The Anti-Echo Chamber Thread

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Dex Stewart  
I am an advocate of using gene drives to exterminate all mosquitoes, or at least the ones that bite humans (specifically the Anopheles and Aedes genera).
I think what break the echo chamber is my moral believes on the normalization of transgenderism
I’m in full agreement here, although it’s not something I’m really comfortable talking about. I thank God this didn’t exist when I was a kid.

Aspiring Kyle
Yes. I agree. I think they are being abused for political reasons. I may think differently if we had the technology to actually change someone’s sex, but we don’t. We only have the technology to mutilate them and then stitch it back together in some Frankenstein approximation of proper sex. It is horrific. It’s even more horrific it is advocated and done to CHILDREN! No human experimentation in history was as cruel and bizarre as modern “gender reassignment” surgery.
@Dex Stewart  
I don’t like them genetically modifying the damn mosquitoes!
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Dex Stewart  
Now, mosquito lives matter too…
Some people have way too much time on their hands.
I’m cautious about genetic engineering, due to our collective arrogance. We need to be very careful that our tampering does not come back to haunt us at some later date.
We need to remember that only hindsight is 20/20. What many people don’t realize is foresight is practically blind. We can never know what is to come. We can prepare but often a simple and seemingly inconsequential change can cause our best laid plans completely come undone.
So, what may seem like a good idea today, can easily be understood as the actual first step towards our eventual fall tomorrow.
Big example: Hitler and certain other thought that the invasion of the Soviet Union would be relatively quick. Now, many see that decision as the first step towards defeat for Germany.
Small example: Derpibooru thought it’d be a good idea to banned and censor anything they felt was distasteful. Surely the vast majority would rally and join their own “misguided moral crusade” and the bright new era of prosperity would soon begin once the Nazi-scum, or channer-scum, were driven to extinction.
It didn’t go exactly as TSP and certain others have planned.
So, are these mosquitoes going to cause an ecological disaster that we didn’t or even couldn’t foresee, something very unexpected but nevertheless incredible damaging? I mean we done things like that many times before.
There may actually be ways of “seeing the future” but usually, if those methods actually work, then it’s most likely very vague and disjointed and almost always unavoidable. But as long as the future remains a mystery, we can continue pretending that we truly do decide our own destinies.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Adan Druego  
This is war. China is already working on genetically modified humans to be stronger and smarter. If we don’t work to develop the same technology because our society’s pathological compassion toward people with genetic diseases has turned into hatred and shaming of healthy people, within a single generation China can become so powerful that they will already have won the arms race.
Mutually assured destruction. They came up with genetically modified humans first, we need to do it better.

Aspiring Kyle
Big example: Hitler and certain other thought that the invasion of the Soviet Union would be relatively quick. Now, many see that decision as the first step towards defeat for Germany.
The gravest mistake in human history, to be sure.
@Adan Druego  
So, are these mosquitoes going to cause an ecological disaster that we didn’t or even couldn’t foresee, something very unexpected but nevertheless incredible damaging? I mean we done things like that many times before.
There may actually be ways of “seeing the future” but usually, if those methods actually work, then it’s most likely very vague and disjointed and almost always unavoidable. But as long as the future remains a mystery, we can continue pretending that we truly do decide our own destinies.
I see this kind of thinking as a preemptive whataboutism. It was said about every new technology. The internet, computers, nuclear power, cars, industrialized industry, gunpowder, water mills, metal working. Maybe a caveman scrawled an illegible complaint about fire. All of these things caused problems. Some of those problems were temporary and some were permanent. They still were good: you would be dying at the age of 25 in a mud hut without them.
Technology can be good or bad, but the potential for it being bad does not mean it should be avoided. That thinking only holds back civilization and always fails. Someone will adopt it if you do not. Then they will use it against you.
Fire is the best case. Fire will burn you. It can burn your grass hut. It can also cook your food and let you see at night. It can scare off the wolves. If the first man touched the fire and said it was too hot, then left it, we would not exist. Even a technology that is immediately threatening represents a force which can be put to work.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Sorry that I may have not been clear on my stance regarding this issue.
I’m mostly worried about biological tampering, genetic engineering and the creation of viral weaponry. Anything that, if released, could spread like wildfire. Basically, anything that is alive, anything that can develop, reproduce and evolve without our involvement or consent.
Tools are incredibly useful and have allowed the human race to advance, spread and grow. From the first human that picked up a stone to the latest and most advanced technology of today, technology has made our lives much better. Microscopes and magnetic resonance imaging to the jackhammer and welding torch, our understanding and productivity have been greatly increased.
I, personally, believe that some of our old traditions, customs, rules and morals should remain pretty much the same, but our knowledge and ability to shape our environment and better our lives should advance.
For people of the Abrahamic religions, who may object, there’s this: God gave us the gifts of sentience, knowledge and the ability to learn. He also provided us with all these natural resources.
All I’m really trying to say is that as we advance, we need to take care.
Now, about the mosquitoes. No! Don’t release genetically modified animals into the wild. That’s how we may cause an ecological disaster.
It’s just like introducing a foreign creature into an environment. When we’ve done that in the past, we tended to regret that action as time went on.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist - shidtist
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A shidder who has reached 1000 combined forum shids or comments.
Liberty Belle - Shids the song of the unshidded

