Mod Audit Log
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Artist -

Image: >>3197568
Report: Rule #3: Wrong artist, wasn’t made by Valeidem
Action taken: None. Source link suggests the image has been uploaded alongside other images (presumably drawn by Valeidem) on their twitter, suggesting they are the artist. If you know who the exact artist is, please let us know. Otherwise, we can’t prove it wasn’t drawn by them.
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Artist - you can stop complaining about not having any flavour text on your artist badge now
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Head Administrator
UwU Chwyasawis my waifu
Comment on >>25347
Other: Personal insult.
Rule #11: This retard has been following me around for ages. Back when I was on Derpi he’d pull this same shit all the time. He’d get suspended for 2 days, come back, do it again, and it would repeat and and over, with at most, a 2 day suspension. Someone please shut this slandering dipshit up for good.
Action taken:
Comment deleted; user banned for 3 days. Repeated infractions will result in longer, more permanent bans.
Original Text:
Doesn’t change the fact you stole from JB Pony.
Comment on >>25347
Other: Personal insult.
Action taken:
Comment deleted; user banned for 3 days. Repeated infractions will result in longer, more permanent bans.
Original Text:
Fact is you’re also supporting pedophilia.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based (but on what?)
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Donor | Applejack - Wait, this isn't Lyra's...
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Renowned Sound)

comment on image: comment (LC warning)
report: rule 5
action taken: The comment was removed for being a filterable image and was the same person from the previous mod log entry
original comment: This is pedophilia
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Artist - you can stop complaining about not having any flavour text on your artist badge now
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Head Administrator
UwU Chwyasawis my waifu
Comment on >>3202729 (merged)
Rule #11: Linking me to a spikeabuse post just to troll me.
Action taken:
Comments locked - user has been told to stop responding to obvious bait.
Comment on >>3202729 (merged)
Rule #11: And the spikeabuser himself isn’t making it any better either. I am seriously getting sick of seeing these spikeabuse trolls just coming to these edited images of Spike and won’t just leave me alone. Please can someone just do something about it. I have asked them on multiple occasions to leave my spikelove images alone multiple times and they’re never going to listen to me.
Action taken:
See above.
Comment on >>3050483
Rule #5: Can I please have some help here. They they’re stirring up some drama that was 8 months ago.
Action taken:
See above.
Rampant Alicorn - The majestic steed of a blessed crusade
A toast - Incredibly based (but on what?)
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Donor | Applejack - Wait, this isn't Lyra's...
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained (Renowned Sound)

