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General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 54

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 53

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 52

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 51

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 50

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 49

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 48

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Parallel Universe)

Pomegranates :P
It was mostly about me. But yeah, they happened to have landed a ban on another user by the name Kongou, who was my friend there. I dunno what he’s up to these days aside from the fact he’s on Discord doing… something.  
From what I know, that was the only time he was banned and it was a temporary one day ban. Left the site shortly afterwards.

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 47

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 46

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Parallel Universe)

Pomegranates :P
But honestly though, what I did was shortsighted poor judgement on my part that got me into unnecessary shit pile I’m in right now. Otherwise I would have still been posting on Derpi with this avatar I have on here at the current.  
The Ciaran pic was meant to be a brief provocative stunt that I would have replaced with two anime GIFs I had considered as my new avatar. I was in the process of changing up my looks there before I got the boot.
But like I’ve said before, it would have eventually happened one way or another. A number of prominent mods (not most of them) there were anticipating my slip up that would end up having my arse moonbanned. Judging from the transcript that was leaked.

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 45

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 44

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 43

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 42

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 41

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 40

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 39

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 38

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Parallel Universe)

Pomegranates :P
In simpler words.  
I need people to “HATE” me.
Which i was able to find plenty of in the community i was recently booted from because one off the mods didnt share my brand of bad edgy humor. I thrive off the hate energy and angry reactions. Making provocative posts to piss off the mods and the users was life!

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 37

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Parallel Universe)

Pomegranates :P
Honestly though.
Doing this STUPID shit that typically do on Derpi doesnt feel the same on here. I usually only do it in places that are familiar and at least accepting of my antics. But it isnt the same when everyone here seems to be on tue same page.  
Part of the most important appeal to why I go STUPID were the myriad of priceless reactions and replies from people i agitate on other sites like Derpi ranging from annoyance to fanfare.

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 36

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 35

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 34

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 33

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 32

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 31

General Discussion » The STUPID Thread » Post 30

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