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Big Bad Politics!

Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Psy Key  
Shitty japanese tabletop “rpg” which basically consists of GM doing a narcissistic speech for hours about fucking your characters up, while you the players have negative agency.
Anonymous #443D
Until 2004 the Norks would also regularly kidnap Japanese citizens, mostly women and teenage girls, bring them back to North Korea, and force them to act as Japanese language instructors and teach the North Korean spy agency about all the most current Japanese slang.
The list at the web page is of known cases to which the North Korean government has officially admitted. Some estimates put the true number in the thousands. The Japanese people I have known were very much displeased with the situation, but all of Japan’s big political parties agree that doing anything real about it, like cutting off foreign aid to North Korea, or a trade embargo, is off the table. They’re not going to let democracy get in the way of public policy. Does this sound familiar, by the way?
Anonymous #372F
@Anonymous #443D  
Speaking of tariffs, the usual opposition I keep hearing is: “If we raise tariffs all our groceries will get more expensive and other countries will raise their tariffs!”
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Anonymous #372F  
All I hear is “Crapitalism! REEEEEEE!!!!!!! Free trade! The US has to be the only retarded country on erth not to have tariffs because muh free trade! muh free market! muh free flow of unlimited immigration to drive wages down so I can make a profit! If you don’t like it pull millions of dollars out of thin air and start your own business!”
Anonymous #0847
The people that always bitch it being capitalism’s fault minorities being slaves champion every form of bill and measure that keeps people as permanent surfs and will suck the sweatiest, saltiest cock of every big corp that uses the right hashtag and hates the people that hate. They’re morons that cause the problem and will blame everyone as a scapegoat. Kids are now crammed into sardine cans by their hero and true king. Bet you they’re blame someone else.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
Artist -

oh no
@Anonymous #B55A  
IDK how it varies by country but it’s fucked up in many places.  
We should be able to, if not we should all have the right to work how we want. but realistically it does not works. for having did it a couple of times the last decade it is unsurvivable due to the taxation, levies, and administrative formalities. Any small business will be crippled with controls and everything equal to a huge corporation and the bureaucracy in amount is a nightmare.  
I suppose it’s kind of easier and more free to start one in the US, or many other countries: anyone can get paid cash and the IRS is not keeping track of every single transaction, does not peek into your schedule or require you to hire an accountant.
The very point of capitalism is just a basic math: you work, you get paid, it’s the money you earn in exchange of goods or services, after, you do what you want with your dosh - invest it, make it grow, or spend it how you want. You may have to pay some taxes but none that prevents you to afford food, fuel, housing and some extra. Most if not all of peasants are in this situation and cannot make it, earning less than a guy flipping burger at McDonald’s.  
it’s no longer capitalism when the government takes most of your earnings with deductions there and there. Everyone should be able to get out of poverty, but the middle class’s revenues are actually low, and that’s «normal» for them.  
It’s not capitalism when the government forces you to work for a big corporation having a monopoly on the workforce using public funded unemployment organizations. I did the test with Pôle Emploi in France, a semiprivate organization redistributing the workforce. And this is a huge scam, for testing it (circa 2018)  
We tried to hire someone in consultancy, and asked a friend to use his employment office credentials with the resume and everything in details to apply. They never communicated the info to the jobseeker, but the job was visible with a bunch of people into gardening, restoration, anything irrelevant on purpose, from all the country while she got oriented to jobs in Paris or Nantes. Anything but in this city. It was a test anyways but it’s yet another evidence of a system often confused with capitalism, it’s corporatism.
Government here not only takes the money, they use it against us, against our people, funding associations and all kind of migrants welcome bullshit, billions into TV shows, ads in the glory of diversity, media and other inclusive bullshit, funds judges that will silence people for their political views. It’s not even theft, it’s >rape.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

i love yellow horse
Controversial political opinion, but my politics(based and cool) are right and good and yours(cringe and lame) aren’t and I’m the cool guy and I’m gonna get 300 gfs for having the right and cool political opinions
Anonymous #261B
This is Dee
Lake Mead is at its lowest point ever because people decided  
  1. building massive cities housing tens of millions of people in the desert was a good idea,  
  2. growing 20% of all the food everyone eats in the desert was a good idea,  
  3. growing useless fucking grass in the desert (or anywhere for that matter) is a good idea, and  
  4. shooting out babies and inviting infinity people in from countries where they shoot out babies even faster when 20% of the food comes from the desert is a great idea.
