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Big Bad Politics!


You are neither “stunning” nor “brave” when you have the full backing of the US media on your side. To be “stunning” and “brave” in this day and age is to be a straight white conservative male.
Artist -

I thought that I am referring to the conservative usage of the meme, not the actual status.
If that’s the case, then conservative users would call each other with those words, instead of using them to mock leftists. Otherwise I would assume that it’s towards leftists, especially very entitled dyed-hairs.
Anonymous #39BD
Pretty weird you’d bring up his stature considering Putin’s own… and that he’s so self-conscious of it he wears platform shoes.
To be “stunning” and “brave” in this day and age is to be a straight white conservative male.
So true! These days we’ve even got to watch out for the busses full of trannies roaming the streets for white conservative men to beat up, it’s terrible!

Well of course it’s used to mock leftists, especially when it’s said in that whiny, voice-cracking “Mannix” tone. Nobody’s brave when they’re taking pride in bragging about how easily victimized and traumatized they are anytime someone doesn’t validate their identity. Or how they get PTSD when someone demonstrates basic rudeness to them.
No, bravery is shutting the fuck up and not letting others see you cry because you suffered lethal emotional damage from being misgendered by a complete stranger.
Artist -

I learned on the Internet that it is better not to show any sign of crying or weakness, especially because online people love to hunt those who do so. Better to deny an enemy your tears so they will think twice before facing you.

If only the folks on tiktok and twitter would take such advice to heart.
But no. Instead we have to suffer through them proudly proclaiming their victim status like it’s a virtue, and signalling just how weak they are for all the world to see. Which sets the bar lower for some other pathetic loser to try and outdo them by saying just how much weaker and more pitiful they are compared to this other person before them.
Artist -

To be fair, their bizarre trends would make good fodder for a dystopian scifi faction, as I tend to imagine how will their dystopia implement their trends.
I think I find them to be bizarre, as I come from a rather modernist conservative country, Malaysia, where some of these trends have been watered down to avoid a police raid. At least I like their hair dye and cartoons.
Anonymous #6899
If only the folks on tiktok and twitter would take such advice to heart.
But no. Instead we have to suffer through them proudly proclaiming their victim status like it’s a virtue, and signalling just how weak they are for all the world to see. Which sets the bar lower for some other pathetic loser to try and outdo them by saying just how much weaker and more pitiful they are compared to this other person before them.
Have you considered not being terminally online? Touching grass and all that? It seems that people on the internet are causing you genuine distress when their words have absolutely no effect on the real world.
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
This has nothing to do with a bunch of thieves being against theft. The USD is about to collapse because other countries, including China, are planning to pull out of US assets due to theft of Russian assets.
Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

-Russians running out of fuel right after entering Ukraine  
-Snake Island  
-(Abandoned) maternity ward shelling  
-Water balloons defeat tanks  
-Zelensky in Kyev… last year  
-Russian tank running over civilian vehicle
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I’ll take even a ceremonial pitiful opposition over none. Especially with the squad joining them and making a few more people question if this is a good idea or not.
There is only two people there who might understand the significance of that. The Squad thinks money is magic and I doubt their vote was informed by that fear. Especially when so many other democrats who have as much to lose if that occurs.
Also, I consider the threat of against the US dollar to be significant, but overhyped in the idea that “Yeah, the USA is about to sink this year!” Murmurs and concern over sanctions/wanting to undervalue the US status currency has been going for awhile with mixed success This will probably make it a little quicker though.
>-Russian tank running over civilian vehicle  
I need to dig up my links on that one as there was something odd with it. It was a Strelia-10 I believe it was finally identified as and was seen randomly driving through the Kiev.
>The Moskova’s crew making it back home all alive.  
>Russia saying they weren’t going to invade.  
>Ukrainian intel saying that Russia wouldn’t be able to fight more then six weeks.  
>Normal Russian military flights being mistaken for Russia evacuating it’s senior staff to it’s bunkers  
>Ukrainian air defenses being destroyed on the first day.  
>Belarus about to join the war on Russia’s side.  
>Eastern European weapons suck and it’s only the enlightened Western weapons that work.
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
If China, Saudi Arabia, and India pull out of the USD and stop trading in it, it is effectively no longer a global reserve currency. The decades of money printing will finally kick in and inflation will be Weimar Republic levels, especially since the only option the US has facing such a situation has is to print even more.
Anonymous #0FC7
usa should invade canada and steal their oil and gas and supply it to europe. problem solved.
Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I try to search “women in the workplace are a burden on men” and similar . Every result is about poor wahmen being oppressed by men.
Anonymous #0FC7
Since you did not develop my idea, i think you replied to try to hide the genocide of the aboriginals with that useless comment. Don’t talk about canada without making it clear that it is a backwater import-dependant kingdom.
Anonymous #39BD
A cute girl on the bus didn’t smile at me once and this is why women never should leave the kitchen
I hear the army is recruiting. Maybe earn some medals looting homes and you’ll get some pussy when you come back. Or you could always just rape some children, seems to be all that russian nazis like you are actually good at.
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