Half Dragon, Half Meme
This isn’t my personal opinion, but (I think) it goes against the general site opinion:  
There is a racism problem in America.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Honestly, there is a good amount of racism in the US. But there’s actually a great amount of racism everywhere.
You know how whites in the US used to destroy the black sides of towns and rural area settlements? And then there was the whole “they’re taking our jobs and our women!” against foreigners.
Well, that happened in Mexico too. Many Chinese immigrants were massacred and driven out of certain areas.  
Why? Because, they were taking “their jobs and women”.
Japanese people don’t exactly like Koreans or other neighboring peoples.  
Turkish people didn’t exactly treat the Armenian people very well, either.
Human beings just don’t get along sometimes. We have a desire for power over other human beings.
I’ve always thought and said that even if we all looked and acted alike, we’d eventually find something to fight about, even if we have to make something up.

Aspiring Kyle
@Dex Stewart  
That’s the only kind consistently endorsed and enforced by those with power. We are told a black criminal getting shot by the police is “racism” and that a white kid defending himself against other “whites” is “racism”. This is after years of affirmative action, special treatment, nearly universal acceptance and advocacy. Racism in America is just an empty rallying cry for extremists.

Aspiring Kyle
@Adan Druego  
I completely agree. We have or had equality of some form, at some point, because at some point we crossed over. Instead of working to improve that, as many of us wanted and expected, instead most want to take it further and seize power to destroy everything else in the name of revenge. Unfortunately, and I mean that, they will hurt others of their race in the process, because I doubt many will be willing to try equality a second time.
Meanwhile, the white college Marxists screaming about “racism” don’t care who gets hurt, they just hate Orange Man and are angry. The media just wants a fire to film.
I sincerely believe the left in America hopes more black people die, to give them more of an excuse to cause problems.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I’m part Apache and don’t even know what language my people originally spoke. Aside from a few songs my great grandmother memorized,but even she didn’t know their meaning.

