Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
Lotta anons suddenly appearing out of nowhere to stir shit up with me. I smell derpi users attempting to sew dissent.  
Not gonna happen, lol.
Anonymous #F79F
There’s only one of us replying to you, at least up to this point (#C55E and #F79F are both me). The site’s script (or whatever it’s called) makes it look like there are multiple anons.
“derpi users attempting to sow dissent” You would certainly know, being a Derpi user and all.
Anonymous #F79F
Once a Derpi user, always a Derpi user. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
“you’re not worth me or anyone else’s time” LOL, you’re the guy who recently shat up multiple pages of this thread with your silly little theory of how deciding what’s allowed to be posted here makes us just as bad as Derpi. In your own imagination, of course.
“I’d advise against” Personally, I’d advise against excessive advising, considering you ain’t a mod.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
@Anonymous #F79F  
Good thing I was never a derpi user then. The only things I ever did there were argue against staff and leave back in 2013 because I disagreed with their policy shutting down argument.
Last reply to any anon with your points in this thread;  
Please do keep trying to shut down speech you don’t approve of. It definitely doesn’t make you look like a floundering derpi admin. It definitely doesn’t prove the point that people who argue against free expression on any side are as censorious as the other.
That’s the end of it. No flame, no yellin’, just a sarcastic final quip. Sorry this has been a problem, staff. As someone who favors argumentation, it’s hard for me to just drop stuff, but I hope this ‘final reply’ solution works well, since I get to cut my vitriol short and still make my point clear.
Anonymous #F79F
LMAO! By all means, keep telling me how exercising modest quality control to keep universally unwanted garbage outta here is tatamount to ‘arguing against free expression.’
Way to completely miss the fucking point, by the way. ‘Free expression’ ain’t got nothing to do with it; the Derpi mods and staff gleefully fucking over their entire userbase, simply to please sub-human clout whores on Twitter, has everything to do with it. We’re here for pony pictures, not your self-serving Philosophy 101 bullshit. End of story.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

He’d not a Communist. He one of those centrists who thought it was a good idea to stand in the middle of field. Just to get blasted by the opposition who don’t like “nazi sympathizers.” They don’t care about playing fair or rules. They will be the ones to write the history books.
Anonymous #F79F
That bit was mostly meant as a joke, hence the line right after being a movie reference. This dude was insinuating that any anons who disagree with him are just trolls from Derpi looking to start shit, so I turned the accusation around on him in an ironic fashion by pointing out that he, too, was a Derpi user at one point (whatever technicalities he might use to argue out of it notwithstanding).
This guy gets it.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
Nah, I’m fully willing to point a gun either direction if either side becomes too censorious. I’m not gonna stand in the middle of a field unarmed. That’s just stupid. There’s a difference between holding the principles of free expression passively and holding them actively. I’m definitely not some wishy-washy centrist who won’t stand up to either side.
That’s never been my case.
Case in point: I haven’t been blasted yet and I’ve been doing this for 12 years.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

He’s a communist in the sense that, like commies, he completely disregards the very possibility of something going certain way (namely, someone taking over their zero-resistance-to-takeover movement) and then goes surprised pikachu when said something does go that exact way.  
He’s not one in the senses of both actual communistic beliefs (abolishment of personal property, redistribution of goods, dictatorship of the proletariat) and fakecommie ones (aka wholehearted ultra-capitalistic bourgeoise support because said bourgeoise call themselves “communist”).
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
I don’t discount the possibility, I just believe the preservation of the rights thereof is, itself, a more important goal. Especially in this group, which was founded and predicated on the preservation of said rights. If we concede these, we’ve already functionally conceded the group, in this case.
As long as it is made clear that nothing is to be done to change these rules, as long as the community actually still exists and cares about the rights of its own members, it won’t happen.
Conceding ground is not the way, but neither is disallowing content or conversation.
Calling me a communist doesn’t strengthen your points. It just shows you’re as eager to dismiss real discussion as those who would label you and everyone else here a Nazi is. It’s the same social ‘write-off’ tactic that is used by Derpibooru’s staff to label those who oppose them and your willingness to use it is just as concerning as theirs. Changing the label you’re using from ‘Nazi’ to ‘Communist’ doesn’t change what you’re actually doing and it’s blatant and nakedly obvious to anyone who can rub two brain cells together. Doubly so now that you’re attempting to split hairs about who does and doesn’t fit in the group so you can apply it as broadly as you need.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

