No, he can’t. Gubermint-Brain must attribute all financial, society and moral innovation/success to State Regulation, so he can justify using the state like a cudgel to crush everyone and everything that makes him feel sad and angi. >.<
I’m serious, he actually cannot stop. For the same reason an evangelical will never stop trying to work the name “Jesus” into every single sentence they ever say, no matter how inappropriate or forced. (Not that talking about Jesus is a bad thing mind, but when someone just goes on about it on and on and on forever and can never just talk to you about say - a new game, or the footy scores, or the new workplace policy like a normal person, it gets grating. Time and place for everything)
Because for those inclined to that side of politics, the State is god. The giver of life and bringer of death, the Power and the Glory, the One True Path. It is the moral arbiter, control of the state is to be the moral mandate.