(Neigh! Winny!) Unpopular Pony Opinion Thread!

Anonymous #0C8D
@Fleur de Lis  
Well, at least he wasn’t before the Season 9 premier. How do you ruin a character who’s previous characterization was being ominous and saying “crystals”?
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Pinkie Pie has a subtext story about drug addiction. Party of One is her hitting the wall after running out of drugs for the first time, Too Many Pinkie Pies is about the dissociation that happens mid drug bender, she get more and more erratic up untill a family retreat in Pinky Apple Pie where a family intervention triggers a nervous breakdown in Pinkie Pride and starts getting clean.
Put on your tinfoil hat next time you watch.
Anonymous #0C8D
It’s both amazing and kind of annoying that we’re still getting “Cupcakes” fan art 10 years later.
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