Biden really does seize all the guns, this way I can see all the Mammon-worshiping rightoids surrender them like the cowards they are, just like happened in Australia. For 50 years the right has offered NOTHING. They’ve offered no viable alternative to Marxism other than greed and selfishness. They bray “The founding fathers, the founding fathers!” and then whenever someone does try to do exactly what the founding fathers did and start a rebellion then all the rightoids cower “We condemn thee! We condemn violence even though we preach it every time we open our mouths by worshiping violent radicals! We talk out of both sides of our asses at the same time because the right is just a permanent grift.”
For 50 years the right has been nothing but controlled opposition designed to distract tens of millions of people while the country is moved further and further into whatever bullshit tumblrite shithole the US has devolved into. It’s certainly not left. It’s not European left. The US hasn’t become, and never will be, a European style social democratic welfare state. The powers that be HATE true welfare, handing out only crumbs to keep certain groups servile into perpetuity. They HATE everything good in Europe like reasonable and humane working conditions that favor workers over corporations, living wages, healthcare that doesn’t bankrupt people, livable cities designed around humans instead of cars, and viable public transportation. The US “left” HATES all that. All the US has taken from Europe are the desire to import infinity billion third worlders and kowtow to Islam and China. Secular Europe is better and more Christian than the US - the country founded by radical Christians who couldn’t stand being in Europe because it was too secular so they moved to a whole fucking new continent and started a new country.
If the right had stuck firm to Christianity instead of “I fucking love guns! I fucking love cars! I fucking love mowing my lawn and conspicuous consumption! Wave the Confederate flag! Back the blue even when they knock our teeth out and defend the bomb throwing radicals!” then we could have avoided this.
The right was thinking only of the individual while the left was thinking of groups of people. A group of people is always stronger than an individual. Groups can surround individuals, however well armed, however many pantries full of beans and dehydrated flour they have, however isolated their compounds in the woods. You only have two hands, you can’t fire 17 guns at the same time. They can barricade you inside and burn your compound to the ground like they did at Waco. You’re not fucking Rambo, you can’t take on the entire defense intelligence apparatus yourself. As soon as the right abandoned the Church and the community and adopted consumerism and “the invisible hand of the free market” it lost the culture war because people NEED to live in groups. People NEED group acceptance. Extreme individualism is a poison of the soul. So young people, who especially need group acceptance, turned to the only ones who were offering it to them: the left. And that’s how the left won the culture war and now has the power to create reality when they “curate” news and print fake ballots that even the “good conservative” justices on the Supreme Court ignore. The right drove young people away, not realizing that they cannot live forever, and caused their own defeat and the downfall of America.
And who is behind the Right being ineffective and the Left getting more and more insane? Will you name them?

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2275

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Knight of Boops
Here I was thinking that maybe without Derpi-mod overreach, the political discussion thread would no longer be filled with cancerous morons arguing for their own abolition and disintegration of their own society. More the fool, I.
I’m unsubscribing from the Big Bad Politics! Doomer Echo-Chamber, at least FOX and CNN are good for a fucking laugh. You fuckers can’t even get that part right.
I’m using this site to look at and post ponies. That’s all I care about anymore.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2274

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Rightoid: Oh noes! Big tech censored me for criticizing lifestyles different from mine! Muh free speech!
Also Rightoid: REEEEE! You literally don’t have the right to free speech if you criticize my lifestyle!

