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General Discussion » Seeking a place to discuss and understand [NSFW] » Post 2

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Aspiring Clopicionado
Thanks for chiming in!
I first came across the MLP:FiM show itself, already well into adulthood. I was surprised by the level of quality, being far better than I’d expected. I’d heard of the concept of bronies before in passing (mostly negative, which probably contributed to my hesitations) and so did some internet research. I soon found things like the brony documentary films and Equestria Daily, which put me much more at ease.
After first processing “Ok, so I guess I’m a brony?” I spent some time thinking through the social and gender norms that would dictate it wrong or improper for me to appreciate the show, and tossing them out one by one. After that there was a good while just frequenting EqD and keeping up on the show in its last few seasons.
I found Equestria Girls along the way, and there was a period of working through that for me as well. Somehow it being about humanized characters initially caused my mind to become mired again in questions of whether it was wrong or inappropriate to be a fan. But the content was also well done (and some of the music, fantastic!), similar to FiM, and I enjoyed seeing the alternate world versions of the characters I’d come to know and love, so I was soon over that as well.
My adult/NSFW material exposure was more gradual and much more recent. It also caused a lot more anxiety for me at first. I’d peek at some of the saucy-tagged works on EqD Drawfriend posts, but for a good while my reaction was “Ok, odd that it’s somehow slightly titillating, but nope! Not going down that road.” Then one day a certain piece of art in particular, ‘Bad Oofy’ by DraconidsMXZ, got a hold of me and just would. not. let. go. It isn’t even technically explicit, but it beautifully captured a feeling that was so suggestive and arousing to me I simply couldn’t shake it.
It was then I finally started questioning what was coming up for me that labeled it ‘Not OK’ to be interested in the adult and erotic material. A lot of it was again societal norms and influence of the previous media mudslinging against bronies. After deconstructing all of that, I finally ran out of substantive reasons beyond “Well, it’s just very unusual, and other people would probably make harsh snap judgements.”
So, at this point I’m at peace with the fact that I do indeed enjoy the adult content, and don’t feel there’s anything inherently wrong with that. I have found some favorite artists on DeviantArt that I follow, and will even regularly check Club Flank for new Drawfiend posts. Alcor’s Display of Passion was amazing to discover. Just from a style and execution perspective alone it’s incredibly well done, not to mention the erotic aspects as well as the entertaining humor. I’ve also found some non-erotic immersive audio media appealing as well, such as the excellent work of the PonyASMR Project.
Anyway, now I’m left mostly with questions of why. Why do some people, including myself, find this appealing and arousing? I would get down with any of the mane six, pony or anthro form, in a white hot second. But why? What are the physiological/mental mechanics at work in schediaphilia? I have some theories, but I’m certainly no psychologist or sexologist, so I’m stuck with just my own speculation.
But this is a text wall already, so I’ll save those ideas for a later post.

General Discussion » Seeking a place to discuss and understand [NSFW] » Post 1

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Derpibooru Ref-cute-gee
Getting into the fandom in my formative years was probably both a blessing and a curse in the adult content department. While I never made many accounts anywhere (especially Derpibooru, only made that shit a couple years ago), I originally got into roleplaying first and foremost. Then ERP. And then came the porn.
Looking back now, I don’t have too many regrets. I was happy with it then and I’m happy with it today.
And of course mentally blocking out a lot of the cringey stuff I did as a teenager helps a ton.

General Discussion » Seeking a place to discuss and understand [NSFW] » Topic Opener

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Aspiring Clopicionado
After only recently joining the herd in the last years I have, to my utter surprise, found myself growing to quite appreciate the more (ahem) adult oriented artistic works of the fandom (and yes, I have myself clocked north of forty revolutions ‘round our star). I don’t harbor any personal internal conflict about it, it was just very unexpected. However, I now find myself with a strong desire to process and further understand it in communication with others who might’ve been likewise caught off guard by their attractions.
Given the likelihood of negative judgement and stigma I’m not willing to open up to friends or family. Instead, I was hoping this might be a suitable place for such discussion. Having the opportunity to share and analyze my experience with this, and hear about the same from others, would be a great help.
I’ve not been following the booru-pocalypse, but it seems there’s much up in the air right now. If this wouldn’t be a good site or forum for this, would anypony be able to direct me to a better one?
If such discussion is a good fit; who else found themselves surprised at their positive reaction to adult pony media? What was the progression for you? What was your internal reaction, and how did you come to terms with it? How do you feel about it presently?

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