Big Bad Politics!

Officer Hotpants
Rabid Squirrel - Don't pet it.
A toast - Incredibly based
Officer Shid pants - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Double-0 Negative
@Anonymous #0847  
Aw. Is the UN trying to pretend it’s still a legitimate, relevant organization again? That would almost be cute if the whole world wasn’t aware of what their “peacekeepers” get up to with the kids in Africa.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
From Noam Chomsky.
Keyboard warriors who want other people to fight and die so they can score clout points are REEEEing “You’re a traitor for appeasing Vladolf Putler!” but they never put their money where their cheeto and mountain dew stuffed mouths are and actually take up arms and fight.
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
He’s fighting the last war, as usual. This isn’t about Russia being mad about some land, this is about China-Russia and maybe India realignment of the world. NATO will fight until Ukraine is a burning pile of rubble and every Ukrainian is dead, in their own countries, or in Russia, because they have no other option. However, that isn’t an option, either, and won’t change the end of this gambit.
China is exploiting NATO’s ego to make a break with the US-EU, something that if done unilaterally on their own side would result in public unrest. NATO will have to suffer shortages with their own populations knowing they were self-inflicted, while Russia and China trade amongst themselves and excuse any suffering as patriotic necessity to fight for their own existences.
Wars are won on resources. America and the EU need China and Russia to survive at anything resembling their current living standards. The opposite cannot be said with any certainty.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

You have some factions on war fever hype right now (Pay attention to the formally pacifistic Germany green party becoming the biggest Russia hawks) . Some who might legitimately calculate that nuclear war isn’t a risk , no doubt thinking, Eh, Russia can be pretty hyperbolic on a normal day and… whatever Biden is doing
Now, Ukraine and Russia are about to slug it out in the Donbass. If the Russians lose here and start using nukes out of wounded pride then it will be the stupidiest way to sleepwalk toward a mass World War or at least the first use of nuclear weapons in war since World War II.
If a break in the global commence occurs it will be painful for both sides and there will be (already starting?) downgrade of the standards of living, though I doubt a full societal collapse. For example, look at how badly Huawei was hurt when we sanctioned them They still had a partial dependence on our wafers despite China producing a majority of the world’s rare earths. If a split occurs, China would certainly develop the capacity fully to have that supply chain done inside the country and the US would eventually develop mining operations again with a generation or so of pain and sortages before that.
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
It’s bigger than not having some mines. Where is anyone going to get the steel, plastic, chemicals, machine tools, ICs, PCBs, and all the other components in literally every item western citizens expect? Very few of these are produced outside of China in a notable quantity. Even if western governments poured the money they don’t have into building projects for factories to produce these, western workers are never going to accept the kinds of conditions and pay that are normal in China and necessary to continue current living standards. Western activists would rather a social collapse than have the environmental and social costs they now pay out of sight and mind in China. Westerns are so pampered and lazy that game developers are demanding unions for “working conditions”. Steel mills are never coming back.
On the other side, what do western countries produce that China and Russia actually need? Based on current events, airplane parts are the only object that can be asserted with confidence. The vast majority of what is produced in the west is intangible and largely worthless in real terms: entertainment, banking, internet services, design, luxury goods, and high tech goods (assembly). There may be other, specific parts that no one has noticed, but come on. Does this even remotely compare to not being able to get steel to make a bean can?
This was the long game and China won. Russia is trying to get their foot in the door before the common Twit notices what has already happened.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

>The vast majority of what is produced in the west is intangible and largely worthless in real terms: entertainment, banking, internet services, design, luxury goods, and high tech goods (assembly).  
I completely understand that impression. The rust belt exists for a reason and certainly the mix of cheap plastic, and more importantly, electrical gadgets all from China really do give that impression. Again though, not only including Officer Hotpants point on us being where they get all the money, some significant interdependence still exists Like for example, Australia resources. Even in with the United States with’s it’s massive defunct with China, over 100 billion in exports back to China is still nothing to laugh at if it was to fracture. In fact, the majority of the USA’s exports to China are not services.  
Not all industries in the US are dying either. Like Semiconductor manufacturing and other industries are making big bets on a lot of US factories right now. More likely than not with tension we will see a partial decoupling of some strategic areas in the next decade naturally, as China and the USA start to shield ever larger amounts of certain industries in protectionism and maybe that could change things, but right now, it is still part of a global market that will hurt very badly very quickly if it was to suddenly snap apart.
These is the statistics for 2021, warning PDF
@Dex Stewart  
Not all of them. Russian neo nazi groups are still firmly, albeit, awkwardly, sticking with their country, from what I hear. Some even echoing the denazify rhetoric. Don’t ask me how that works.
Anonymous #0847
If the wider public knew of Obama’s numerous scandals secret dealings and corruption. There would never be another black person voted into the presidency again because he changed the rules that you’ll not allowed to question his new world order. If there was ever the embodiment of anti-Christ it would be him.
Artist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor has appeared in a number of interviews in which he details his views on the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. In this one he laughs about dead redditors in Ukraine. 32:00 is when the question begins
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
what now I love Ukraine
The difference is how easily each side will make up the deficits. It will be easy for China to shift existing production; it will be difficult or impossible for the US to create new production. Remember that for the time being, China at least pretends to respect US copyrights and patents. I would not be surprised if many of those US exports were actually licensed components for US imports.
The actual deficit China could have faced was food. They’ve covered that now that the US-EU forced Russia into their pocket.
Anonymous #0FC7
what a deepshit. the real goal is to destruct ukraine and the moron says it is to destruct russia.  
Anyone who  
believes in the russian propaganda is the escapist. Escapism is the  
type of schizophrenia.
Should we drill a little holie in your skull to analyse your stupid brain IvanSatoru? You have escapism syndrom?
Chatty Kirin -

Excessively based homo
@Anonymous #0FC7  
NATO was trying to surround Russia with the goal of destroying it and Russia fought back. That is more justified than the US invading Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, and Vietnam. America and the EU don’t care about Ukraine, they care that they lost the bet they put down in their coup.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #0FC7  
I’d heard that the reason the US wants a war in Ukraine is to destabilize Russia, similar to what happened due to the Soviet Union back when they invaded Afghanistan in the 80s. The US never cared about Ukraine, which is why they made many empty promises of NATO membership, backing and support.
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