The second part of Tale of Chivalry, and YUP YOU ALL KNEW THAT’S WHERE THIS WAS GOING. XD
The interview continued long into the evening, Celestia’s sun had fallen below the horizon by the time Sandbar was satisfied with his chronicle of the Aspirant’s earliest adventures. :)
But with the night still young, he decided to work that bardic charm of his and ask his friend if he could help to give him some relief by polishing his sword. Modestly, he accepted the generous offer…of course, he didn’t actually realise what Sandbar meant by that until he had his pants off. XD
Not that he’s trying too hard to stop the lusty minstrel obviously. Oh he’s flustered and embarrassed beyond belief, but he’s also been without proper comfort and warmth of another pony for a while now. The occasional peck on the cheek from a grateful damsel is one thing, but… chivalrous knight or no, he’s really NOT in a position to turn this kind offer of relief away, even if he wanted to…
…he says he does, in whimpering and meagre protests. But they both know he’s just saying that because he thinks he should…and Sandbar’s noticed the hand on the back of his head to help guide his mouth as he swallows. ;)
Of course, Sandbar will omit this part from the Aspirant’s tale as well. An encounter as saucy as this is one for his own ‘chronicles’, to be sold for a nice profit on the erotic literature market. Every purchase contributes to funding their continued adventures, get your copy today! :D
Original piece credit to:
Base outfit concept credit to:
Artwork by:
Saga of the Sandbard series concept by me, of course~ ^^