Big Bad Politics!

Anonymous #443D
The mob is fickle. They make and break their figureheads. No one’s ideologically pure enough for them. No one’s safe from the guillotine.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Alrighty, MSNBC was taking a more pro Biden line, it was more of NBC staff (which are related but have offical seperated studios) and external guests, some who really let them have it Now regarding that second clip, my position is we should go back in No, though in this case, these refugees are our responsibility. We don’t have to put them all here but we shouldn’t abandon them. His defence of the Afghanistan Military though is a good point is still not so good. Some troops did fight valiantly with their commanders abandoning them and limited supplies, though a lot of it really did just suck.
CNN though really has taken a surprisingly critical tone that feels like a parallel universe
@Anonymous #372F  
Also made the scam pony dating sim Dark Skyes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Like the cleaning of a house, it never ends.
Bite Me is sending or has sent 7,000 good ol’ boys to get maimed or murdered in Durkadurkastan
But don’t worry, Senator Mark Warner (D-Va) has vowed to launch a anal probe (at taxpayer expense, and damn the expense).
“As the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I hope to work with the other committees of jurisdiction to ask tough but necessary questions about why we weren’t better prepared for a worst-case scenario involving such a swift and total collapse of the Afghan government and security forces. We owe those answers to the American people and to all those who served and sacrificed so much.”
Senator Mark Warner has an oral fixation  
He’s also a chairMAN, which is racist against non-quarternary uber-rad-femmes, and also racist against chairs since he’s clearly a human and not a chair.
While he didn’t specify, it seems extremely likely that the Senate ““Intelligence”” Committee will agree with Bite Me that it’s all Orange Man’s fault.
Biden admitted as much in his speech from the White House on Monday afternoon. “This did unfold more quickly than we anticipated,” he said.
So you admit you anticipated the Taliban would conquer the whole country, you just didn’t expect it to take only 10 days. If you knew it would happen why did you renig on the agreement to pull out when the US promised instead of pushing the date back just so that it would be different from the date Orange Man set?
At least 30,000 Durkadurkastanis are going to become ““refugees”” and will be settled in majority white counties to turn them into Demonshit Party counties.
Anonymous #443D
Sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice, and vice versa.
China Joe has been sucking the CCP’s cock for fifty years. He was also instrumental in the 1974 vote to cut off US aid to the Republic of Vietnam, which held out one hell of a lot longer when the last American troops left than the “Afghan National Army” did, and actually fought instead of dropping their rifles and running away.
I am convinced that there is a parallel universe in which US troops remained in South Vietnam into the 1980s, and when 1991 came and the Russian money faucet turned off, the North Vietnamese sued for peace. Maybe there was peaceful reunification, maybe that timeline’s North Vietnam is an isolated pariah state like North Korea, but that timeline’s South Vietnam is industrialized, prosperous, and democratic, like South Korea.
It is altogether a better timeline, sort of like the one where the US kept the Shah of Iran in power and the mullahs never took over. That timeline had no Iran-Iraq War and no mullahs with a nuclear weapons program, and the Shah and his heirs were serious about modernizing and westernizing Iran. Iran today, in that parallel universe, looks more like Jordan than Saudi Arabia, or maybe a better comparison would be Turkey, pre-Erdogan.
Anonymous #443D
The Vietcong destroyed themselves in the Tet Offensive in 1968 and were never militarily significant again. The rest of the war was fought against the North Vietnamese Army. The newsmedia flipflopped weekly on whether those tanks and jet fighters belonged to the Vietcong, or whether they were North Vietnamese but the government in the South wasn’t legitimate and it was really a civil war, guise. People act today like they’re shocked when they catch the newsmedia in blatant, ridiculous lies, but I wanna tell you, brother, it’s been going on for long, long time.
The hippies were never more than a tiny minority that the newsmedia made look more numerous and influential than they actually were. They were the 1960s Boomer equivalent of SJWs, with ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, and Hollywood acting as their megaphone instead of Google, Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook.
