Big Bad Politics!

Anonymous #443D
@Anonymous #372F  
I think some of them want that outcome, on a conscious, operational level, and have been working very hard to bring it about.
People on the Right in the US are reasoning from several demonstrably false premises. One of them is that the Constitution is a magical talisman of MUH FREEDOMS and if they just send Vin Diesel on an adventure to retrieve it from the zombie-infested catacombs beneath Foggy Bottom, all the purple-haired SJWs with rings in their eyebrows will suddenly discover a new-found love of limited government and ordered liberty and start voting Republican, and it’s going to be 1957 again forever. Some of them really believe this. They really truly believe that the rule of law is still a thing in 2021, and that people who have been calling openly for their deaths for the past fifty-five years just don’t understand, that they’re here for an honest debate, that they harbor good will.
They’re hallucinating. There is no bottom to the hatred Leftists have for wypipo and for America. The only thing that keeps most of them from picking up a gun today is cowardice, and they haven’t all been cowards. Here, read a political manifesto written by Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, Obama’s political mentor. They want this. Leftists want this with every fiber of their being. Read all of it. Pay close attention to the joint China/USSR nuclear decapitation strikes against Washington and every state capital, and the powers they wanted to assume once they were put in power by a joint Soviet-Chinese occupation army. Pay particular attention to the gulags they wanted to build in Alaska and Arizona, and the glee with which they discuss “reeducation camps” filled with “hard-core irreconcilable fascists” who could not be brought around to the “revolution’s” way of thinking, and their zeal for the plan to “liquidate” 10% or more of the US population.
They are evil and insane and they were saying the quiet part out loud before most of the people reading this were born. But the Right in this country clings to this counterproductive, demonstrably false fantasy that the people shooting up Congressional charity softball games are just a little bit misguided, they just don’t understand, and if everybody just had an honest, frank conversation at a church Sunday potluck dinner, everything would be A-OK. We have to disabuse ourselves of this notion that our enemies don’t hate us and want to kill us, and aren’t already waging war against us all day every day by every means at their disposal short of organized use of force. We have to get over this comforting lie that there are rules and laws and that the Constitution isn’t a dead letter, that the legal system isn’t an enormous game of Calvinball run and presided over almost entirely by people who despise us, where the only rule is, Whitey is always wrong. We have to accept that our enemies have spent decades slowly putting themselves into positions of power from which they can “legally” send the NKVD to kick down our doors and drag us and our families away to be buried in unmarked mass graves, they’re nearly there, and they’re salivating over the idea. We need to stop doing the “but muh Constitution” Ghost Dance. We’re not talking our way out of this and we’re not voting our way out of this either.
And to get back to your point, I’m pretty sure a lot of these people would absolutely love to see the US either nuke itself or get nuked by Russia and China, so long as they thought they were able to watch from a safe distance. Americans, by which they really mean, working-class White men, are “too proud,” “obsessed with this selfish, racist idea of ‘freedom,’” and “need to be taken down a peg.” They want to see those mushroom clouds. They want it badly. They want it desperately, so long as they can arrange to be in Toronto or Havana when the bombs fall.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

so long as they can arrange to be in Toronto or Havana when the bombs fall.
>implying a nuclear strike won’t also be aimed at those  
>implying modern nuclear weapons can be intercepted in any way  
>implying USA won’t bomb back  
>implying Russia doesn’t maintain the Perimeter system (read: “if we’re decapitated, fully automatically glass the planet” dead man’s switch)  
>implying it doesn’t have at least one ICBM aimed at Israel, who also have a Dead Man’s Hand called Samson Option for obvious reasons  
>implying USA doesn’t have an equivalent to either, making decapitation strikes completely useless  
>implying the resulting fallout from simultaneous, atmospheric detonation of most of the world’s nuclear arsenal won’t wipe out everywhere but oceanic depths  
There’s a reason why Mutually Assured Destruction is a thing. But pretty sure the leftoids are too ignorant, bigoted and delusional to understand that.
Anonymous #443D
There’s a reason why Mutually Assured Destruction is a thing. But pretty sure the leftoids are too ignorant, bigoted and delusional to understand that.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Anonymous #443D  
He could’ve had a point if he was faster; it was possible, for a limited time, to actually first-strike destroy nuclear capability of capitalist countries when Soviets had the ICBM and USA did not; a bomber plane’s response is too slow and they’re too easy to shoot down.  
But once everyone stockpiled enough rockets and nukes, it became impossible - you cannot intercept all of the rockets, good luck intercepting even a single nuclear MIRV’s full output, and modern early warning systems give not only enough time to launch your own rockets, but absolute guarantee that they ALL will be launched; men whose lives can be counted in single digits of minutes have no scruples.
