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General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 77

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 76

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 75

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 74

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 73

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 72

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 71

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 70

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 69

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 68

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 67

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 66

Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I want to organize people into a nice and little groups. But that I do actually understand that everyone is different, so I’d have a one-person per group situation. There were 6 billion people on the planet at the time, I believe that’s already increased to 7, so, SIX BILLION DIFFERENT GROUPS! That defeats the entire purpose, so at some point I realized that if I were to decrease the amount of people to something more manageable like a few thousand, I’d be able to cope with that much better.
The reason I want to control and organize people so badly is because I’m aware of just how bad people can be. People act like rabid animals, thus I see people as a threat. Of course, I do understand that mass-murder won’t make me far worse of a person than those I label as animals, bad or dangerous people. Something the pro-censorship people of derpibooru don’t seem to understand.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 65

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 64

Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

The simplest answer is, the bad people and death would most likely come in the form of slave labor. The people would be worked to death. They’re going to serve society whether they like it or not.
So, those white college kids getting easy degrees AND their professors, who required a day of mourning due to the election results. If they didn’t vote for Trump, that’s fine. But now, he’s our president, so we should show him some respect and support him as citizens. Hey, there’s always the next election. But those people whined and threw tantrum like spoiled bad-mannered brats. Those people didn’t even get him a chance.
And they say we are the close-minded, hate filled, blind and bigoted people who are ruining the country.
About who goes to a camp. Many politicians, regardless of their side. That’s due to the government shutdown. From what I understand it was basically.
“We’re not willing to agree on anything nor are we willing to even try. So, we’re going home early… we’re still getting pay though.”
My response would have been, the barrel of a gun in their faces as they walked out and “You get back in there and do your jobs! You, people, get paid more than enough and obviously much more than you deserve. You can go home, but don’t ever come back. Basically, walk out and you’re fired.”
Parents who don’t raise their children to be good and stable adults or even at all. Police officers who abuse their authority, corrupt politicians, scammers, thieves, murderers, those abuse and/or molest children, rapists and people who generally ruin the lives of others.
Please, note I don’t like rapists, but I have nothing against those who have a fetish for that kind of thing. I’m not judging, because that’s not even real, it’s just a fantasy, an act, a game, role-play and a drawing. As long as one gets harmed and all parties are consenting then I say enjoy your fetish. I’ll just be over there with my own likes and interests. So, if it isn’t the real thing, then it isn’t a crime and thus those who enjoy it shouldn’t be persecuted. Something derpibooru doesn’t seem to understand.  
The same goes for all other things. Violent video games, if you’re smart enough to understand why you’re not supposed to act those things out in real life then the game can be as violent and brutal as you’d like. If anything it can be an outlet for aggression.
Oh, one important to be clear about. I have nothing against the ill and disabled. In fact, I’m more biased towards them not against. Having an illness or disability is a crime but committed against the one who suffers from it. I want to help those people, by pour massive amounts of resources into actual research and development of effective treatment to restore the person to their former self or give them a chance to finally be the people they were meant to be before life robbed them of that. Life is never fair.
So, in the end, I can be fair, but I might punish people very harshly if I were ever given the chance to control the system itself. I might.
And yeah… I’ve had my sanity questioned more than once and yes, I’ve failed at least one psychiatric evaluation. In fact, a doctor once summed up my desire to kill literally ever one into a rather simple explanation.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 63

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 62


Aspiring Kyle
@Adan Druego  
It depends on who you wanted to G word. My reaction would range from the day of the rope is here to a bit edgy mate.
I agree with you for the most part. I don’t judge anyone entirely on race, but there are racial trends in what I judge people on, and it may factor into an initial impression of them. I am happy to change that impression and do. Race could even factor in reverse, as if someone says or does something that goes against what is typical among their in-group, I have to give them more credit for it. However, if a group organizes entirely based upon racial agendas (BLM), I will judge that group based upon my feelings towards that racial agenda. I won’t be favorable to such agendas that oppose my interests or that I consider illegitimate.
If there is one group we need to have learned to hate lately, it’s white college kids getting easy degrees.
@Fleur de Lis  
I’ll take that as a 3.5.
Stalin was based. They should have worked out a deal for buying oil.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 61

