Random Nonsense Thread

Boot badge - It's Bootiful

Acres was here
maybe he got offended and decided to play it cool since entire freaking camera was panned on him, when he saw his wife though he realized he took it a step further and decided “fuck it no more chill”
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
Chris Rock should have just fucked her instead. Then Will would have made him eggs the next morning instead of slapping him.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
He stood up for his wife’s boyfriends’ girlfriend’s ego only after she sicc’d him on Chris Rock like a dog. Her ‘condition’ is just a scalp inflammation she gave herself by getting too many weaves.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

The feeling when all you wanted to do was own the libs, but then it turned out they were black, so you got labeled a racist for owning slaves and were made to pay reparations.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Here’s Château de Chantilly  
There’s no unified theme. It’s like someone took a bunch of buildings and glued them together randomly.
It also brings me a step closer to solving the problem with the stairs since if you turn it around (in the video) you can see that there’s a semicircle set of stairs with 7 discrete steps. I can have 8 semicircle steps and it won’t be too steep for people to climb.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
Stephen Seagal just keeps getting fatter and fatter.
He looks like what I imagine DSP will look like next decade.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Look at the first picture. He’s a pile. The angle of his body just keeps going like a pyramid and not like a stomach that has to tuck in eventually. He’s like Grimace.  
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
On a related note, Mayor McCheese was eliminated from the McDonald characters because a court said he was plagiarized from HR Puffnstuff.
Look at a comparison between the two and tell me how the fuck anyone can confuse them?
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