Random Nonsense Thread

Anonymous #6A1E
>1720: last major Bubonic plague outbreak  
>1820: Cholera  
>1920: Spanish Influenza  
>2020: Covid-19 SARS-2 Virus  
Perhaps 2120’s big epidemic will be caused by a different virus entirely. Probably caused by a novel virus from Africa, South America, Southeast Asia, or maybe even an ET virus carried by a comet that comes very close to smashing into Earth, but smaller parts of it break off as it moves away from NEO(Near-Earth Orbit) and hit Earth, causing mostly minor immediate damage, but after some time, the virus manifests itself, and escapes from 2 or 3 or the overland quarantine zones set up by countries where said fragments crashed, mainly due to how long it lasts outside the body in addition to careless tenets who forgot to follow all containment protocols. Said virus can cause not only massive mood swings, but also hallucinations and very lucid dreams, said dreams often being of a negative nature.  
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
They would have people wearing white dots act in front of a green screen, do everything on the computer, and cut corners and it would end up looking like shit like everything that’s made with computers.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Looking for pillows on Amazon. There’s an option “New or Used”. Who the fuck buys a used pillow? That’s like used underwear. I don’t want a pillow if it’s been used. That’s just gross, and it’s gross that I actually have to tick a box saying that I want to buy a new pillow.
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