(Neigh! Winny!) Unpopular Pony Opinion Thread!

Fleur de Lis
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

déanaim seitreach
The writers also picked the stupidest things to make real. The one episode was a Christmas Story parody and they made it a real literal part of Equestrian history that actually happened with the very obviously stupid parody characters were real ponies that really existed. And the other mythical stupid dude bros of harmony who invented the elements of harmony with the magic hat and the magic shovel and all the other stupid shit, they weren’t just stories, they really existed. And over time what started out as a magical land of mystery and magic became smaller and less interesting as all the mystery was stripped away with answers that could never satisfy.
I love the episode Hearth’s Warming Eve, it’s first episode I saw and what immediately hooked me on ponies,
but it was better when its historicity was uncertain.
Star Swirl the Bearded was introduced as “obscure unicorn history”, but then they made him the only ancient wizard.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
@Fleur de Lis
I didn’t see what they did to him (glad I didn’t) but they probably made Starsworl into some worthless, feckless, all men are stupid and can’t do anything and need to be rescued by unstoppable girlbosses like they do to literally every male character on the show.

Star Swirl the Bearded was introduced as “obscure unicorn history”, but then they made him the only ancient wizard.
Many such cases. The show can’t imagine what truly expansive history would look like (or, for that matter, that in-universe fiction would actually be fictional).
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
I’m not sifting through 7000 topics to find where to talk about episodes in the episode talk section, so Imma just put this here.
I just saw “Newbie Dash” and I didn’t dislike it.
Dash gets her ego bruised. She’s not nearly as good as she believed herself to be. Unflattering nicknames are par for the course in the military, and the more you show you hate it the more it will stick.
I liked it. A lot of people hated it because they don’t like the message, that there’s something bigger than you. It’s important to be part of something, to fit in, to give up the idea of being special and unique and sacrifice for the good of the team. We accomplish more together than we can as atomized individuals. Individuals do stand out for their achievements, but a military, and civilization, needs us to look out for each other.
The ending was really sweet when all the ponies shared their unflattering nicknames and Dash was happy being part of the group.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

The message of Newbie Dash is that self secure gigachads don’t need to show off because everyone already knows their cool. Also that they laugh along with respectful mockery because they are aware of their faults, don’t dog on themselves for having them and are humble enough to see the funny side of their failings.
Only truly brittle people feel the need to constantly seek attention and approval, then throw a wobbler if anyone says anything even slightly negative about them.
There are too many deranged people unable to self soothe and hanging by a thread online so they hate on anything that makes them uncomfortable or reminds them of their own inability to cope with the slightest mockery.
Anonymous #C7B6
I just hated Newbie Dash because Dash’s acting out made me cringe into my seat. It’s been so long since I’ve seen it that I can’t really provide a more detailed critique than that, other than I recall feeling like it was a good direction for advancing Dash’s career, and I’m unsure to this day if the execution was actually bad or just not to my tastes.
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