You might’ve missed this, but there’s no discussion to dismiss. You keep insisting that the site can only survive by allowing blatant non-pony because it was done “by the community” or because some schmuck called it “pony artwork”. I keep pointing out that it’s running headfirst into takeover by non-pony because there’s more of it than there’s of you. Also that you’ll keep shaking fists and demanding bronies yield no matter what, as the niggerelf example demonstrated.
Especially in this group, which was founded and predicated on the preservation of said rights.
The community was founded on preserving pony artworks, regardless of the topic. Not artworks some subversives claim to be pony, and not blatant furshit (despite opposition from admins). Trannyxie belongs. Aryanne belongs. Niggerelves don’t belong.  
as long as the community actually still exists and cares about the rights of its own members, it won’t happen
By the time you realize it happened, “the community” will be furries and twitterinas, fully willing to ostracize the former community members.
Any artist can make the choice to draw ponies to belong here. If they’re making the choice to draw furries or niggerelves instead, then they don’t belong here, simple as. There’s FA and twitter respectively for those.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
You’re the one bringing this back up after it’s been clearly resolved that we have a difference in opinion. By all means, exercise the freedom of expression. Me explaining how your definition of communist and your labelling others as such doesn’t make sense isn’t tantamount to opening the book on this again. We draw the line differently, each of us agrees it must be pony related. I’m not going to be baited into talking about this again, especially after administration told us that this discussion isn’t for the thread. Calling people communists in a derpibooru like, dismissive manner is on topic for this thread, what content should be allowed on ponybooru is not.
You seem rather angry about something. Tends to be a sign that you don’t have any real arguments, especially with that massive deflection you just attempted.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

Attempts to poison the well destroy your reputation with anyone who recognizes them far more surely than me comparing you to communists due to the same false belief would harm mine.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
Good thing that’s not what I’ve ever done. Your words speak for themselves. Me pointing out what they’re saying after you said them isn’t poisoning the well.
If you’re going to quote a dishonest argumentation tactic, it helps to know what that tactic is. Poisoning the well is preemptively giving others prejudicing information (what you’re attempting to do to me (in future, not present) with your communist comments) to force others to dismiss their points without consideration. I gladly invite anyone to consider any argument from either side. I am confident that my words and my arguments stand on their own merits and do not require poisoning the well in my favor.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Prince of Monsters
And with that, there won’t be another peep out of me to them if they don’t start shit. Honestly, wouldn’t have been this time. Heh. They’re welcome to DM me if they want to continue any of our discussions.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I doubt you’re the type of person willingly to do what is necessary to maintain that freedom. The freedom you have today wasn’t done through nations talking to each other. It was done through the many sacrifices of men and to do what is necessary. I’m not advocating for mass genocide, I’m telling you how it is.
You’re not seeing the big picture here through your 12 years of experience. It alot easier to stand on this pedestal here or on Derpibooru then it is to try that on ResetEra. Were a slight deviation of their worldview will get you deleted within seconds. When I say you cannot reason with those people, You Cannot Reason With Those People. They need to be thrown into a mental institution. They are that soo batshit insane at this point that they’re driving themselves into suicide.
Understandable, but I wouldn’t label it as “communist.” Ignorant most likely. Since most communists will deny the fact that was truly there system in place after it failed. He doesn’t fully understand how infiltration work. You have you use extreme measures to deal with that because it is very insidious. First step from it, is it seems harmless you won’t think much of it. Then it go into a direction when no one care about the fandom/community and mostly caring about using it as a platform for politics.
However, they now not even smart about hiding the fact their infiltrators. Since the first thing we will notice is their either mentality ill, a furry, having a faggot pride flag as a badge of honor, or if they using a political situation to strong-arm a platform to cave into their position.
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