Yeah It’s extremely fishy just before a premiere and he’s been erased. People just want to believe he was fired because of the onlyfans, but they had Twerking and Megan thee stallion known for “WAP” on she-hulk. I know they wouldn’t know that, since they don’t actually watch Marvel shows. Just beat off on tweets calling people bigot for not liking them.
And of course you have people this brain dead:
If the person they fired was a white hetero dude who spewed out the same neo-nazi viewpoints as Stonetoss, you’d be defending him and bashing Disney for the decision until the cows come home. And yet, here you are claiming that the (checks notes) gay black man who had an OnlyFans account “mUsT hAvE dOnE sOmEtHiNg FaR wOrSe To HaVe GoTtEn FiReD.”
But I’m sure that’s just a HUGE coincidence.
Tell me you would cheer if he was fired for saying something positive about someone you were told to hate without saying it.
If it was just that, why did he deleted his social media accounts they suspiciously ignore in stead of whining he was fired for phobia like most of them do? They probably know he was up to something, it’s why he nuked them.
And he didn’t get fired because Disney and Marvel want to Course correct that is just cope, since they’ve “course corrected” before and ram right into that ice burg. Even U-turned to cause damage on other side.