    Deserts experience droughts. Sometimes they experience “mega” droughts where it doesn’t rain at all for 10, 20+ years. Just like places like Florida and Louisiana have hurricanes and floods. Yet people are retarded and decide to cram as many surplus humans in those extremely disaster prone areas as possible and then complain when disasters inevitably happen.
    Since humans are retarded the only solution is for there to be fewer of them. A lot fewer. 2 billion tops, and none in the desert. There’s a reason almost nothing lives there, because there’s very little rain and sometimes none at all for a long time.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Anonymous #261B  
That’s what “covid” most likely is, yes. But do you want this kind of population reduction? It doesn’t get rid of degenerates and idiots, because degenerates and idiots breed faster than you and strive harder to be in control than you.
Anonymous #443D
“Clean, Mr. Clean, was from some South Bronx shithole. The light and space of Vietnam really put the zap on his head.”
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
When the world is 2/3 Africans and every cent you make is going toward feeding them because they have never and will never produce anything and you have to live in a pod eating bugs while they live in air conditioned refugee centers with gummy bears and nutella then I’ll laugh and say “told you so.”
It’s not too late to stop all foreign aid and let the population of the third world sink back to sustainable levels.
Anonymous #0847
Seems they are all shitting their pants over Cosby being set free and when you look at the judge had a bug up his ass many of the sobs stories being false. It’s really their fault, but, hey. Needed to put someone in prison when most of the sleaze-bags are on their side. Who’s they? You know who.
Anonymous #443D
I’m going to get serious here and say some things that may hard to hear. Ready?
That’s going to happen. It’s inevitable. The population of sub-Saharan Africa has risen almost twelve-fold since the end of the Second World War. Not one point two times. Not a 20% increase in seventy-five years. Twelve hundred percent. Northern Africa isn’t a lot better off. Egypt’s population is five times what it was in 1945.
Who’s feeding all these IQ-55 Third World mystery meat homunculi? Who’s subsidizing their riotous reproduction? You are, White man. You are.
When Western nations finish collapsing, and the collapse is already well under way:
That’s an image from Detroit, which people sixty years ago called the Paris of the Americas, without irony.
Speaking of Paris, I’ve never been there but I hear it’s not looking so great these days either:
Western Civilization is sinking under a brown tide of genetic and behavioral sewage. Those trillion-dollar blank checks to buy rice by the megaton for Mbogo and his nineteen babies by six women aren’t going to go on forever. And the underrated genius Yogi Berra once said, “When something can’t go on forever, that means sooner or later it’s gonna stop.” When the US and EU finish collapsing, which will be sooner rather than later, the gibsmedats are going to stop like turning off a switch. Then the population of Africa drops from nearly two trillion to maybe a hundred and fifty million, if that–the figure that can be sustained with local subsistence agriculture, assuming the locals haven’t forgotten how to grow wheat. If they have, they just might join the dinosaurs as another of Mother Nature’s little mistakes. Shit’s gonna be Biblical.
Because the Chinese, after decades of using American “racism” as propaganda fodder, have since they started colonizing Africa gotten very, very quiet about the topic. They regard the locals as subhuman, and haven’t the faintest, tiniest trace of White Protestant Guilt between them and their collective id.
Other potential global hegemons in the next few decades give even less of a shit about “African baboons.” Russians have had a bit of cultural contact with sub-Saharan Africa and Africans. Russian “advisors” were in Cuba, Angola, Mozambique, Libya, and Egypt for a generation or longer, propping up friendly “socialist” puppet governments. They came away profoundly unimpressed and despise them.
Brazil’s ruling White fidalgo caste hates os macacos with a desperate passion you’d not have seen in a Klan meeting in 1895.