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2273

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I hope Based Biden really does seize all the guns, this way I can see all the Mammon-worshiping rightoids surrender them like the cowards they are, just like happened in Australia. For 50 years the right has offered NOTHING. They’ve offered no viable alternative to Marxism other than greed and selfishness. They bray “The founding fathers, the founding fathers!” and then whenever someone does try to do exactly what the founding fathers did and start a rebellion then all the rightoids cower “We condemn thee! We condemn violence even though we preach it every time we open our mouths by worshiping violent radicals! We talk out of both sides of our asses at the same time because the right is just a permanent grift.”
For 50 years the right has been nothing but controlled opposition designed to distract tens of millions of people while the country is moved further and further into whatever bullshit tumblrite shithole the US has devolved into. It’s certainly not left. It’s not European left. The US hasn’t become, and never will be, a European style social democratic welfare state. The powers that be HATE true welfare, handing out only crumbs to keep certain groups servile into perpetuity. They HATE everything good in Europe like reasonable and humane working conditions that favor workers over corporations, living wages, healthcare that doesn’t bankrupt people, livable cities designed around humans instead of cars, and viable public transportation. The US “left” HATES all that. All the US has taken from Europe are the desire to import infinity billion third worlders and kowtow to Islam and China. Secular Europe is better and more Christian than the US - the country founded by radical Christians who couldn’t stand being in Europe because it was too secular so they moved to a whole fucking new continent and started a new country.
If the right had stuck firm to Christianity instead of “I fucking love guns! I fucking love cars! I fucking love mowing my lawn and conspicuous consumption! Wave the Confederate flag! Back the blue even when they knock our teeth out and defend the bomb throwing radicals!” then we could have avoided this.
The right was thinking only of the individual while the left was thinking of groups of people. A group of people is always stronger than an individual. Groups can surround individuals, however well armed, however many pantries full of beans and dehydrated flour they have, however isolated their compounds in the woods. You only have two hands, you can’t fire 17 guns at the same time. They can barricade you inside and burn your compound to the ground like they did at Waco. You’re not fucking Rambo, you can’t take on the entire defense intelligence apparatus yourself. As soon as the right abandoned the Church and the community and adopted consumerism and “the invisible hand of the free market” it lost the culture war because people NEED to live in groups. People NEED group acceptance. Extreme individualism is a poison of the soul. So young people, who especially need group acceptance, turned to the only ones who were offering it to them: the left. And that’s how the left won the culture war and now has the power to create reality when they “curate” news and print fake ballots that even the “good conservative” justices on the Supreme Court ignore. The right drove young people away, not realizing that they cannot live forever, and caused their own defeat and the downfall of America.

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2272

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #4756  
I would prefer the US to be a neutral country but even if we were I consider a sudden full scale withdraw unwise due to the massive power vacuum that would leave and the chaos that could bring to us. Honestly, I think reorienting ourselves to a more defensive posture would be the best approach and maintain, but not necessarily expand, NATO and such but no nation building ventures.
@Anonymous #4756  
I would consider my example more indicative of a purity spiral then anarcho-tyranny, which is something that happens to the average populous in Portland over a revolutionary who gets caught in the fire they helped start. At least on how my understanding it was defined by the man who coined the term  
This condition, which in some of my columns I have called “anarcho-tyranny,” is essentially a kind of Hegelian synthesis of what appear to be dialectical opposites: the combination of oppressive government power against the innocent and the law-abiding and, simultaneously, a grotesque paralysis of the ability or the will to use that power to carry out basic public duties such as protection or public safety. And, it is characteristic of anarcho-tyranny that it not only fails to punish criminals and enforce legitimate order but also criminalizes the innocent. At the same time the governor of North Carolina grotesquely fails to uphold his famous oath to protect the citizens of his state by keeping convicted felons in prison, he has no problem finding the time to organize a massive waste of his time and the taxpayers’ money to hound and humiliate a perfectly innocent citizen for the infraction of a trivial traffic law.
Have you have both happen to you?

General Discussion » Big Bad Politics! » Post 2271

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Knight of Boops
It goes deeper then that too:
If you say that America should maintain an alliance with Israel, since it’s the only power in the region that isn’t funding terrorist action to destroy it, you get called a Zionist.  
If you point out that Israel needs to give a lot more in the name of maintaining that alliance (because they currently do a lot of taking and not giving enough back), you get called a Nazi Anti-Semite.
And God help you if you DAAAAAARE point out that the Middle East is full of petty warlords and feuds that go back before the existence of most nations in the region, and that picking sides with any of them is just choosing your own preferred flavour of poison. It astonishes me how people will actually try to advocate how genocide is okay when this clan of sand-hut dwellers does it, but when this other one does the same thing it’s unforgivable and only justifies the actions of the first group.

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