Big Bad Politics!

Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

So, apparently, the U.S. government is forcing vaccines on kids? No, really, I don’t pay that much attention to things that I see as behind me to concern myself over.
Well, the only reason, I bring it up is that… remember that at times I joke about committing war crimes and such? Well, a few years ago, or decades, about two decades ago, I drew up a plan to use free vaccines to exterminate the unworthy within a region with the help of public campaigns, denial of rights to some, civil rights activism and pressure from the unworthy group themselves.
Basically, vaccinate some, then poison others. A two part vaccine would be perfect to ensure maximum population saturation.
Interesting that some of today’s occurrences are starting to seem a bit too familiar to me, right?
I, personally, haven’t gotten any vaccines. My own immune system is good enough to keep me going for a good amount of time on its own.
Oh, and the gays are coming for the kids and there’s even a new musical about it and everything.
Humble Oriathan
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Wally Worshiper
@Adan Druego  
They’re telling half truths about the infection rating too, saying that it’s increasing back up, but that’s only happening in like 6 states. Every other state is decreasing and the number of active infections continues to go down. They really like pushing the fear propaganda.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Adan Druego  
All governments are trying to force covid “vaccine” on everyone right now, whether young or old, or pregnant (FYI: if you’re in first trimester, getting American covid jab is a great way to have an abortion).
@Humble Oriathan  
Remember that the infection rating is bullshit in the first place due to shit methods of determining it.
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
@Humble Oriathan  
Or the recent shrieking about how there was an uptick in cases in children… after sending them back to school. You know: like happens with a whole array of infections every single time school starts back up. Essentially losing their minds that the sun rose in the morning and insisting that this time it’s a noteworthy occurrence.
Anonymous #8F8B
Incorrect comparison, most bullets are shot as suppressive fire.
That “statistic” is fifty or fifty-five years old. It was a comparison of all the ammunition purchased and used in an entire year worldwide by the US military for all purposes, including training, divided by claimed VC and NVA casualties. It was trotted out again and again by the talking heads on TV news with “and that’s why we will never defeat the Viet Cong and we should just surrender.”
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
The History of Money in America
This is relevant.
Gold and silver will never be worthless. People will always need and use money in some form. Nothing Bite Me or Camel Toe Harris does will set us back to the 16th century, and even if it did people still used money back then even in the American frontier where “guns, water, and food will be more valuable than gold!” (actual quote) People who think gold will ever be worthless are idiots.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

“Hello, Jewish lobby? Please ban Nick Fuentes for accusing Jewish lobbies of banning people.”
Just recently, one of the Zionist organization know as “ADL” made a hitpiece toward Nick Fuentes. Which result him getting banned off of Twitter. He’d lasted longer then I thought on that platform.
Thank you ADL and Twitter for confirming that Nick Fuentes is right about everything.
Anonymous #D018
Okay, this is just plain shameful. “Recruiting” children of either sex to be gay is by no means any less irresponsible and idiotic than when some Christian groups as well as a number of Islamic and Jewish groups (the latter especially so for Orthodox Jews) teach their kids and teens that “YOU MUST BE HETERO or else you are getting the boot from this family and will be doomed to hell!”, or || other stuff such as “you came out as gay!?? Off to a straight camp or pray away the gay with a revival service” and (this is more common among Muslims than Christians or even the Jews nowadays, but still) the “ALLAHU AKBAR KILL THE CORRUPT HARAM SODOMITE!” schtick. || Oh, and the San Francisco Bay Area as well as many areas of New York City I already know to be major hubs of modern “gay culture”. Which is something that is inorganic. Neither areas are truly representative of every Gay, Bi, Lesbian, or Transsexual person. Lastly, the “Slippery slope” may appear to be as people such as Ivan states it to be, however, that does not mean it objectively is that way. There’s many factors and variables that really need to be taken into account.
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Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