Iranians hate them even more, considering them lower than Arabs–and Persians have a burning genocidal hatred for Arabs.
Indians consider them subhuman, calling them “bandar” (“ape”) or “kallu” (“darkie.”)
None of these nations is going to step up to feed them when we fall.
tl;dr Darwin has been grinning at sub-Saharan Africa for centuries, and he will not be denied. The longer we try to cheat him the more blood is going to spill when the bottom drops out.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Based political opinion. My politics, are, cringe and bad, and I am proud of it, because your good politics are really bad politics and my bad politics are justified because of yours.

@Anonymous #443D  
Then the population of Africa drops from nearly two trillion to maybe a hundred and fifty million, if that—the figure that can be sustained with local subsistence agriculture, assuming the locals haven’t forgotten how to grow wheat. If they have, they just might join the dinosaurs as another of Mother Nature’s little mistakes. Shit’s gonna be Biblical.
Well, if the west were to collapse. There would be famine in a lot of places and Africa would be adversely affected though, even in collapse, the two billion to one hundred and something million figure I often see cited seems highly dubious. Africa grows too much food for this to happen at that level even with the problems mounting up that is too high of a figure and awards them no credit on being able to produce crops on a industrial scale at all.  
Sub-Saharan Africa currently imports about 20 percent of its cereal needs, and this could rise to at least 50 percent by 2050, researchers said in a report published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Anonymous #443D
Does “import” carry the implication that they’re buying it, as opposed to Uncle Sugar just dropping off a hundred more freighter loads every time they stick their hands out and say “gibs me dat?”
Farmers in India produce less wheat per acre than Roman peasants did two thousand years ago, despite better weather and all the British tried to teach them about agriculture (“Watch sloth and heathen folly bring all your hopes to nought”) over the course of two centuries. Are sub-Saharan Africans more diligent and productive? Sub-Saharan Africa exported grain to Europe a century ago–because Dutch and English farmers in Rhodesia and South Africa and German farmers in Namibia grew wheat while the rest of the continent barely grew enough rice, peanuts, and yams to feed itself from one year to the next. The new “post-colonial” nations that occupy the same land are now net food importers.
Cuban government propaganda has for six decades claimed a 99.99% literacy rate. Anyone who’s noticed that Cuba is a handful of IQ-105 White hidalgos taking care of everything that has moving parts on behalf of the great brown mass of IQ-55 zambos and pureblood African useless eaters that makes up over 70% of the population finds this implausible. Chinese government propaganda claims China is self-sufficient in terms of food, too, which I guess must be why they import so much grain from the US, Canada, Australia, and Brazil year in and year out. And then there are the elections North Korea keeps announcing, with 100% turnout and 100% of votes for Dear Leader.
Reuters is one tiny step above the Grauniad for the size of the droplet of truth they occasionally remember to mix into the ocean of lies and agitprop they sell as “news.” I do not find them credible.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Reuters is one tiny step above the Grauniad for the size of the droplet of truth they occasionally remember to mix into the ocean of lies and agitprop they sell as “news.” I do not find them credible.
Where would the lie be? I completely agree on distrust due to all the gaslighting but real problems and real data still get through. I mean, where is the source for your statistics here?  
Farmers in India produce less wheat per acre than Roman peasants did two thousand years ago
The new “post-colonial” nations that occupy the same land are now net food importers.
I imagine it would be from the same Governemnts and NGOs that produced the quote in Reuters here and I imagine they also would show a larger farming apparatus then “THEM BROWN PEOPLE ARE AS DUMB AS ROCKS” that you seem to hold (I don’t want to misreprent your position but that it what it seems). If I were to apply not trusted source to that level I would not be able to make a argument on this issue at all other then one of pure skepticism without the ability to poke holes and critique them with real problems that being observed, as you are here.
Honestly, I am quite skeptical of the rosy spin I’ve seen some try to put on Africa’s food problems but the their ability to produce food is still at a level greater then the way I see some more /pol/ types portray them and india even with the severe challenges they face. That is all I dispute.
