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Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Anonymous #DC7B
@Dex Stewart  
If anyone on any side of this you have always had my respect. Just chill and not being a idiot (in a political way). I am in a similar boat to you left leaning person who isn’t very partisan to my tribe and wants everyone to just chill the fuck out Got turned off by all the idoicy of the mod team on Derpibooru so now I lurk here often.
I guess, before I fade back into being a lurker. I will make the point that I find all the folks who are partisan to one booru or another to self defeating. This goes from those in the /mlp/ thread constantly bashing one booru or the other to somebody like the Glitched Wolf trying to constantly stir up trouble for Derpibooru. I think the smart thing is not to put all your eggs in one basket and use multiple boorus. In fact, the more users who openingly use the various boorus helps everybody because when one screws up everyone can simply flip a switch and move on fully to another.
Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
@Anonymous #DC7B  
I used to be in the same boat. I was overall left-leaning but the actions of both the db mod team and twitter leftists drove me out of that community. Nowadays I’m a bit more right-leaning since I actually understand a lot of points they make, and agree with them
Now, I can’t be fucked to use multiple boorus. I just want pretty pony pictures, and I’ll use whichever booru works best for me. That said, I’m ready to jump ship should pb become unusable (though I’ve obviously become invested enough that I’d try everything I can to keep it from sinking, before I switch)
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Anonymous #DC7B  
That’s the reasonable option, which is why it won’t happen. Any place, booru in this case, with selfish, immature, psychotic people at the helm will try to eliminate user choice (because they believe themselves better than anyone else, and self-appoint as the Enlightened Managers Of Every Minutia when it’s themselves who need management, being fucking babies), hence trying to destroy altboorus, ignoring logic and userbase opinion, et cetera, and destroying themselves in the process.  
Twi and Poner provide fuller set of pretty pony pictures
Honestly, trying to identify as “left” or “right” is nonsense. They’re very generic labels, whose meaning (or rather, the set of beliefs the label is attached to) keeps changing. Anyone who clings to being “leftist” has already went from liberal to full on nazi and alienated people who kept to liberal beliefs as these very messages demonstrate. People who cling to being “rightist” are undergoing the same process, but in the opposite direction.
Anonymous #428A
I think the smart thing is not to put all your eggs in one basket and use multiple boorus.
This, although my motivation slightly differs from yours. I use each alt for the sake of not committing to one, yes, but also to spite Derpi. No uploads, no interaction, no art of mine. Hypocritical, perhaps, but I’ve yet to see a good reason to help improve their traffic.
Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Oh yeah, I agree. I’m just observing that, while I used to have more left wing ouinions, nowadays I have more right wing ones. That said, idc if I have some opinions that count as left wing. I don’t see myself as a rightist. Just someone the happens to lean towards that with my general opinions.
And yeah, while tb and poner have more pics overall, it’s too much of a hassle to actually check two or three boorus.  
Though I might watch a few artist tags on poner, specifically artist tags that are DNP on pb. Though I’m also a spiteful cunt and kinda don’t wanna enjoy their art anymore
Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Yeah, but then there’s no reason for me to use poner or twibooru :P (since the only reason I would use them to begin with would be to see artwork by pb-DNP artists)
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
Artist -

oh no
most leftists I know are only quoting the stuff they like from Marx, but really are hardcore capitalist-statists very fond on corporations. “yes but Microsoft is not evil they offer discounts for students” “well I think protectionism is bad” “yellow vest are toxic people” “globalization is good” “I love apple products and uber eats, transgender people are wonderful but gun owners are mentally ill”
while most of what used to be leftism are now carried by the “far right” integrity of the homeland, jobs, local production, protectionism, a belief in justice, individual rights, free speech, and privacy.
all the axioms of politics now are completely outdated, what right wing person would say George W Bush was based. Or Chirac.
Politics are now about the corporate, global diktat versus the independency of nation-states.
Anonymous #6C76
A guy named Orwell warned us that bad people like to twist the meanings of words in order to create evil mind-magic that mind-controls people. Golly gosh, I wonder why that sounds so familiar.
Psy Key
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Cocky Scamp
So I just found out that Meow has blocked my IP completely from accessing Derpibooru. And, since I know Meow reads these comments and specifically checks for mine:  
  1. I know you blocked my IP, because I wanted to look at a comic page someone posted in another server that had a Derpibooru link and couldn’t. I’m not stupid. I know what Error 1020 is.  
  2. I know it’s specifically my IP because I have a VPN and was able to access the site just fine from there. Was even able to remain logged in.  
  3. I have a VPN. You’re not going to prevent me from ever accessing the site unless you use software or malware to log my specific computer parts digital serial numbers.  
  4. You know I can invoke the CCPA, right? If you don’t want me accessing your site, then I will request you delete all of my personal information. This includes my account(s) and IP address, from your entire site.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Psy Key  
>4. You know I can invoke the CCPA, right? If you don’t want me accessing your site, then I will request you delete all of my personal information. This includes my account(s) and IP address, from your entire site.  
Out of curiosity, why do you invoke this as a threat? (perhaps too strong a word I don’t mean a ill will type of sense) Or counterpoint? Or am I just misunderstanding the intended tone here?
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