Big Bad Politics!

Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
God is pissed  
The US was founded as the new Rome and the new Jerusalem. The nation is wedded to God from its founding. In a divorce you lose half of everything. When a nation (or at least certain states) divorces itself from God then those states burn to the ground. This is a necessary self-correction.
Pride is the biggest sin of all. It is the first sin, from which all other sins descend. Living in pride is denying the laws of nature, and that includes human nature.
God doesn’t punish people with lightning bolts like naytheists mock, God creates laws of nature and when you sin you act in violation to the laws of nature and you have to face the consequences of your pride just as you must face the consequences of jumping off a cliff. It doesn’t matter if you believe in gravity or not, if you jump off a cliff your disbelief isn’t going to save you, you’ll die all the same. If you don’t believe in God you still have to face the consequences of living in sin.
California is the new Sodom. What happens when you live in sin and there’s feces and used needles in the streets and no one maintains anything? You get bubonic plague, leprosy, and wildfires that burn the state to the ground.
Humans want to live in sin on the west coast and build their commie dystopias like CHAZ and riot in the streets because a drug addict overdosed and died, they try to start a race war and abandon God. God responds by saying “Let us see who is better at killing and starting fires, you or me.”
The communists are trying to stage a coup because Trump is trying to bring America back to God. God always uses flawed individuals to achieve his goals as a message to all of us of his power of redemption. Commies plan on stealing the election with fraudulent mail-in ballots. Now the most far left places are being destroyed by natural disasters in retaliation to stop them from succeeding.
Remember Brexit? Remember the day of the referendum? The districts that voted remain had the worst torrential rain in a century while the leave districts had very little rain. God manipulated the weather to keep the remoaners at home so Brexit would pass. God is now burning the west coast of the US to the ground to keep them from voting against Trump.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

The way I’ve viewed it and how I’ve heard it explained is as such: God is present always, except for when He isn’t wanted or welcomed. So, if people say that they don’t want or even need a god, He leaves, taking His influence with Him.
“So, you don’t want Me? Well, let’s see how well you do without Me.”
Without God’s general presence and influence, other forces in our world are able to move in and strengthen their own influences, which always end badly for us, human beings.
And we don’t actually understand just how the spirit world works. Apparently, there are things in that world that are essentially rodents and vermin. In this world if a person is unclean and messy, they attract rats and fleas, which can carry various diseases. It’s basically something similar in the spirit world, expect instead if destroying your body and ruining your health, it’s the human spirit and your own soul which will be effected.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
God doesn’t punish people with lightning bolts like naytheists mock, God creates laws of nature and when you sin you act in violation to the laws of nature and you have to face the consequences of your pride just as you must face the consequences of jumping off a cliff. It doesn’t matter if you believe in gravity or not, if you jump off a cliff your disbelief isn’t going to save you, you’ll die all the same. If you don’t believe in God you still have to face the consequences of living in sin.
I see sin as literally a violation of natural law. If you push something it pushes back with equal but opposite force. It’s not sitting there in judgment, it’s causality.
If you live in filth because you worship the false god of relativism and not judging “alternative” lifestyles, you invite plague; if you don’t clear out the dead brush from forests because you worship the false god of gaia and people start setting fires you create conflagration; if you try to create a socialist state because you worship the false god of Marxism people will refuse to work so there will be mass starvation; if you allow infinity billion people into your country who will live off welfare or else work for free, and sell all your factories to China because you worship the false gods of globalism and multiculturalism, you destroy the economy and crime becomes rampant; if you worship the false god of feminism you destroy everyone’s lives and everyone is measurably more miserable, which also causes crime to become rampant.
The same is true in reverse. Promoting intact families, cohesive, unified neighborhoods where everyone knows everyone, and industrialists providing good, high-paying, union jobs to their workers to create a middle class that can afford the products the company manufactures, the nation prospers because it is living according to natural law.
C.S. Lewis wrote a great book, The Great Divorce, that not only came up with the phrase blackmail the universe, it also presents the perfect explanation of Hell. Hell is a prison where the gates are locked from the inside. People are in Hell because they want to be there. They don’t want to be good to other people. I remember a story a few years ago about a credit card processor Gravity Payments that was founded by two brothers. One brother re-invested his salary, which was several millions of dollars, into giving everyone in the company a raise to bring them all up to making $70,000 a year (with himself also making only $70,000 a year). People hated it. They hated him, personally. Making $70 thousand a year is very good, but since he gave the same raise to everyone then no one could feel superior to anyone else, so out of pride, greed, and envy, people hated it. They can’t be happy receiving a tremendous gift because other people received the same gift. These people would rather live in misery than to live in joy if they can’t be better off than someone else. That’s basically how Hell works.

Thank you, but I don’t think a like button is a feature that should be added.

