Big Bad Politics!

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I got a sensible chuckle out of when Jeff Bezos - the world’s richest simp - spent untold sums of money to take a 10 minute parabolic flight into “space” and experience free fall. Some LOLbertarian/conservative broad on Twatter put on a smug face and said “Capitalism put Jeff Bezos into space, not socialism! Checkmate!” And at least 80% of the replies were either “Socialism put Yuri Gagarin into space before Jeff Bezos was born,” or “It took a long time for capitalism to catch up to socialism getting into space,” or just pictures of Yuri Gagarin. Some people brought up the Apollo program as an example of capitalism and were shot down by others who pointed out that NASA is a government agency that spent billions of US tax dollars to put men on the moon, not a commercial enterprise.
And this is why I hate conservatives and LOLbertarians. Jeff Bezos is an asshole. He treats his workers like garbage, even people working in the corporate office, personally abusing workers for his own gratification. There are vending machines at the Amazon plants that dispense painkillers like candy. Even the international corporate press who creams their pants over the cult of celebrity and conspicuous consumption calls Bezos “The world’s worst boss”. Bezos doesn’t even play the billionaire philantropist game of creating fake charity scams to launder money to boost his image as someone who appears to care, he’s just a Dickensian miser, a Shylock who extracts as much wealth from everyone below him for his own enrichment.
And conservatives and LOLbertarians are worshiping this guy just because he’s so rich that his ex-wife can extract $50 billion from him in a divorce and he’s still the richest man in the world. It doesn’t matter what he did to get rich, getting rich and staying rich is the summum bonum of morality according to LOLbertarianism and conservativism. They believe that it is good and natural for 80 people to have more money than the entire rest of the world combined.
This goes beyond having a good work ethic and keeping the money you make through your labor, this is the worship of being as evil as possible, hurting as many people as possible, manipulating markets, buying politicians, doing absolutely anything it takes to acquire as much wealth as possible and then lord over everyone like the god-king Xerxes from 300. That’s what conservativism and LOLbertarianism has become and I despise that.
No wonder young people hate that. No wonder young people flock to the left and each generation moves further and further left than the one before it. Because they have no future under the Jeff Bezos plutocracy. The plutocracy has grown so massive that no matter how hard you work or even how entrepreneurial you are, no matter how great an idea for a business you have, you will never succeed unless you kiss the ring of the god-kings of Amazon, Apple, Google, and Microshaft. If you can enrich them they will allow you to make just enough money so that you act as a carrot dangling in front of the 99.999% of humanity who are now serfs in the new feudal system.
That’s why I hate LOLbertarians and conservatives, because they make socialism sympathetic because socialists at least pretend to care about people rather than holding greed and selfishness as the highest virtues in the universe.
I’d much rather have the right-wing lunatics of the 80s and 90s who said Dungeons and Dragons is a cult and that Satanists were sacrificing children in daycare centers than the modern day Mammon worshipers. At least the moral busybodies believed in something, anything beyond the law of the jungle where it’s a good thing to smash someone’s head in with a rock just to make a profit. I want to live in Western Civilization, not cave man times.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

You know how Twitter freaks seem to want all feminine traits to be abolished within media? I was thinking that it’s due to the trans things.
Why do they always say “Transwomen are women” but rarely, “Transmen are men”?  
It’s because a “transman” just looks like an underdeveloped boy who’s trying to look manly. A “transwoman”, on the other hand, looks like some kind of freakish he-she-thing. So, by erasing the beauty and attractive feminine features of women and normalizing ugly brutish butch-dykes-things, it’ll make fitting in for those men, who’re pretending to be women, easier.
In a woke world, all women must be ugly, so trans-women’ll have a better chance at passing as actual women.
Anonymous #443D
Is it capitalism or socialism when Jeff Bezos only has money for his own private space program because he’s allowed to pay his workers so little that half of them are on food stamps?
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.
Remember that Jeff Bezos who the good conservatives creamed over the other day?
He just gave $100 million to self-professed communist Van Jones! He also gave another $100 million to the head of CNN “To do with as they wish” in celebration of his trip into space!
Mmmmmm! Conservativism is shit! Conservatives are worthless sacks of shit who worship Mammon. Mmmmm, their money-worship is pushing more young people further and further to the left. They’ve defeated themselves.
Anonymous #372F
If women have to sign up for the draft now, I can’t wait to see the twitter rants about recruiters texting them nonstop.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Just recorded 33 minutes for upcoming video on the history of space travel, the Vietnam war, and Jeff Bezos, hope to have it out by the end of the week.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Papa John’s fired Papa John and their pizza is so sweet it tastes like candy.
Also, the white head of Chick-fillet said white people should wash the feet of black people and then took the foot of some crack dealing rapist murderer and washed it with his own tears that he made from the pain of whipping himself for being white.
There’s only one black body I care about
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