TV cops graduated from destroying property to torturing suspects to shooting unarmed, fleeing suspects and killing them because they’re the Good Guys(TM) and they gotta catch the Bad Guys(TM) and they only Did What They Had To Do® .
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Donald “Rummy” Rumsfeld is dead
File Photo
I found out because the people who did the Shakespeare lecture series I watched sent me a email saying how he was “a great American patriot”. Let’s see what he did.
“Rumsfeld served as an aviator in the U.S. Navy before being elected to Congress four times from Illinois’s 13th congressional district. Over the course of nearly 40 years, he served in important offices under Presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and George W. Bush—including twice as Secretary of Defense.”
Under Nixon he headed the Economic Stabilization Program, which was part of Nixonomics (pumping money into the economy to create the illusion of economic growth to assure Nixon’s re-election). The program saw the creation of hte EEOC, SSI, created the HUD and laid the groundwork for Section 8 housing, increased the price of imported goods to nudge Americans into buying American-made products, and put all the people that were unemployed because of Nixon’s attempts to counter inflation to work on mass transit and other public works projects. Legislation was passed to allow Nixon to control prices, rents, wages, and interest rates.
And a “conservative” group is praising all this?
This is why I say the right is just as reactionary and emotional as the left. Put a R after someone’s name and the right will gush over them as surely as the left will when that person has a D.
Under Ford “Rummy” introduced Penis Cheney (one of the evilest people to ever live) to government. “If you don’t give me unlimited power to spy on every American all the time and molest you at the airport, the terrorists win.” “If you don’t get America ensnared in a Forever War that will cost $6.4 trillion, still be continuing after 20 years, kill thousands of Americans and destroy the minds and bodies of tens of thousands more, put them on the streets, and force thousands to commit suicide every year, the terrorists win.”
I thought “conservatives” liked veterans? I thought they liked privacy and freedom and shit? Right, if you oppose the “Patriot Act” you’re not patriotic, and jingoism is all conservatives really care about, because it’s a grift.
“Rummy” left politics for a while and became president and CEO of G. D. Searle & Company. Rummy axed 60% of the staff and sold the company to Monsanto, making a fortune. Searle is responsible for the invention of the birth control pill, probably the evilest invention of all time that is directly responsible for destroying civilization by separating sex from pregnancy, which was the only thing that forced the stupid, violent monkeys called humans to become the responsible monogamous adults necessary for civilization to exist, and also Aspartamine, which causes brain cancer. Rummy was instrumental to getting the FDA to approve that.
Of course a “conservative” group would support that. It’s the “free market” after all. So what if thousands of people lose their jobs, the guy at the top made a lot of money. That’s crapitalism. So what if incidence of cancer have risen in recent decades, you’re “free” to not buy the product, even if companies don’t have to inform you of the risks and prices are cheaper than the safe alternative. Informed consent sounds socialist to me, and socialism is bad, unless Nixon is doing it, then it’s good because he’s a Republican. So what if the family structure that has maintained stable civilization for thousands of years has collapsed, “conservative” anti-gay crusaders pop up in airport bathrooms committing statutory rape with boys all the time.
Rummy was also chairman of Gilead Sciences, the company that created Tamiflu. Then bird flu conveniently came out and he made a fortune. But creating a drug to combat a disease and then releasing the disease in order to make obscene profits from the cure you had previously created is crapitalism, so that’s a good thing.
Rumsfeld went back to politics and became Secretary of Defense under Dubya Bush, another hideously evil man. He orchestrated the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Even though Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 Rummy thought “Fuck it, why not?” and surrounded Bush with chosen staff who would push for invasion 24/7 until Rummy got his war. As he said “There aren’t any good targets in Afghanistan and there are lots of good targets in Iraq.” (actual quote) You invade every country surrounding Iran and stay there, permanently (by the way Bush is played by Thanos).
Rumsfeld set up the program to torture prisoners at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. After the vast majority of officers demanded his resignation in 2006 for gross incompetence, Rumsfeld dragged his heels for almost a year before giving in and stepping down from his position as Secretary of Defense.
Back in civilian life Rumsfeld made a fortune with a self-righteous book and started a charity scam to line his pockets. He accepted tons of “conservative” awards for having an R after his name. He died on 29 June 2021 from multiple myeloma at the age of 88.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Sugar. People have been eating sugar for thousands of years, first as a rare delicacy from India and then in the 16th century it started to be grown in mass quantities in the New World.
That said, the date just rolled over. It’s 7/11 in the US, don’t forget to get your free Slurpee.
Anonymous #61FA
@Anonymous #372F  
You don’t have to worry about that, you need a app to get the free slurpee anyway because they’re fucking cunts who can’t hand out 210 ml of ice to people who don’t want to join the permanent rental club. That’s the whatever they called it, “You own nothing and you’re too fucking stupid and lazy and don’t want to make waves with the crowd to complain so you rent everything from Jack Dorsey, Mark Fuckerberg, and the guy with the head.”
You can’t just go out and live life, you have to subscribe to something. You have to rent something from some big tech monopoly overlords just to live life. You need to download the mark of the beast to buy anything.
Humble Oriathan
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Wally Worshiper
For those concerned about the vaccines being mandated, either federally or locally, here’s your fighting chance against our liberal oppressors:  
Print, laminate, fill out the info. For the clinical sites section, just put Walgreens or whatever store your closest to that’s offering free vaccine shots. Fortunately, these don’t need a doctor or nurse signature.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
Artist -