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Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Officer Hotpants  
No you see this is all still his fault and he will be responsible for the upcoming nuclear war. And if JoJo does accidentally launch the nukes on Americans thinking he’s logging in to his Facebook? That’d be Blimpf’s fault too.
Anonymous #443D
He could’ve had a point if he was faster;
Are we talking about the same Posadists? The followers of the same Juan “Once we vanquish capitalism in glorious nuclear combat, the Space Brothers will deem us worthy to share their knowledge of perfected scientific socialism” Posadas?
Some historians aren’t sure there ever was a “missile gap,” at least the way the media described it sixty or seventy years ago. The USSR constantly broadcast propaganda about their achievements in missiles and rocketry, but in the 1950s, we weren’t having so much luck. Our rockets, designed by German scientists who went to the same schools as their German scientists, who may have been better at rocket science just on the basis of us being the ones who got to the moon first, blew up on the launch pad a LOT. These were the same guys who designed the V2, which got its payload somewhere within five miles of the intended target about 50% of the time, the other half of the time blowing up on the launch pad, blowing up moments after launch, disintegrating during reentry, overshooting the entire UK to land in the Atlantic Ocean, and so on. It may be that the Soviets didn’t trust their new toys.
As an aside, the Soviet philosophy in nuclear weapons design differed enormously from that of any Western nation. American nuclear weapons, for example, were designed to “fail safe,” to reduce the chance that an accident could result in an accidental nuclear detonation. Many features were designed into them to make them so that they could only detonate properly under certain very specific conditions, to reduce the likelihood of Plattsburg AFB taking the upper half of New York State with it if there was an “oops.” Ask any old Air Force “glowworm” with a 2W series MOS about that.
The Russians, on the other hand, deliberately designed theirs so that, for example, if the bomber carrying them were damaged and crashed, it’d probably detonate. Consider wonky ICBMs designed far too fast, with too few tests, blowing up on the launch pads, exactly like ours constantly did before around 1965. Consider the warheads detonating too. I wonder how many of the Soviet “above ground tests” in Siberia in the 1950s were accidents, a story concocted after the fact. They were never well publicized, but the Soviet military-industrial complex had little “oopses” all the time, right up until 1991. My favorite is “the “oops” at the illegal Soviet biological warfare lab, “Compound 19, in Sverdlosk (now Ekaterinburg) in 1979. Given that the KGB came in and destroyed all records as the incident was in progress, you can probably add at least a couple of zeroes to the official body count. It wasn’t the only “oops” they had. A genocidal totalitarian police state that has no hesitation about killing all the witnesses and burning all the records can keep a lot of stuff quiet, at least until geiger counters start going off in neighboring countries.
No doubt, the USSR was ruled by malevolent psychopaths who desperately wanted to turn the entire planet into one vast gulag and saw the US as the principal obstacle to doing so. It is not for nothing that Leftists spent the entire Protracted Struggle working very hard, doing anything and everything they could, to facilitate a Soviet nuclear first strike against the US. They did this for decades. Their children are doing all the same things now, when they aren’t doxxing and harassing people on web pages for pony fans.
I don’t know. Some of them might blame Reagan instead. Thirty-five years ago he pwn3d all the smug sanctimonious libs. Their smug sanctimonious SJW children still respond to images of his face or the sound of his voice with unreasoning rage. They’re just like Pavlov’s trained dogs. They weren’t even born when he left office.
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
The best part? It doesn’t even scare me the way it should because it’s Joe saying it. If he ever presses the button on a city, there’s at least a 50/50 chance that the coordinates he enters will be for the white house. And that’s assuming he can remember the password; I doubt he could remember the old one.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Officer Hotpants  
The nuclear code is all 0s because it would be too difficult for people under the extreme stress of nuclear war to enter the correct string of digits so they left it as the default setting. All you have to do is turn the key to start armageddon.
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
See, I always wonder about that. They SAY they changed it. Most likely they did, but the brilliant minds that brought us 000000000 as the password for global nuclear annihilation could very well have left it as it was hoping nobody would immediately try that number just in case.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
When the right condemns political violence while at the same time worshiping the founding fathers they are being hypocrites. The founding fathers didn’t create America by making a podcast and then when they lost the election writing a self-righteous book, they shot people with guns and thought that was such an important right that they enshrined it in their new constitution.
Anonymous #443D
I claim no knowledge of how it works now, but 30+ years ago every day new codes were generated and every morning the President was handed “the Football,” a sealed briefcase containing that day’s randomly generated code words for ordering nuclear attacks and related matters. Long, long ago I read a magazine article–this would have been around 1985-ish–in which a reporter got a glimpse at a page from what was supposedly a prior day’s codebook. I cannot even recall what the article said it said, only that her guide relieved her of it and said “we’re not allowed to talk about that.”
