As far as I’m concerned, you’re welcome here as much as anyone else, regardless of your ideology, feelings or beliefs. I’m not anyone important but rather just another user and most importantly pony fan, like you.
I personally, feel that we can or are already the civilized people who fled from derpibooru. Being a civilized human being is being rational, reasonable, open-minded, willing to comprise and talk our problems or issues with one another out, so that things don’t devolve into petty name-calling, threats, acts of violence and all out war. I’m speaking about on the internet and in real life, that’s why I mention war.
I feel that as long as we’re nice to one another and respect each other, we can get along.
Derpibooru had many people who were mean and nasty, unwilling to talk or even listen, who attacked those who dared to think a little different.
We said we were Nazis, intolerant and bigoted.
But those people were the one who couldn’t bear the ideas of diversity and equality.
You disagree with them you’re evil, you’re wrong, you’re a threat, you need to be eliminated. Disagreeing on a given subject is actually diversity of thought and opinion. Hearing other out, before judging and giving someone a fair chance to explain the reason for their differing view is equality. Your opinion matters just as much as mine and if I get the chance to speak then naturally you too should have the same chance to speak.
Nazis didn’t really like it when people disagreed with them and neither those tsp and many others using derpibooru. The Nazis thought that certain attributes made a person into a subhuman and that meant that person’s value was nullified and their life at the mercy of the state, they weren’t exactly all the merciful in the end.
TSP labelled “channers” as “Scum”. He called for their ban, all of them. If you even visit 4chan then you’re a channer and like all the rest you should be banned. He labels some people as “subhuman”. He wants channers erased from history itself… he’s a fanatic.
They use the term “Moon” which I assume is the “permabann” since a ban of literally 1000 years is pretty much permanent.
I don’t except anyone to just trust me and take my word for this or that, since that’s mostly the problem with certain people these days.
If these are legitimate then the evidence speaks for itself. I only question the authenticity because it’s healthy to question things you’re told or show. But I’m pretty sure those are real quotes since they fit the person who expressed them.