oh no
Macron’s gonna make an announcement tomorrow, as he intends to make vaccination mandatory.  
First, all medical personnel. from the psychiatrists to pharmacy including dentists, ophtalmologists and more medical related professions.
the absolute retard PM we have also suggested that we should get a third dose, this is completely pointless and he has no idea how vaccination and doses even works. All that because they found out the vaccination has been inefficient against the Delta variant.
anyone should be thinking about fake certificates, but again it seems that there will be a huge control, one practician selected, and another one to verify if the vaccination has been done, then a pass will be delivered. This is unconstitutional and absurd, if not dangerous to indiscriminately get everyone a shot of a work in progress vaccine.
also the only one that would work, non adjuvanted, 97% efficiency, Sputnik-V vaccine is not just non-approved but illegal here.
So it’s clear they want us to die. Thousands of experts especially from Institut Pasteur and INSERM (med institute) rang the alarm about why the AstraZeneca vaccine should not be distributed anymore. It is inefficient, causes strokes and thrombosis on many patients above 50 years. And deaths.
If the vaccination is generalized to all the population as mandatory, it’s like a mathematical distribution of secondary effects that will go from  
  • something like a cold so you have a couple of days off (50%)  
  • small complications, about one week (20%)  
  • severe complications, like a thrombosis (10%)  
  • temporary handicap (5%)  
  • partial handicap, incl. auto-immune illnesses (2%)  
  • permanent handicap, strokes with sequels, cancers (1%)  
  • death (0,5%)
    0,5% on a population of 60 million is still 300,000.
    Even in the best case scenario the mandatory vaccination would climb to 100,000 death due to complications that are proper to most if not all adjuvanted vaccines. that’s science, I ain’t shitting numbers at random. Adults and teens from 15 tend to have more complications due to late vaccination. It’s not like giving a newborn a set of shots so he’ll live.
    In the end, all that for nothing because the vaccine is not immunizing to most variations and the ones to come.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

Yeah, the longer it goes on, the more I think it’s not explainable by pure infantility and retardation, and literal genocide’s going on.  
but again it seems that there will be a huge control, one practician selected, and another one to verify if the vaccination has been done, then a pass will be delivered
And who’ll be implementing it, hmm?  
There will always be people that accept bribes to add you to the database, or pretend away the injection.  
the absolute retard PM we have also suggested that we should get a third dose, this is completely pointless and he has no idea how vaccination and doses even works. All that because they found out the vaccination has been inefficient against the Delta variant.
Insanity is…  
“this doesn’t work because it’s fundamentally incompatible, LETS DO IT HARDER IN HOPES IT WILL SUDDENLY BECOME COMPATIBLE”
Also, it’s a fucking RESPIRATORY VIRUS. Vaccination isn’t going to fucking work regardless, those mutate too quickly for immunity (whether natural or from vaccine) to persist, just like common cold/influenza; covid won’t be defeated by human reactions (especially since the opportunity for the only effective reaction, that being “shoot trespassers to kill first, ask questions never, destroy the corpse in sterilization unit” absolute quarantine for a month, has well and truly passed), it’ll be defeated by laws of nature ending the overly aggressive viruses, just like  
you know  
spanish flu, asian flu, hong kong flu, atypical pneumonia, swine flu, bird flu, and another half a fucking dozen “epidemics” in the last 100 years that recur every decade or so and last at most two years.  
also the only one that would work, non adjuvanted, 97% efficiency, Sputnik-V vaccine is not just non-approved but illegal here.
Sputnik 5 is spike protein response trigger (read: thrombosis, since AFAIK spike protein immune response gets autoimmune’d into attacking own blood) delivered via adenovirus. The only genuine, true to term vaccine right now is Covivac. Though sputnik’s still way better than the fucking retarded mRNA shit, literally shitting on population for money by pushing a PROVEN UNSUITABLE (way, way too many complications) immunity booster on them.
Honestly what you need is to recall the old good French tradition.
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