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The Anti-Echo Chamber Thread

Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist - shidtist
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A shidder who has reached 1000 combined forum shids or comments.
Liberty Belle - Shids the song of the unshidded

Half Dragon, Half Meme
This thread should serve as a place to post opinions and the like that go against popular belief of either the fandom or the site. It doesn’t have to be things you believe in yourself. I greatly encourage users to check back here often to open up to new ideas.
Echo Chambers allow dangerous ideas to fester, spread, and become worst. Let’s stop it before it happeneds!
A good rule of thumb for making/reading posts in this thread is empathy. Try to see the other person’s view. Entertain an idea without accepting it. See the world though their eyes. Be realistic and think what could make someone believe in that. Even if it’s something you hate without end, try.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

You’re years late with that.
Since social media and far left activists encourage it. While they marked us as alt-right/nazis trying to deradicalised their dangerous ideas. They must really love looted, burned, murderer that been going lately.
Our best bet is to make them lose controlled on their monopolies. Toward platforms/sites that favor dangerous ideas to be challenges, mock, and deradicalised.

Aspiring Kyle
I mean, I don’t know what will be said that hasn’t already been heard. The issue isn’t echo chambers in the sense you don’t ever have your opinion challenged, or don’t hear ideas that go against your opinion. The issue is that enough people support your opinion you can write off everyone else. That is especially important when your faction is pulling crap that alienates even their own side.
Most people base their opinions solely upon the opinions of those around them. See: the Overton Window. It’s why so many people identify as “centrist” or “moderate” despite the fact such statements are literally meaningless wall-sitting. It’s why people continue to support public figures that say one thing and do another.
The majority of people are unwilling or unable to look beyond what they are told by “authority,” even if the authority is clearly lying. The media, the schools, blue checkmarks, politicians, “experts” like Fauci, so on. The appeal to authority is very powerful and that is used heavily. That’s why deplatforming is so important. Deplatforming strips authority. If you can fire any professor that says a man can’t become a woman, then every professor now agrees a man can become a woman, and that becomes unassailable scientific consensus.
Add into that all the infiltrating, false flags, shilling, legitimate morons, censorship, and everything else the internet has allowed bad actors to trick the normies with, and you have a situation where no one will ever accept the truth, even if you undeniably prove it to them with hard facts.
Besides, I don’t think I am allowed to talk about the bagels.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Don’t we already have an unpopular opinion thread? How is this one different?
I always thought it was “If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day. But if you teach a man to fish he will buy an ugly hat. And if you talk about fish to a starving man then you are a consultant.”  
The tiny hat bagels?
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I feel that the other unpopular (non-pony) thread is a more random opinion like enjoying pineapple on pizza or liking the Kardashians.
This thread is more of an opposition to today’s general opinions and stance, which do fester and grow in echo-chambers.
I don’t think the police should be defunded.  
I feel that riots and looting should be stopped with whatever force is necessary.  
ACAB is a dangerous and hateful slogan.  
Communists have done terrible things equal or surpassing those of the Nazis.  
This fandom never really had a Nazi problem.  
That’s the way I interpret this thread as opposed to the others, at least.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Adan Druego  
Yeah, all those I agree with completely.
To add to the list:
“Anti-racism” is a code word for white genocide
BLM is a racist, Marxist terrorist group and all its members should be arrested as a criminal conspiracy under RICO
The birth control pill is the reason society is collapsing because the human brain cannot adapt to a world where sex is not tied to reproduction
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist - shidtist
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A shidder who has reached 1000 combined forum shids or comments.
Liberty Belle - Shids the song of the unshidded