And we don’t actually understand just how the spirit world works. Apparently, there are things in that world that are essentially rodents and vermin. In this world if a person is unclean and messy, they attract rats and fleas, which can carry various diseases. It’s basically something similar in the spirit world, expect instead if destroying your body and ruining your health, it’s the human spirit and your own soul which will be effected.
Paracelsus (who I believe did create a philosopher’s stone and is still living today) spoke about these entities, encouraging humans to act in a self-destructive way and feeding off the suffering. So did Richard Rose. There is an energy component to it, which is what European alchemy dealt with, and also the Desert Fathers, and that was largely lost in the West. Tibetan Buddhism seems to be the only major system that actually still incorporates this, and I’m trying to put it back into Christianity.
Basically, it’s like the spiritual equivalent of chemical bonds. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to, for lack of a better word, attach a soul to a body. That’s why the most powerful times for achieving enlightenment (Nirvana, Theosis, the creation of the hermaphrodite in alchemy*) is birth and death. Since there is this amnesis involved in birth, of the soul forgetting Heaven in order to project into the physical world, it’s not possible to use the birth energy, but it is possible to use the death energy, which is why mysticism is preparation for the moment of death.
However, idle hands are the devil’s playthings. Or, if you don’t use, you’ll lose it. It is possible for someone else to use your death energy for their own benefit. That’s why human sacrifice has been so prevalent throughout history, and why the pedophilic elite fight so hard to keep abortion legal, because they (or their demon masters who grant them favors) are living off the energy from the babies that they kill.
This is extremely controversial, which is why I’m self-publishing my God book, because no major publisher would want to touch this. (That’s why Richard Rose started his own publishing company. He had quite a bit of money from his ranch and from selling a large parcel of land to I think the Hare Krishna people, who built New Vrindaban on the property, and I was planning on visiting next year if the COVID crap didn’t seriously cut into my income, but I think what happened is for the best, looking at some other stuff that happened. Rose isn’t all that popular because his ex-wife launched a successful smear campaign of him.)
*I’ve taken to occasionally refer to myself as The New Hermaphrodite.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Big peace deal between USA, Bahrain, Israel, and UAE. I read that there are 9 other countries thinking of signing this deal. Not only is Trump the first president in decades not to start any new wars, he’s the biggest peacemaker we’ve had since Kennedy saved the world in the Cuban Missile Crisis.
This was supposed to be impossible. And leftists will still not even grant Trump this one thing. They won’t say just one nice thing about him. They won’t grant him this historic peace deal, they won’t grant him opening relations with North Korea, they won’t grant him Right to Try or First Step.
Even the really real Hitler did some good things. He wasn’t 100% cartoon super villain evil. At this point this goes beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome. This isn’t even mental illness, this is evil. This is the tacit worship of evil. The left literally worships kids getting blown up because Trump opposes it. The left literally worships the entire world being permanently destroyed in nuclear war with Russia because Trump opposes it. You know, once an ICBM is launched it cannot be stopped. It cannot be turned off, it cannot be re-directed, and the only countermeasure ever developed is to detonate a smaller nuke over your own territory to intercept the incoming larger nuke (and only Russia has anti-ballistic missiles, the US dismantled theirs). Once that button is pushed it’s over, forever. 90% of everyone is dead within the first year and humans are permanently sent back into the stone age because all the easily accessible coal and oil are already used up so there’s no hope for a second industrial revolution.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
For the first time in 175 years Scientific American has taken a political stance: orange man bad.
I’m not making it up. Scientific American had no problem ignoring really real Hitler, they ignored Pol Pot, Bush killing 1 million Iraqis, dozens of genocides, mutually assured destruction, everything horrible you can imagine. Orange Man is uniquely evil in the entire history of the world that just now Scientific American feels the need to speak out.
These people are so fucking nakedly evil. They don’t even try to disguise it. I can’t stand it.
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I’ve heard of this. Their representatives claim it’s because Trump “denies climate change and embraces conspiracy theories”. He does say monumentally stupid things but I like to think people aren’t gullible enough to listen to him when he’s saying something stupid.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Dex Stewart  
They keep bringing up COVID ignoring three very crucial facts:
  1. Trump tried to close off travel very early on and everyone called him Racist. Democrats like Pelosi even told people they should go to China Town and touch as many people as possible to prove that they are not racist like evil Orange Man.
  2. Because of the 10th Amendment Trump has very little actual power when it comes to dealing with the outbreak. Anything short of declaring martial law and federalizing the National Guard to start welding people indoors like they did in China is strictly left in the hands of the state governors. AND if Trump did declare martial law the Supreme Court would quickly unanimously declare that to be unconstitutional and Trump would probably be impeached a second time.
    And 3. Scientific American said fuck butt NOTHING when Woodrow Wilson purposefully did every legal (and illegal) thing he could to prevent any actions from being taken during the Spanish Flu pandemic a century ago to keep his illegal foreign war going, costing the lives of close to 1 million Americans. Wilson should be posthumously impeached for what he did, which is probably the worst crime committed against the American people by any president ever.
    Scientific American are fucking lying. These people are fucking evil.
    “If all Americans wore masks that could have saved 66,000 lives.”
    THE PRESIDENT CANNOT ORDER EVERYONE TO WEAR FUCKING MASKS, YOU FUCKING EVIL SONS OF BITCHES! If he did SCOTUS would IMMEDIATELY shoot it down as blatantly unconstitutional, you fucking liars.
    I can’t stand it. I can’t stand this level of absolute, naked, satanic evil. This absolute, pure, unadulterated bullshit promulgated purposefully as blatant propaganda.