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
If you mean a generic fascist like Mussolini/Horthy/Franco, probably a 2/10. I might even call it quaint, as it was pretty irrelevant ideology even at that time when it had presence in politics.
If you mean naziism, 5/10. It’s very evil, but not as evil as today’s global trend.
I am basically a stalinist, by the way. I just don’t think it is immoral to have incorrect beliefs, and I am too pessimistic about the world for to firmly challenge them.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 60

Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

If I said I may had allegedly promoted genocide, how much would many of you hate me, too?  
Scale of 1 to 10.  
I’m just curious as well.  
Allegedly… *cough* Don’t check the Leaked Chat Logs post I made.
Personally, I wouldn’t label myself as a racist. Sure I may certain rude things but that’s usually in response to someone being rude to me. And if I were to recruit people to form some sort of political party or cult, I’d pretty much recruit from all different backgrounds.
AND if I were to build death camps, one would realize pretty quickly that the people being exterminated have almost nothing in common.
We are all just people… and I’m just afraid of people. So many people, but that can be changed… I’m not saying that it should be changed.
I’m actually just a nice person with a very twisted and disturbed mind… yes, I’ve actually failed a psychiatric evaluation or two. And I’m not allowed to serve on a jury or purchase and/or own any firearms.
I’d be more concerned about whether you’re a racist or not and if so how much and towards who. If not then whatever, I don’t honestly care.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 59

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 58

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 57


Aspiring Kyle
@Azure Fang  
Steam is definitely not non-intrusive, and has locked people out of their accounts for highly questionable reasons.
I don’t see how possibly not being able to download is DRM. I don’t feel there is an automatic entitlement to download the files (complete, non-corrupted) more than once, let alone indefinitely; it’s just a luxury, and depriving that, even if that were the case, isn’t DRM. DRM is when you already have the files and they turn them off remotely, or when the files become useless if moved to another computer, or become useless due to some other artificial factor beyond simply not having them.
If you lose a CD (DRM free or not), you lost it, is that DRM? In GOG you can back up the files and run them, without downloading again, which I’ve in fact done. As such, I don’t see how it is any different than something without DRM on a CD, which you could put the files on yourself. It’s a big stretch to try to call that DRM, possibly to the point of devaluing the concept of DRM, which we can’t start doing.
But hosting actual DRM games, that is a problem. I never encountered a case of that, but like I said, I stopped using them for other reasons. They shouldn’t do that period.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 56

Azure Fang
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Oh no, he's here?
The moment they began requiring an account to buy games (this was not the case when they first opened) and tied all licenses to an account, they became a light form of DRM in and of themselves, similar to Steam; they control your right to download the games for which you’ve purchased a license and can revoke that right (by closing your account) as they see fit (as defined in Section 17 of their User Agreement, which defines your purchases as “GOG Content and Services” in Section 2, and provides a hefty, and at times dubious, list of things you may not do in Section 11). Beyond that, they have a history of listing games still with their DRM intact (for example, Two Worlds, which requires constant connection to verify CD-key even for supported LAN play).
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a problem with unintrusive DRM such as Steam, and I have no problem with GOG being a form of DRM. What I’m tired of is them playing holier-than-thou as a marketing point.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 55


Aspiring Kyle
@Azure Fang  
Do you have sources on their DRM? I stopped supporting them somewhat recently due to crossing some lines of what I consider acceptable political behavior for companies I’ll patronize, but as far as I know they’re still DRM free in most senses. Though there is a debate to be had if things like MMOs by their nature contain DRM.

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 54

General Discussion » (Gasps! Shock!) Unpopular Non-pony Opinion Thread! » Post 53

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