Half Dragon, Half Meme
While most police are good people, some areas have more bad cops than others and that’s why so many think the problem is bigger then it is.  
The US education system is terrible on nearly all levels. When kids are happy about a global pandemic because they don’t need to go school, there’s a major issue.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Adan Druego  
I do agree on all those points. Especially on the Nazi problem. Because they make like it outweigh all the content that the fandom offer, when it not the case. They COULD be nazis on the platform, but they are small percentage and represent little to the fanbase.
I think what break the echo chamber is my moral believes on the normalization of transgenderism
Instead of sending these people to seek help. We tolerate their own self abuse and I find that to be masochistic and satanism. Not only that, they try to erase the definition of woman and allow “men” to go in woman places.
And I also don’t tolerate the Pride flags at all. But that the reason I never use my moral believes unless it something that can lead to real life abuse. I have no moral ground to stand on after sacrificing it for freedom of expression and speech for all. Doing so will just make me looked like a degenerate hypocrite, like those people who are anti-ayranne content.
You can’t have morality on content while at the same time doing unmoral content. That kids lie about their age all the time and consumed your NSFW products.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Propaganda is the only reason anyone thinks there’s a bigger problem than it is.
I’ve NEVER liked the police, and I hate the fact that I constantly have to defend them because of assholes rioters, just like I hate the Republicans but I constantly have to defend them because I really, really fucking hate Democrats.
If the lamestream media and the Democrat party didn’t LIE, and I’m talking bullface lies like when Biden repeats the “very fine people” hoax, which is the most debunked hoax in the history of hoaxes, he is literally basing his campaign on a malicious, racist lie that disqualifies him for any political office. They lie all the time about “systemic racism” that doesn’t exist (unless you’re white or Asian and you are not allowed into certain colleges because they have illegal racial quotas). They lie about drug addicts who die from overdoses and blame it on cops. They lie police violence, when more black people accidentally drown in swimming pools each year than are killed by cops, and they totally ignore black-on-black violence which has turned cities like Chicago and Baltimore into Damascus, with murder every single night of the year.
And don’t get me started on the fucking education system. I went to school to become a teacher, I’ve seen just how irredeemably evil and corrupt and pedophilic it is. I never finished my masters degree and I’ve been working shit jobs and have been mostly unemployed the past decade and I’m in constant pain from a major injury because the only jobs available to me are grunt work my body cannot do, all because I couldn’t live with myself if I became a part of that system. An upperclassman who went to the same school even released videos of loads of members of the teachers unions in their own words saying how much they hate kids, how much they hate parents, how much corrupt and evil they are, and he’s constantly been crucified because in America you dare not question the teachers unions, or the Democrat party. Think of the fucking children!
There are more teachers in New York on permanent paid leave, because of gross incompetence or ethics violations who can none-the-less not be terminated due to tenure, than are actually being paid to teach! There are 30,000 cases of child sexual abuse happening every year in American schools and we never hear a word, but we hear all about the dozen or so times a priest molests someone, because in America you dare not question the teachers unions, but the Church must be destroyed in order to bring about worship of the state.
In 2014 (the last year I got records) 1/5 of all high school graduates were totally illiterate! And lazy fucking Karens want to throw more money at the education system, which is already the most expensive in the world. Vietnam, who we bombed the shit out of for decades, dumped toxic waste that is still causing cancer and birth defects, and was at war for the better part of 70 years, has a better education system than the US. And God bless them, they’re the toughest SOBs on the planet and I love them, but this is a disgrace for the world’s only hyperpower to be behind a country that has only recently emerged out of the stone age.
They want to pump an infinite amount of money into the black hole of the education system in America because spending money is easier than actually fixing the problem, because that would require real work. That would require intact homes and the ability to hold teachers accountable. That would require parents actually taking an interest in their kids’ lives rather than leaving the state to babysit them. That would require firing at least 60% of teachers and administrators. That would require starting school later. Up until the 70s in the US, and still to this day in most developed nations, high school starts at 9 AM or later because teenagers’ have different metabolism than little kids and adults and cannot function properly at 6AM, but lazy fucking Karen parents who value their bullshit feminist empowerment and love being oppressed by corporations (run by men) so that they aren’t oppressed by an evil man at home, rather than they love their children demand to have them bused at an impossibly early time in total defiance of science.
In Switzerland, which has the best education system in the entire world, kids start school several years later than they do in America, where Karens want universal preschool, and yet in Switzerland kids overtake their American peers in only a year or so. But this is MURICA! FUCK YEAH! where we have to do everything different even if it’s wrong.
Stop teaching kids about 57 fucking genders, stop teaching kids about bullshit systemic racism, stop teaching kids how to give blowjobs and do other BDSM shit, stop, for the love of God, stop putting little boys on crystal meth because they don’t want to listen to bullshit teachers drone on and on about nothing trying to teach them like girls. Boys are not defective girls, they are perfect just the way they are, they just learn differently. Let boys rough house on the playground. Bring back the gifted students programs that were taken away because they were too white and too Asian.
I could go on. I could go on for hours, and I will in my election book I hope to have finished before the end of September, with pages and pages of footnotes and references.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Yes and no. Not so much with prisons, per se. Women tend toward the means while men tend toward the extremes of any given trait. Women tend to be mostly average. So while there are more geniuses who are men (a lot more), there are also a lot more men with mental retardation. There are a lot more men who are saints, and there are a lot more men who are violent criminals (and it’s only getting worse because of no fault divorce, since boys raised in single-mother households have a 70% chance of ending up in prison when they grow up).
There is definitely systemic sexism against men in the courts. About 50% of all domestic violence is perpetrated by women (and the majority of violence - physical, mental, and sexual - against children is perpetrated by the mother), but even if a woman has been beating a man and the man does not fight back she can still call the police to have the man arrested no questions asked, and nearly all custody battles end in women getting the children.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist - shidtist
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A shidder who has reached 1000 combined forum shids or comments.
Liberty Belle - Shids the song of the unshidded

Half Dragon, Half Meme
What you say is indeed true. But Women also tend to get lighter sentences for the same crimes. Link.  
While this was 8 years ago, I find it hard to believe much has changed.

Aspiring Kyle
The thought is often that women are more emotional, men are more pragmatic. I think often it is rather that women are more optimistic and men are more pessimistic.
I will attempt a case study.
Women don’t like Trump as much as men. Trump says too many mean things for women. We can interpret that as women being more easily offended by mean words, but I will not. My experience has been that women are more likely to believe mean things said (especially by men) are false or exaggerations. Optimism, about people. Men are more likely to be agreeable to insults, even if they like the person being insulted.
I could be wrong. Maybe there’s more going on here. I am thinking out loud.
I am curious if it is possible to identify the sex/gender (depending on PC level) of someone speaking their mind on issues by textual analysis to a useful degree.
Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
I am curious if it is possible to identify the sex/gender (depending on PC level) of someone speaking their mind on issues by textual analysis to a useful degree.
They might not even need to be speaking their mind. There are sex/gender differences in way language is used, but I’m not sure how much of that is reflected in writing.

Aspiring Kyle
@Fleur de Lis  
I guess I mean controlling for that, too. What I’m curious of is if there’s some general conceptual difference that can be measured. That sort of idea gets thrown around a lot, and it is worth investigating.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

fullSome people in Florida are actually protesting the genetic modification of mosquitoes to control their population.full  
The main argument against the genetic experiments is what if the altered mosquito is eaten by a frog,or a bird or something.  
From what I’ve read,the male mosquitoes are altered with a protein that causes any potential offspring to not survive.  
Any thoughts?
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