Big Bad Politics!

Anonymous #443D
If we use massive amounts of ground water and phosphates and use natural gas to pull nitrogen out of the atmosphere we can turn the desert into an oasis for a few decades until those non-renewable resources run out.
I agree, and I think this point in particular deserves elucidation and amplification.
One underappreciated aspect of the high productivity of industrialized agriculture in the West since the late 19th Century is synthetic fertilizers made from phosphate rock, mostly mined in Brazil and Chile, bought up at low subsidized prices by American agribusiness superhyperultramegalocorporations, and imported into the US, Canada, and so on by the megaton. Usable phosphate minerals are a commodity existing in very finite quantity in the Earth’s crust.
We don’t even have to run out of phosphate for the West’s agriculture export industry to go away, either. What happens when the price of asphalt and refinery still bottoms–this is the stuff that’s melted and fed into the titanic engines that drive the big ore boats back and forth across the seas–goes up? There’s only so much of it. It’s a commodity in finite supply but demand for it grows year over year. What happens when there’s no more diesel for the tractors, no more synthetic fertilizer for that half million square miles of farm land in the US? Look at the headlines about closed pipelines and note the trend in fuel prices just since January.
This model of agriculture, the one we all grew up with and think of as normal, is unsustainable. It’s already tottering and it’s going to be very, very messy when it all falls down. When the machine comes to a stop, it’s unlikely to be a smooth stop. Things are going to get very bad, very fast, particularly in parts of the world that can’t feed themselves without importing food.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Gender Studi-
Yeah, nothing of value here.
Literally don’t even have to finish the second word, honestly.
Some random white… guy, I think…: I was, like, proud of this country and stuff, but after I took a Gender Studies course, I learned about just how, like, racist everything is towards black people and how I, myself, have, like, been a part of a system of oppression without even realizing it for my, like, entire life and stuff.
Normal Human Being: So, you took a class about gender… that taught you about racism?
RWG: Yeah. It was an eye-opening experience for me.
NH: …right.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I think you’re reading that wrong. It says they import 20% NOW but in 29 short years they’ll have to import half of all the food they need because their population is growing out of control.
I was fully aware of that.  
Honestly, I am quite skeptical of the rosy spin I’ve seen some try to put on Africa’s food problems but the their ability to produce food is still at a level greater then the way I see some more /pol/ types portray them and india even with the severe challenges they face. That is all I dispute.
My main thrust with the dispute was that the severity of the population/societal collapse.  
Who’s feeding all these IQ-55 Third World mystery meat homunculi? Who’s subsidizing their riotous reproduction? You are, White man. You are.
The anon was characterizing everything right now being held up by western hand outs and nothing more. Too much technical skill exist even in worst case a 90 to 95% drop from 2 billion is unfathomable even what sad excuse for law and order arises. Even if there was a collapse of the west and a breakdown of the supply chain from the west in the future with 50% or more of food being imported it strikes me as quite hyperbolic to suggest that they would go out the way of the dinosaurs from stupidity.
The world fundamentally cannot support 4+ billion people in Africa by century’s end.
I can agree with this even, just not extinction of black race because hand outs and inherit stupidity.  
But people think it’s a joke. They think “You could fit a trillion white people into Texas and it wouldn’t be as crowded as Paris, and white birth rates are dropping, so there’s no overpopulation problem. Checkmate!”
Malthusianism, and arguments in that style have left me rather sour on due to the record of predictions and panic being made in the past  
The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate, although many lives could be saved through dramatic programs to “stretch” the carrying capacity of the earth by increasing food production and providing for more equitable distn’bution of whatever food is available. But these programs will only provide a stay of execution unless they are accom-panied by determined and successful efforts at popula-tion control Population control is the conscious regulation of the numbers of human beings to meet the needs not just of individual families, but of society as a whole. Nothing could be more misleading to our children than our present afiluent society. They will inherit a totally different world, a world in which the standards, politics, and economics of the past· decade are dead. As the most influential nation in the world today, and its largest consumer, the United States cannot stand isolated. We are today involved in the events leading to famine and ecocatastrophe; tomorrow we may be destroyed by them.
I know of people saying that the planet would be doomed at 6 or 7 billion, yet the world went on (wish I could find a link though). It can’t go on forever and I do agree on concerns with stuff on the water being wasted and ag pratices needing to change though I am not in the full doom and gloom camp even if I agree that a lot of concerns are more then valid. Perhaps the green revolution might transition us to magical meat cloning factories and ultra efficient farming of seaweed. Maybe we are doomed to collapse. Or, my bet, somewhere in a sucky but not world ending middle.
to have 1 kid who will be brainwashed into self-sterilization.
Since 1960 the West—really, almost all the money comes from White taxpayers in the US, either directly or indirectly—has poured five trillion dollars into sub-Saharan Africa, and seven trillion dollars down the bottomless gullets of Africans-in-America.
Okay, could I have a source on these? Seem extremely excessive though I could believe Africa one if you mean it in the spirit of our trade and aid building them up like China.
Anonymous #372F
@Adan Druego  
Frankly these kinds of courses should be illegal. The only thing a degree in gender studies qualifies you for is to be a professor in gender studies. It’s a scam. A moneymaker for the university.
Artist -

