Anonymous #94A5
@Exhumed Legume  
Actually they’re right, but I’m going to put forth that was a dumb idea to try and make it cover changelings as a whole. If you remove Chrysalis from the tag it shrinks from over 1500 to just over 40.
It’s pretty freaking obvious that everyone’s just been using at as Chrysalis’s ass tag (as far as I can find she never got another one exclusive to her anyway.)
Exhumed Legume
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Okay, we’ve got a bit of an issue RE: bugbutt.
Over on Derpi, bugbutt is used for changeling ass in general, over here it implies Chrysalis, causing a bunch of changeling pics getting tagged as Chrysalis over here on import.  
If there is a Chryssy-specific ass tag over there, I can’t find it in a hurry.
bugbutt -> changeling, butt
My vote’s on “Chrysalass” for the queenie’s rump.
deviantart watermark -> obtrusive watermark, watermark
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Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

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@Exhumed Legume  
I’ve always seen bugbutt as Chryssie’s tag, personally, hence the implication.  
It’s only really been recently (the past number of months? Possibly longer) where the tag’s been seeing more use on other changelings. Looking at older images on derpi with the tag (that aren’t of Chrysalis), a lot of them have had the tag added relatively recently, as well.
Ergo, I think that this should instead go the other way ‘round, wherein a new tag is created for generic bug ass, and bugbutt remains specifically for Chrysalis.  
As to what that tag should be, I don’t really know, but I’m sure we can come up with something.
Yeah yeah, I know, it’d be a pain because of different tagging standards. There’s already clashing standards regarding boob size tags (and probably a few others), so what’s another one?
Implications added for the DA watermark tag.
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