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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Cheeky Breeky)

Add the following implications and description to voodoo bondage and alias transfixed into it:  
-> body control  
-> voodoo doll  
-> magical bondage  
“A form of magical bondage wherein the subject is forced to match the pose of an effigy.
It’s distinct from all three and I want to be able to search for it and there are probably people who’d want to filter it, but not the more general tags.
Fun fact: voodoo doesn’t even usually involve poppets, but regular European witchcraft does! As such “voodoo doll” could be aliased into “poppet” with the description of “An effigy intended to affect the target it resembles or is linked to via sympathetic magic.”
@Exhumed Legume  
The correct spelling is sa*beep* tyvm.
Exhumed Legume
A toast - Incredibly based
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Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

AdoraSmith needs implications: Granny Smith, cute
I guess these went unnoticed?
@Exhumed Legume  
Some more implications:
The two spellings of sabre could use aliasing.
Saber seems to be an American spelling, sabre is the correct one, for what that’s worth. ;)
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