Useless Facts


Bae > Bay
If all government welfare programs were eliminated then everyone in the country could be given $10k cash money every year instead and probably spend it better.
If the US Dollar had the same value it had in 1960 when the value of the Dollar was tied to silver the minimum wage would be worth the equivalent of $23 an hour today.
If the US Dollar had the same value it had in 1960 when the value of the Dollar was tied to silver the minimum wage would be worth the equivalent of $23 an hour today.

Dex Stewart 

The gag reel bonus features on the Australian Punisher Blu-ray doesn’t play. On any copy.

Aspiring Kyle
You can take roots by hand the same way as division.


Bae > Bay
Michael B. Jordan is not the same person as basketball player Michael Jordan. Who he is I don’t know, I just know they are different people.


Bae > Bay
Zuckerborg’s knees bend forward because when they were building him they forgot which way knees are supposed to bend.

Aspiring Kyle
Zuck’s tiny hat is actually part of his head. It’s his hair that gets attached when necessary.
Zuck’s tiny hat is actually part of his head. It’s his hair that gets attached when necessary.


Bae > Bay
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Zuckerborg ever wearing a hat. He always has that same stupid haircut and he wears that same undershirt all the time like it’s glued to his fake rubber skin.
He (it) is the most obviously non-human I have ever seen. I thought David Icke was full of shit until I saw Zuckerborg. It’s like the aliens were running an algorithm to come up with what a human would look like but they had bad data to go by so they created the fakest looking thing in the world. The skin is obviously some sort of latex. They’ve got much more realistic silicone skin in recent years, Zuck’s not that real, he’s like a first generation synth or something. They didn’t know what direction his knees should bend, they made him drink water like he’s never even seen water before, and eat plain dry toast, and wear a shirt that says “I ❤️ Earth” and address people as “Fellow Human.” He even admits it. He says I was human, and then gives the most forced laugh ever and says “I’m still human,” because the aliens don’t have a clue how humans actually talk.

No one can convince me that this is supposed to be human. It should have been rejected before coming off the production line.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Zuckerborg ever wearing a hat. He always has that same stupid haircut and he wears that same undershirt all the time like it’s glued to his fake rubber skin.
He (it) is the most obviously non-human I have ever seen. I thought David Icke was full of shit until I saw Zuckerborg. It’s like the aliens were running an algorithm to come up with what a human would look like but they had bad data to go by so they created the fakest looking thing in the world. The skin is obviously some sort of latex. They’ve got much more realistic silicone skin in recent years, Zuck’s not that real, he’s like a first generation synth or something. They didn’t know what direction his knees should bend, they made him drink water like he’s never even seen water before, and eat plain dry toast, and wear a shirt that says “I ❤️ Earth” and address people as “Fellow Human.” He even admits it. He says I was human, and then gives the most forced laugh ever and says “I’m still human,” because the aliens don’t have a clue how humans actually talk.
No one can convince me that this is supposed to be human. It should have been rejected before coming off the production line.


Bae > Bay
According to Google, proton therapy costs range from about $30,000 to $120,000.
Protons are expensive! Protons are basically hydrogen minus electrons, and hydrogen is really cheap, so why are protons so expensive?
Protons are expensive! Protons are basically hydrogen minus electrons, and hydrogen is really cheap, so why are protons so expensive?


Bae > Bay
The Forbidden City in Beijing has 9,999 and 1/2 rooms, because it woudn’t look good to upstage the heavenly palace that had an even 10,000 rooms.
How exactly do you have half a room? Is one of the walls missing or is all the furniture cut in half?
How exactly do you have half a room? Is one of the walls missing or is all the furniture cut in half?