QAnoners use the phrase “Where we go one, we go all” as their motto.
Aside from it perhaps meaning sacrifice or loyalty, I don’t understand what it exactly means. Can anyone explain?
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Bite Me’s speech for the 4th
My comments in Bold. (Descriptors of action in parenthesis.)
“Crowds” have gathered there of maybe 200 people tops. My high school graduation drew more people.
“Before me stands monuments to the greatness (pause) and the (pause) goodness of our nation.”
“(The people in the monuments at the National Mall) remind us of the work history has given us in our own time.”
“This is a day of special celebration (pause) for we are merging from the darkness of years; a year of pandemic and isolation, a year of pain, fear, and heartbreaking loss. Just think back to where this nation was a year ago. Think back to where you were a year ago.”
I was happy. I was having the time of my life.
“Think of how far we’ve come, from silent streets to crowded parade routes.”
When were these streets silent? Certainly not the months when Burn Loot Murder were setting fires, killing people, raping people, and pillaging like the Huns or some other barbarian horde.
“Businesses are hiring again.”
Minimum wage grunt jobs. The good middle-class jobs are gone. 1/3 of all the businesses in my state are gone and aren’t coming back for at least a decade.
“We’re seeing record job creation and record economic growth.”
Unemployment has started to go up again. The last time we were seeing record growth was during the Trump economy, and that still wasn’t pre-2001 levels. Trump got us out of 9 years of Dempression, but even the Trump economy was tottering along. Now it’s back on life support.
“The best in four decades, and I might add, the best in the WOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRLD!”
Bull fucking shit.
“Today, all across this nation, we can say with confidence: ‘America is Pulling Butt Back®!’” (The most tepid cheer you have ever heard from like 6 people)
“245 years ago we declared our independence (pause) from a distant king. (pause) Today, we are closer than ever to declaring our independence from a deadly virus. That’s NOT to say the battle against COVID-19 is over (put your fucking yellow star mask on and get 10 booster vaccines, slave!) (pause) we’ve got alot more work to do. But just as our decoration in 1776 was not a call to action (pause) WAS a call to action, not a reason for complacency, or a claim of victory, it’s a call to action, the same is true today. Back then we had the power of an idear on our side. ToDAY we have the Power of SCIENCE!!!1 (stern look)”
(more tepid cheering)
“(String of bullshit)… Don’t get me wrong (pause) COVID-19 is has not been vanquished. (swishes tongue around in mouth) We all know powerful variants have emerged like the Delta Variant. (pause) But the BEST defense against these variants (pause) (whisper) is to get vaccinated. (/whisper) (coof) MyfellowAmericans it’s the most patriotic thing you can DOO. So please, if you haven’t gotten vaccinated do it, do it now.”
“Praise Science and Walmart ““essential”” workers!”
Man, Bite Me’s forehead takes up half his entire head and he has teeny tiny little beady eyes.
This reminds me, actually, of a sign I saw yesterday that said something like:
This House Believes
Burn Loot Murder
Wamen’s rights are human rights
Love is love
Science is real
and kindness is all there is
And I was just thinking, first of all that’s all vacuous horseshit, second, why is the one line written in noticably smaller text than all the others? Did they run out of room? And third, what if I don’t believe in any of that?
“…demonizing no one. Giving hate no safe harbor.”
That’s all your campaign was based on, and all we’ve heard from the media conglomerates who own you for six years now.
Also, the first 8 out of 16 minutes is entirely about COVID. That’s what America is all about.
“… Jill and I” (louder, more enthusiastic cheering) “… Jill and I thank you (Walmart workers and nurses who dance on TikTok while you can’t see your family member who is dying in the hospital) for your service and your sacrifice.”
I’m not going to quote the rest. Old man rambles on, ticks boxes of ginder identity and his “word as a Biden” and slavery.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Okey Dokey, someone called Jason Miller who used to work for Trump created a Twatter alternative called Gettr yesterday. I visited the site and it’s totally blank. It’s just a blank white page. Can anyone see it or is it down?
Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

According to gab it’s been having… Some issues. I also see a blank page but it’s probably my browser, which has trouble displaying some websites.  
Speaking of Trump, he finally “addressed” the killing of Ashli Babbitt.
Anonymous #8F8B
QAnoners use the phrase “Where we go one, we go all” as their motto.
Aside from it perhaps meaning sacrifice or loyalty, I don’t understand what it exactly means. Can anyone explain?
It is a line from White Squall, a 1996 film about a voyage on a sailing ship. Yes, it pertains to loyalty.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Officer Hotpants  
Don’t know, but it’s always funny when such “communists” start to defend themselves with tRaDeUnDeRcOmMuNiSmIsAlLoWeD  
USSR used profit of the factories in place of taxes for example
Anonymous #372F
I’m glad I stopped using Facebook years ago. Apparently now they’re attempting to be the authority on “extremism” and encouraging users to report friends they are “afraid are becoming an extremist”.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
Artist -

oh no
@Anonymous #372F
That’s fun I’m out of yet another 30day ban from FB just for posting a cover of Rod Stewart on a page that visibly triggered some algorithm linked to hatespeech.  
Now at this point anyone thinking differently is an extremist. That’s new, still fun to read.
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