Aspiring Kyle
@Dex Stewart  
I am sure no one will believe this, but here it goes. If I have white guilt for anything, it’s what was done to the American Indians. Everyone wants to talk about slavery and blacks, and sure, slavery was bad, but I feel those wrongs have been righted as is relevant. They now could leave if they wanted and go to countries their ancestors were taken from. The American Indians can’t. They lost everything. Most of them are gone, or lost their identity, and it makes me sad. I may be a mean far-righter, but I don’t want anyone to have to suffer a fate like that. No, not even THEM.
At least some of them got casinos in the end.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I’m mostly worried about biological tampering, genetic engineering and the creation of viral weaponry. Anything that, if released, could spread like wildfire. Basically, anything that is alive, anything that can develop, reproduce and evolve without our involvement or consent.
cough Covid. Created through gain of function research and accidentally released. There’s a paper written by Chinese scientists who are almost certainly dead now detailing how the bats that are the reservoir of the virus live 600km from Wuhan and are not sold in the wet market and how the only BSL-4 lab in China, in Wuhan, was doing gain of function research on bat viruses to see if they can make them infectious to humans.
I still think the benefits of exterminating mosquitoes outweighs the risks.
Race relations in America were improving until 2013, then they took a dive off a cliff. The left has been waging a race war to seize power for 7 years.  
@Dex Stewart  
My ancestors are Italian and all I learned growing up are the cuss words, and that’s just 2 generations.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I’ve actually worked at a casino,with quite a few other native Americans,which was kinda weird,they actually look it. My family,even the pure Natives always had pretty light skin. I’ve never had that kind of opportunity to be around so many regularly. I’m also Scottish and I think British,but I prefer just American.
I know Winx Club and Sergio Leone westerns come from Italy. Most of my international knowledge is all from pop culture.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Racism will always exist because it has been an extremely valuable survival mechanism for 99% of human history.
Brain scans have shown that newborns prefer faces of their own race to faces of different races, because that increases the likelihood that the other person is related and will protect them. Racism is a mechanism which helps keep babies alive. It’s only in the past century that most people have been exposed to different races, something that previously was an experience of merchants and people who lived in huge, cosmopolitan cities. Racism was never a major problem until modern technology made mass migration possible and globalist corporatocracy made it profitable. There were always outliers, such as the pogroms in eastern Europe and the American civil war, but even in the early twentieth century most people outside of major cities had never seen a member of a different race.
Racism only really became a problem when modern technology started clashing with millions of years of evolution.
And, by and large, in the West the problem of racism has been solved (or had been solved, until the left began implementing critical theory in university in the 1980s). Racism still is a problem in other countries, non-white countries, which makes leftists uncomfortable because they believe only white people can be racist (a belief which itself is racist). Recent surveys have shown that India is the most racist country in the world, by a lot. You didn’t hear about that because Indians are “brown” people, so, according to leftists, they can’t be racist even if they have hatred of other races and have an entire system of oppression (the cast system) built on race.
Israel has roughly half their parliament made up of Arabs and they get called an apartheid state by the left, and yet the entire socio-economic political system in India is built around racial oppression and no one says anything.
Most countries in Africa are extremely racist, but you can’t say anything about it. Millions of people are dying and tens of millions are oppressed, but you can’t say anything because only white people can be racist, and black lives only matter when white cops kill violent criminals who were resisting arrest.
Remember the Rwandan genocide? 1 million people were murdered in 100 days (a rate of killing much faster than the Holocaust). Purely racial. Racial tensions have led to civil war in central Africa for decades. In the 1970s there was the Biafra genocide in Nigeria. All those pictures of starving African kids, that’s from the Niger delta where the northern Nigerians starved the southern Biafrans to death, hundreds of thousands of them, because of race. The genocide in Darfur is still ongoing.
In Libya and Sudan there are open-air slave markets where human beings can be bought for about $90. In the 18th century during the trans-Atlantic slave trade a slave cost around $40,000. There are more slaves today than there were in 1860 and you don’t hear a fucking word, and it infuriates me.
South Africa is another example you won’t hear anything about. Black Africans are not native to South Africa. You’ve never learned that in school. There is a much lighter-skinned group of people collectively referred to as the Khoisan, they are the native population. Black Africans didn’t arrive in South Africa until a century or so after the white Dutch arrived! And the official white apartheid government that was ousted and the gangster murderer Nelson Mandela was put in charge (Mandela was later given a Nobel Peace Prize, along with other murderers like Yasser Arafat), the white government kept the rapidly growing black population from genociding the Khoisan. You go to South Africa today and Khoisan - the native population - are oppressed by the blacks, who openly declair in parliament that they are not human and don’t deserve to live. White farmers are having their land confiscated and handed over to black political cronies who don’t know anything about farming. When the leader of the dominant black political party was asked if they would start genociding whites he said “not yet”.
The same thing happened in Zimbabwe. Land was taken from white farmers and given to black political cronies of Mugabe who know nothing about farming and it caused a famine that is still ongoing. But you don’t hear about it because only white people can be racist.
In several former British colonies in Africa, countries that had uprisings to kick the evil British “colonialists” out in the 60s and 70s, now there are populist political movements begging the British to re-colonize because native leaders have seriously mismanaged the countries and the Chinese, who are also racist and buying up land in Africa, are coming in, taking all the resources, and using the Africans as slaves. But you don’t hear about that because only whites can be racist.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist - shidtist
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A shidder who has reached 1000 combined forum shids or comments.
Liberty Belle - Shids the song of the unshidded

Half Dragon, Half Meme
Friendly reminder that this thread is for posting things people don’t agree with so we can ground our selfs to reality. Fact based stuff is good and all, but we should be going against our own grain too.
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