I don’t know how they manage such matters now, though I’ve heard rumors that Slow Joe isn’t allowed to touch the Football and the Joint Chiefs have it. I don’t know whether that’s better or worse.
You may have heard the rumors, now apparently confirmed, that Trump wanted to withdraw US troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, and some other places, and for two years the Joint Chiefs hemmed and hawwed and blew him off and bullshitted him before telling him flat-out “lol no, you’re going to be gone soon, I’m not going to impede MUH CAREER for you, piss off.” The JCS apparently has its own ideas about foreign policy and troop deployment, which do not change regardless of the results of elections.
It makes me think of a rather creepy and ham-handed 1982 spy movie, in which the protagonist, a CIA agent, boasts to another character that in 1972, Nixon put the Air Force on high alert for whatever reason, and the CIA decided he was “unstable” and made plans to bump him off in plausibly deniable fashion. They also set up covert access to the command and control system for nuclear weapons, ostensibly to prevent Nixon from starting a nuclear war. They use it to blackmail the USSR and save the world, of course. But to get back to the Ken Wahl character, he is perfectly self-righteous and self-assured when he boasts about this. And he’s the hero of the movie, a tough, masculine, straight-shooting warrior spy guy.
At the time I did not know what to think. Well, I was a kid. I’ve had a few decades to ponder it. U gave decided that it terrifies me. I know, it was fiction, but work with me here. This idea that the Deep State–we didn’t call it that then–might just decide that it disapproved of the results of an American election and decide they weren’t taking orders any more, because they knew best, that’s terrifying.
And it came true. The source material is painting it as Patriotic Generals who Know Best versus Crazy Stupid Guy We Got Rid Of, but it terrifies me to the core of my being. This is what happens in tinpot banana republics. Our elections are a sham, we’re ruled by a junta, and “far-left” Axios News is telling us “but that’s a GOOD thing! It’s for your own good! It’s all for the best, you’ll see!” Wait a minute, I thought juntas ignoring the lawful commands of a legitimate government was bad. I’m so confused.
Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
As far as I’m aware, however, they also didn’t fire the first shots, nor did their “political violence” take the form of dragging random passers-by off of their horses and beating them to death for having bad teeth. Or looting each other’s homes & businesses and burning them to the ground to stick it to the crown.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

@Officer Hotpants  
Yeah, IIRC what they had happen is brits trying to take away their guns, which failed, violently.
And honestly real american patriots are weaksauce. The Constitution is worthless; the time to defend it was decades ago when ATF and the like were formed - screeching about how things are unconstitutional is worthless, Second Amendment was created so that people can enforce the Constitution and, well, y’all’ren’t doing any of that.
Humble Oriathan
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Wally Worshiper
Kinda hard too when the far left corruption runs so deep, you’d have to take up arms against the police and city politicians for any real change to start happening. Mayors like Lori Lightfoot and Ted Wheeler need to be executed and replaced as soon as possible for their crimes and gross negligence, but unfortuantely, the police aren’t going to let that happen, and not enough good men are willing to band together to make that happen. There was a guy in Portland who committed suicide because he had his whole livelihood ruined in ONE night for trying to protect his property from antifa by pointing his shotgun at them from within his house. His business license got revoked and he was on his way to a court that was going to find his guilty of brandishing and lock him up for it. People have a lot more to lose that they can’t afford to lose this day and age, especially when the economy continues to worsen. As long as the far left continue to have a strong presence in the city counsils and the courts, we can’t win. They’re doing all that they can to ensure we’re in dilemmas where we’re damned if we do nothing and dammed if we do something. We’re trapped.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

People have a lot more to lose that they can’t afford to lose this day and age
Except the thing is, if they keep being complacent, they will lose it all. Armed resistance is the only way to not.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Libertarians are right wingers?
Right. And there’s two separate categories for “National Socialist” and “Fascist”.
Yeah, I can guess what kind of people made that questionnaire.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Italian Fascism and German National Socialism were different.
@Humble Oriathan  
All the founding fathers were multi-millionaires (Ben Franklin, by some estimates, would have even been a billionaire). George Washington is the second richest president, and Thomas Jefferson is the third richest. Almost all of them lost their land, family members, several lost their lives, others were imprisoned. They had entered into a situation where the only options were form a new nation or die, because what they were doing was treason.
The reason, I think, why rebellion can’t work today is because all the billionaires already run the global government. There aren’t enough of them on the outside of the small club who are willing to die supplying arms and supplies and forming alliances with hostile powers to start a world war to overthrow the global government.
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