If you have anything on a conspiracy with lying about the industrial food capacity of these countries I would be happy to see it. I don’t just mean it in a “” scare quotes kind of way either.
Anonymous #443D
None of this comes as any great surprise to anyone who’s dealt with Africans-in-America and seen them convert every place they inhabit into Haiti with snow through tireless and monomaniacal devotion to TNB.
Since 1960 the West–really, almost all the money comes from White taxpayers in the US, either directly or indirectly–has poured five trillion dollars into sub-Saharan Africa, and seven trillion dollars down the bottomless gullets of Africans-in-America. That’s a hundred and twenty (120) Marshall Plans worth of money. What has it bought us, other than the sincere hatred of the people we sweat blood to feed?
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Sub-Saharan Africa currently imports about 20 percent of its cereal needs, and this could rise to at least 50 percent by 2050, researchers said in a report published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
I think you’re reading that wrong. It says they import 20% NOW but in 29 short years they’ll have to import half of all the food they need because their population is growing out of control.
From the same article:
One way to meet growing demand is to expand the land area to grow crops, but this would mean cutting down forests or encroaching on protected nature reserves, leading to loss of biodiversity and increased greenhouse gas emissions, they said.
However, it is possible for the continent to feed a population expected to grow 2.5 times by 2050 by producing more food on the land already being planted, the report said.
This would need investment to boost crop yields, an increase the number of crops grown on the same plot of land, and an expansion of irrigation, they said.
Norman Borlaug’s “Green Revolution”: If we use massive amounts of ground water and phosphates and use natural gas to pull nitrogen out of the atmosphere we can turn the desert into an oasis for a few decades until those non-renewable resources run out.
There are places in the Midwest US where the ground has sunk 40-60 feet because of all the water sucked out of the ground.full  
“If intensification is not successful and massive cropland expansion is to be avoided, sub-Saharan Africa will become ever more dependent on imports of cereals than it is today,” Tesfaye said.
The world fundamentally cannot support 4+ billion people in Africa by century’s end. It cannot support the 1 billion Africans who are alive now. There aren’t enough resources and there’s no way to allocate the existing resources to make it happen.
The US is already wasting ground water and farmland renting and/or selling it to the Saudis who used up all their aquifers in a single generation growing soy beans to speculate on the global market. Arizona and California are in the middle of one of the worst droughts in a century. Lake Mead is at its lowest level since it was filled in 1937 and water is going to be diverted away from farmland in Arizona and either Nevada or New Mexico, I can’t tell them apart most days.
But people think it’s a joke. They think “You could fit a trillion white people into Texas and it wouldn’t be as crowded as Paris, and white birth rates are dropping, so there’s no overpopulation problem. Checkmate!”
The problem was NEVER white people. White people are the solution. It’s disingenuous at best to point to dropping white birth rates and use that as the proof for there being no overpopulation problem. The problem is with mainly Africa and the Arab world who can’t control their populations, squeeze tens of millions of people into the desert, and can’t grow food to save their own lives and need to constantly be bailed out. White people have to feed these other people, and with fewer and fewer white people feeding more and more Africans that makes for a big problem.
Nor was the problem ever cramming humans into physical space, squeezing them into mile-high Kowloonesque garbage skyscrapers with 5 million people per square mile density.  
Look at that picture and tell me if you want to live in that?
“We can squeeze everyone into megacities!”
With real estate prices at $1000 per square foot per month. You and 20 other people can rent a shipping crate nailed on top of another shipping crate below 15 other shipping crates in Super Paris, while the African migrants get the deluxe shipping crates with a window air conditioner and running water, and Bill Gates and Warren Buffet get a million acres of farmland on which to build Nero’s golden palace and be serviced by Thai hookers and harvest organs from Mexican kids in cages so they can live forever. They’ll get to eat the Kobe beef while you eat concentrated maggot slime in three new flavors! Ted Turner will have 9 kids and ObeeJobee X Kareem from Botswana will have 27 kids while you’ll get to wait in line for 47 years to have 1 kid who will be brainwashed into self-sterilization.
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