Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here


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Episode Discussion » A Thread For Bunny Jerk » Post 18

Episode Discussion » A Thread For Taco Fish » Post 26

Episode Discussion » A Thread For Owl » Post 17

Episode Discussion » A Thread for Big Brother Best Friend Forever (nsfw allowed) » Post 145

Episode Discussion » Thread for the three evil buddies. » Post 19

Episode Discussion » A Thread For Derp Horse » Post 39

Episode Discussion » A Thread For Kind King Bug Horse » Post 13

Episode Discussion » Thread for the Great and Powerful One » Post 32

Episode Discussion » A Thread For Brushie Horse » Post 26

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 346

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

EQG is 6
RR is an 8
FG 7
CE 6
All the shorts were kinda mid, which is a shame because Reformed Shimmer was a really good character and really should of been brought in to the main series.
Instead of the school of friendship bollocks having Twilight trying to teach Star Pupil Shimmy, Unstable Apocalypse maker Glimmy and walking troll face meme Trix would of been a lot better.

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 345

Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Public Relations
Princess of the Moon
Most of it is boring slice-of-life shit, and the ‘Equestrian magic is leaking into the human world!’ gimmick gets old fast. If you just have a general idea of who the noteworthy characters are, then you’re good to go.
Some of the background characters were cute, though.

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 344

Episode Discussion » A Thread For (Cute) Punk Siren » Post 17

Episode Discussion » A Thread For Ego Horse » Post 19

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 343

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 342

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I have been extremely consistent in my hatred of Glimmer these past 4 years. Every opportunity I get to say how much I hate Glimmer I say it. Glimmerbuse is the only abuse tag I watch. When Glimmer was added to the show and then shoved down our throats that was when the show turned to shit. She’s worse than Peggy Hill. At least Peggy gets punished for being a cunt by getting scammed out of her money and falling out of an airplane. Glimmer tries to destroy all of existence and is rewarded for it because Friendship is Retarded.

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 341

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 340

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 339

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 338

Episode Discussion » Thread for the Great and Powerful One » Post 31

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 337

Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Public Relations
Princess of the Moon
most people consider fan content like Past Sins, Fallout Equestria and Background Pony more cannon than Starlight Glimmer
What exactly do you mean by ‘Starlight Glimmer’ being canon? Nobody had any issue with her in ‘The Cutie Map.’
If you think that ‘The Cutie Re-Mark’ made her a villain sue (which I agree with), most bronies loved that episode because of the alternate universes, and it was popular enough to spawn an enormous Fallout Equestria-style fandom-within-a-fandom. If you hate her ‘reformation’ at the end of it, most people considered her fully redeemed by the end of Season 6.
Few people hate Starlight outside of 4chan.
Star Wars and Dr Who which have been consistently active has morphed into a hatedom
There still seem to be enough loyal fans to keep both of these franchises going, and the hatedoms generate enough brand awareness to keep them culturally relevant.

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 336


The fundamental problem is that the writers are incapable of making anypony other than the designated protagonist make important decisions. Why can’t Equestria have enjoyed an integrated golden age as the ponies civilized the other sapient species, then had its natural decline due to Twilight gradually losing connection to the Elements or whatever 500 years later? Because the writers wanted there to be a decision made to remove magic.

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 335

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bullshit, there’s been plenty of very good fanfics that show how Equestria could of industrialised and began integrating other species like Changelings and Dragons while maintaining their cultural cohesion and national identity. A distant future where Twilight rules over a modernised nation in a more interconnected world that is welcoming to other nations but meaningful distinct is a proven concept.
The problem is there is currently a skill drain happening in corporate media because they have got tired of dealing with creatives who are temperamental, prone to scandal and inconsistent in output and tried to replace them with people that look good in marketing material, do what their told and accommodate the marketing department at every turn.
The problem is these people are as creative as a jar of mayonnaise and have only been taught to regurgitate superficial talking points that get them social approval. So all that get produced is social capital propaganda pieces that exist for the assemblers to brag about at bougie parties in gated communities, like ‘art films’ no one is expected to watch the shit, their just props for the ‘artists’ use to complete their aesthetic and for decadent rich people to throw money at so they can claim to be cultured.
Shove it infront of a audience of poor people wanting to be entertained of course it’s going to go badly, the whole modern art conceit is that its all meritless garbage that just exists as a prop for social and financial transactions.

Episode Discussion » G5 discussion thread » Post 334

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Yeah but the distance makes it harder to tarnish the original; for example no one feels less passionate about Star Trek TNG and DS9 no matter how many times Discovery tries to rewrite the shows lore to diminish the agency and importance of classic characters in favour their new more ‘diverse’ characters. Tolkien fans out right laughed in the face of Rings of Power and most refuse to acknowledge it exists.
However Star Wars and Dr Who which have been consistently active has morphed into a hatedom where more people are talking about how the shitty retcons and clumsy finger painted messaging has made it impossible to enjoy the originals anymore than how good some original content was.
MLP is a bit of an odd duck because most people consider fan content like Past Sins, Fallout Equestria and Background Pony more cannon than Starlight Glimmer, their used to ignoring lackluster official content. I’d recommend Eternal or Archmage over G5 any day as a continuation of the story.

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