No, what happened was Ted Kennedy, Walter Mondale, George McGovern, Walter Cronkite, and China Joe, aided and abetted by a State Department chock-full of Soviet agents and a Pentagon full of politicians with eagles and stars on their collars, who told the politicians what they wanted to hear instead of the truth because muh career, muh pension. Add to this Lyndon Johnson’s desire to wage war but lack of resolve to get an actual declaration of war and go in to win like we did in 1941. One of the things this resulted in was all manner of political restrictions on rules of engagement, like “in this province you can’t shoot at the VC or NVA until they shoot at you first,” “no artillery in this sector,” “no air support in this sector unless you get permission from the State Department,” and so on.
Dean Rusk in the State Department was calling up the Soviet embassy with details of every air strike in North Vietnamese territory as it was being planned, “in order to minimize civilian casualties and avoid the risks of escalation,” so the Air Force and Navy bombed the shit out of empty buildings and empty military bases again and again and again for years. It was secret for years, then in the 90s he was doing interviews with the New York Times and CNN to boast and gloat about how he’d “prevented escalation.” During the Second World War Dean Rusk was an Army staff officer in China, by the way, and he oversaw the distribution of US arms and supplies to Ho Chi Minh.
The Communist victory in Southeast Asia was something China Joe and a lot of other traitors worked very hard to achieve, the deaths of millions in Cambodia, the way the USSR sensed weakness and became emboldened and extremely aggressive for five very long years and greatly increased the chances of nuclear war, the fall of Nicaragua and Iran to terrorist armies who sensed our weakness and took advantage, all of it.
In 1974-75 it took the North Vietnamese almost two years to push down and take Saigon, and some ARVN units continued to fight for weeks and months afterwards. Xuan Loc was held by the ARVN 18th Infantry Division and they fought to the last bullet and the last drop of blood, holding out for weeks after Saigon fell, for example.
And then in 1980 we elected Reagan for his tough talk, and hoped that he was going to put boot to ass. Instead we got eight years of broken promises and the comforting illusion that Clown World could be rolled back a little bit if only we all kept coming out and voting. Oh well.
“Treason never prospers. What’s the reason?  
When treason prospers, none dare call it treason.”  
Sir John Harington
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Maybe YOU owe it to them, but I don’t owe them anything, and neither do all the poor white people whose towns will be overrun because the Demonshit Party wants to change the demographics of the nation. You can be damn well sure that they won’t settle Ahmed in Detroit or LA, they’re going to put them in North Dakota or Kansas.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

If we’re taking refugees we should probably put them where there’s room. Or send them to Canada. That’s what we should do,make immigrants and refugees Canada’s issue.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Dex Stewart  
Maybe Pakistan could take them, you know, a country with basically the same ethnic makeup as Afghanistan, where people speak the same languages, practice the same religion, have the same culture, where the climate is similar.
Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
Mostly agree. But technically most don’t speak the same languages.
Afghanistan: mostly Dari (Persian) and Pashto, both Iranian languages. Dari (Persian) being more widely used.  
Pakistan: various Indo-Aryan languages, mostly Punjabi, Sindhi, Saraiki and Urdu. Pashto is spoken by 18%.
So I guess it would make more sense for Iran to take them.  
Though Pakistan is more similar in terms of religion.
Anonymous #443D
It’s not like the Saudis are hurting for money. Let the Kingdom take them in. The Taliban was created in the 1990s by the Pakistani ISI–their spook shop–with Saudi money. Let them fix their mess. Leave us out of it, for once.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Remember, Australians voluntarily disarmed themselves.
“Mandatory quarantine for the duration of the pandemic”
translation: Indefinite detention of political prisoners
Humble Oriathan
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Wally Worshiper
It’s scary and amazing how fine most of Australia seems to be with the extreme fascist lengths its own government is going to just to enforce social distancing. Soldiers patrolling the streets AND the skies with armored vehicles? For a disease that has a 1% chance of killing you without the vaccine? And to think Europeans like to laugh at us for being naturally rebellious and anti-trusting of our government. At least I can take a walk in the park whenever I want without getting arrested.
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