as per our policy, we reveal the comments we delete to prove to the users they were worth deleting. If someone clicks on it out of curiosity that is on them.
Delta Dart
Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Donor | Gabby -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Sheriff Bird
Comment In: Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread
Report: Spotted by moderation
Action Taken: Post removed for Rule #0 call to arms
Original Text:
||At some point, the only way anything is going to change in that thread is if all of us constantly reply en masse to each individual user who is spewing the same bullshit.
In particular, however, the vast majority of replies that we would be posting at the same time are to the following people, explicitly:
-The Smiling Pony
-Penguin Dragneel
-Violet Rose (she’s easily the most skilled and toughest user to deal with that thread. A radical far left figure within the site as a whole, she is an expert propagandist and manipulative poster within the thread. Only the most equally skilled and intellectually robust of all of us are capable of dealing with her, and I’m one of those who’s had the most experience in doing so.)
-Ciaran (this one is the most dangerous target. If any of you happen to spot him replying during this operation, FLOOD HIS PM INBOX ON DERPIBOORU WHILE USING A SEPARATE ELECTRONIC DEVICE THAT HAS INTERNET TO KEEP HIM DISTRACTED)
These are the main targets that we need to focus most of our efforts on, if we are to have any hope of permanently transforming the atmosphere of the thread so that balance in the variety of views in that thread can ever hope to be restored.
However, we cannot reply to them first, if we are to ever accomplish such an undertaking, long-term wise. We need to wait until they respond first, to our own initial personal political posts that we publish before we post anything else (in that they are not directed at anyone in that thread, in particular).
I currently have no means at the moment to carry out this plan on my end, as I’ve been permabanned (by Ciaran, surprise, surprise). I’ll try to find a computer on my campus to initiate the plot, later this afternoon, BUT ONLY IF I SEE A SHOW OF HANDS THAT IS NO SMALLER THAN 10-15 FELLOW USERS AND ANONS OF WHO’S WILLING TO GO ANONYMOUS IN THAT THREAD AND CARRY THIS PROPOSITION OUT.  
Anon users cannot be messaged so this post will serve as a warning, further violations of this rule may result in a ban.
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Artist - you can stop complaining about not having any flavour text on your artist badge now
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Head Administrator
UwU Chwyasawis my waifu
Comment on >>3209617
Rule #6: I’m not sure but this looks like it might be a problem. I might be trigger-happy.
Other: The naked child in the picture might get us in trouble.
Rule #6: I think that even blurred the pic on that comment might be a problem.
Action taken:
Comment removed with extreme prejudice.
Original Text:
<image redacted>
You! LOL!
Delta Dart
Rampant Squirrel - A ferocious friend
Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Donor | Gabby -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Sheriff Bird
Comment on image >>3050483 (NSFW)
Report: Rule #9
Action Taken: None
Ponybooru's staff will make no attempts to guide or halt conversation between users for the sake of protecting one's feelings. Interactions between users are up to interpretation.
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Artist - you can stop complaining about not having any flavour text on your artist badge now
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Head Administrator
UwU Chwyasawis my waifu
Other: Description should link to “>>2521507t” instead
Action Taken:
Description fixed.
<user redacted for privacy>
Other: Hi, I’d like to change all the artist link to hidden status. Thanks.
(Not active as artist currently)
Action taken:
Artist link privated.
Rampant Stag - A swift sidekick
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Artist - you can stop complaining about not having any flavour text on your artist badge now
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Head Administrator
UwU Chwyasawis my waifu
Fasten your seatbelts lads, it’s a big one…  
Post in the Big Bad Politics! thread
Rule #0: Pretty sure threatening to kill someone goes beyond normal edginess.
Action taken:
Post deleted - Less threatening, and more… off-topic schizophrenic rambling.
Original Text:
Armed Forces of Ukraine will find you and kill you, for truth cannot be shot, for Azov and Bucha, for Chernigiv , for Irpen, and for Bucha, for Hershon, for Harkiv, for Odessa, for Zitomir, for Poltava, for Mikolaev, for Kriviy Rig, for Bogdan Khmelntsky,for Vinnitsa, for Krim, for Kupyansk, for Izum, for Balakliya, for famine, for communism, for you are the orc who hides from the truth like orcs hide from the sun. And your relatives will be killed.
Comment on >>3185204
Rule #8
Action taken:
Dismissed - Anon is ESL, not over-rating.
Rule #11: Some troll name-calling and insulting people.
Action Taken:
Dismissed - As much as I’d like to delete, we’ve opted to keep similar images. As such, it will be kept for the time being.
Takedown request: need deletion to make new account
Action Taken:
Dismissed - please create a verified artist link and file a DNP, just like everyone else.
Takedown request: need deletion to make new account
Action Taken:
See above.
Takedown request: need deletion to make new account
Action Taken:
See above.
Post in the Derpibooru PTSD Relief Thread thread
Rule #0: #C581 is using different words but he’s still asking us to go and raid Derpibooru.
Action taken:
Reported post, as well as the two previous posts from the same user, deleted. User banned for 24h.
Original Texts:
Eh, figures.
I’ll just utilize the PMs or Discord instead, then.
I still see some possible hope in such a thing happening, though—if you gain a foothold in that thread and keep it, the chances of the dominant atmosphere of that site being forever unchallenged vanish, depending on how long until Ciaran or possibly Smiling bring down the banhammer.
I know so personally, from experience.
And Ciaran is the only one with any immediate banning or deletion power deliberately blocking that path.
(Note: I’m not calling to arms, here. I’ll be looking into that shit off-site, from now on.)
@Anonymous #5F71
None as a personal army, no, but only as a mutually interested cooperative group effort with only other users who have any sort of similar personal interest (if there are any who do).
Sort of like a 4chan operation, but only for a genuinely decent cause.
That aside, I mean, why only sit around and grumble about the situation when you can take direct dissenting action against it like I have, for the past two years?
It really does work, because if you manage to successfully have your own posts on there posted on there, daily or generally frequently—and end up succeeding in having them left untouched by the mods on there, a while after you posted it— you’ve permanently made your mark in that thread, and because that post of yours takes up whole space on that page that would’ve otherwise gone to a different user with a wildly different political stance or agenda, you’ve effectively reduced the amount of space on that page that they could take up, while expanding your own.
Trust me, provided that you’re able to construct it in a way where it can never possibly be banned, it really works. And again, I know so from personal experience.
That may be largely true, yet consider this:
Any frequent and routine sign of dissent in one thread is still objectively better than none in any thread, because when considering that the main gripes we have with Derpibooru on here are entirely political by chance, given that the politics thread is the only place that can ever be discussed, if the majority (at minimum) of any posts from any of us in that thread manage to remain undeleted, and if such posts that ultimately remain that way continue to be frequently published, then it will leave a significant impression on any viewer that such dissent on that website IS tolerated.
The tricky part is to construct your dissent in a way that does not butcher the clarity and honesty of your stance, whilst still being absolutely impossible for any of the mods (yes, even Ciaran) to delete it.
I’ve been doing that on there for 2 years, and there is a way.
Comment on >>3180523
Rule #11: Usage of the T slur.
Action taken:
Dismissed - Offence is ultimately taken, not given. “Tranny” is also a pretty weak slur in the grand scheme of things.
Officer Hotpants
Other: Can we just post in the audit log that he got promoted, please?
Action taken:
Let it be hereby recorded in the Grand Moderation Ledger that the user known as Officer Hotpants has been bestowed the almighty status of Moderator by the divine Administrators Acres and ZizzyDizzyMC, and shall herein be required to fulfil all duties thereof.
>>3211389 (deleted)
Takedown request: Someone sent me a high quality version of the screenshot.
Action Taken:
Dismissed - This is why the duplicate feature exists. Please use it.
>>3211389 (deleted)
Rule #4: The account avatar being a pony would be “obligatory pony”.
Action Taken:
Image deleted.
Rebel Pirate
Other: Creates fake drama by posting edited images, complains about filterable content, highly confronting about essentially everything and everyone who doesn’t agree with him.
Rule #11: “Evidence” he posts is definitely fake.
Action taken:
User, and associated alt accounts, banned for a week for continual antagonistic behaviour on filterable content, harassment, sockpuppeting.
Rule #7: I have no idea what is going on in the comment section. But there seems to be a lot of drama including a user named “Rebel Pirate” accusing an artist of being a pedophile. I think the argument has gone far enough now.
Action Taken:
See above.
Comment on >>2730151
Rule #5: Refusal to use blacklists/trolling/suggesting he wants to dox people.
Action taken:
See above.
Comment on >>3211389 (deleted)
Other: Deserter is Spokenmind93.
It’s her sockpuppet account.
Action taken:
Hahaha, no. Dismissed.
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