The Kek Thred


Bae > Bay
They pull me over and they’re like, “Yo, my bad. I thought you were a black guy.”
I said, “It’s fine. You see, I’m white, but I look black when I’m dancing.”


Bae > Bay
This is no shit! I remember this.
So I went to Rutgers back in the day of the Bush vs Kerry election and this student’s last name was Quackenbush, but the professor called him QuackenKerry because he disliked Bush.


Bae > Bay
Big fuckin’ chicken
You are big, and you are
Big fuckin’ chicken
Fuckin’ chicken
You are big, and you are
Big fuckin’ chicken
Fuckin’ chicken


Bae > Bay
@Color Anon
Despite what certain people believe, revolvers are still a good choice for personal defense.
Despite what certain people believe, revolvers are still a good choice for personal defense.