@Anonymous #333E
Stable hardware don’t come cheap or easy. Zizzy has been doing a great job so far despite some setbacks and I think the site is still going well despite those problems. Freaking out and being all doom and gloom over some site problems doesn’t help anyone and just causes confusion about things when you could simply ask and get properly informed first.
If there is a bug/problem with something, giving a vague description like that will probably never get it fixed. From what little you mention here, it could be tag issues, search function issues, display issues, or potentially something else. But having no information to go on will never get it fixed. What artist? Doing a normal search for the artist (artist:*****) or something else? Searching on PC or phone? Browser being used?
There’s several things that might need to be known to properly figure something out in regards to site functionality and the less information you give, the less chance of it ever getting fixed or even looked into.