No one who is currently there was alive during the Wilson years.
The president can’t feasibly make a nationwide mask order, but he can politely suggest that state governors issue one for their state. Instead, he’s been inserting politics into the CDC.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Scientific American also seems to support the transgender thing, too.
The Idea: A big bird brings babies to their new parents and home.  
Science: No, no, that’s not how it works.
The Idea: There are only two genders.  
Dex Stewart
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Thoughts on Trump’s “Pro-American curriculum” proposition?  
Personally,I think it sounds like encouragement to forget and ignore things that make us uncomfortable. Native American genocide,slavery,racial segregation and the Vietnam war all happened,we should be ashamed of it. We can still be patriotic,because we can look at how far we’ve come from our past mistakes.  
Most people alive today had nothing to do with any of that,but we shouldn’t ignore the past. I’m sure Trump doesn’t literally mean don’t teach those things,but I’m worried that may be how people interpret it. I’ve already seen supporters of his who pick and choose what to listen to.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Dex Stewart  
Good. I hope that’s how the administrators choose to interpret it. I hope they fire every leftist from every school in America. I hope they eliminate all news agencies and we only have citizen journalists with smartphones broadcasting everything on an internet that has been purged of big tech billioniares so that everyone has access to all the raw news as it happens without any million dollar stuffed shirts forcing their opinions down people’s throats. I want people to look at the raw data and come to their own conclusions. I hope they cut all that out permanently because it might just save this country to throw collective guilt and all the bullshit -isms out the window. The establishment has veered so extremely far to the left that the only way to bring things back to balance is to inject far-right propaganda into the culture.

@Dex Stewart  
Feeling active shame and/or guilt over the distant past is unhealthy. You can’t go shit to stop it, as it has already happened. Worse, those feelings encourage people to pretend it didn’t happen or imagine ahistorical fantasies that it wasn’t that bad when it happened.
Something I’ve found is that people flip their opinion on moral relativism when your switch from comparing different societies in the present to comparing the same society in the past. The same people discuss the evil of moral relativism in our current world suddenly flip their position to say “it was the most moral option of the time” when discusing the evils of the past.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Dex Stewart UrbanMysticDee πʊßƛįϰ GarbageHorse
People, honestly. It’s Trump. If he says being American is good then leftists, liberals, democrats or whatever those things are, are going to literally say being American is bad, it’s literally being little Hitlers.
Pres.Trump: Build a wall  
Left: Walls are evil, giant doorways are the best walls like invisible safe spaces.
Pres.Trump: Nah, no wall. Walls are boring. President Trump does not trust walls.  
Left: Ha! We are soooo building a wall. Where? Everywhere!! In fact, we’re going to build a wall around Mexico AND CANADA!! WE NEED A SPACE WALL!!! Walls are literally a gift from any god but the Abrahamic one.
What the president should do is say, I welcome Joe Biden as the next president, he has my vote. I think liberals should run the country, no, the world!!
Left: EW! Biden’s Hitler!! In fact, we don’t want to run anything. In fact, you stay in charge, you, lazy orange.
You just got to know how to deal with these kinds of creatures. It’s like running a zoo.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Oh God, Joe Biden as president…
Biden: I did not have a prescription with that pharmacy.  
It was actually just a refill order.
Biden: Read my face. No. New. Genders.  
Many new minor genders added.
Biden: I am notta… notta… not… … … … a… a whaaa?
Biden: MMMM! This baked potato is great.  
Ahhhhhhhhh, Sir? That’s a hamster… it was a hamster.
Biden: A good hamsterrger?
Biden: The right-wingers never stop finding new ways to ruin this country… and neither do I.  
Ahem, sir?  
Biden: Sorry, neither do my staff, cabinet or wardrobe. Oh, or Nancy’s frozen yogurt ice box.  
It was ice cream.  
Biden: I didn’t scream?
Trump: I’d mock Biden on Twitter, but I think he lost his password again, because he hasn’t signed-in in five months. What am I supposed to do?
Sir, we emailed you the password.  
Biden: My email… right… I remember that password.  
Sir, we send you a text with the new email password.  
Biden: My tele- -phone, telephone, sure… I  
Sir, where’s the post-it note I just wrote?  
Biden: That wasn’t a slice of cheese?  
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Adan Druego  
I’m not even sure the real Joe Biden is still alive. That’s why we never see him outside the bunker except for a few times with a mask on so you can’t really tell if it’s Biden or a body double or a deepfake.
That’s why the phrase “Harris administration” keeps being thrown around, because Biden’s health (IF he’s still alive) is in such a bad state that there’s no way he’ll be able to be President.
That’s also why they don’t want him to debate Trump. You can see some videos where Biden is wearing an earpiece and even when they are feeding him lines to read verbatim he still can’t finish a sentence. His Alzheimer’s is so bad he can’t read a script or repeat a line.
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