Ponybooru's General Cartoon and Western Animation Thread

Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Public Relations
Princess of the Moon
So I finally got around to watching the first season of Hazbin Hotel (I had watched the pilot when it came out but didn’t know the show actually got picked up until very recently.
I think it has numerous flaws (enough to write an entire essay on, and other people have), but I found it entertaining and recognize the effort and creativity put into it. And also the songs are good.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

And a lot of stupid plot points, such as Charlie’s, A female character with a male name. How very bold of you. Girlfriend, So edgy is an angel and doesn’t know how how to kill angels, which is the dumbest way possible.
The biggest problem is the MC didn’t do anything relevant to the plot or what she set out to. It just seems like a big waste of time with swearing and sex, Again, so edgy.
Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Public Relations
Princess of the Moon
Plus the constant addition of new characters who either do very little or nothing at all to advance the plot.
the MC didn’t do anything relevant to the plot or what she set out to.
That’s a very good point that I didn’t even think about. She’s a passive character who just reacts to events going on around her; the only thing she really did was to ask her dad for help, and the only things he really did were to set up a meeting (which he didn’t bother attending himself) and come to the final battle late.
Her one success was an expendable comic relief character who got into heaven by accident.
Plus, because there isn’t that much suffering in hell, no one has any compelling reason to leave besides the exterminations, which nobody was really that concerned about to begin with and the show proved that hell can fight back against, making it a moot point.
But the show can’t really allow her to succeed, because that would mean popular characters would have to leave, which reveals that the show’s true purpose is just to watch its side characters do “edgy” shit while Charlie continually fails. Thus, the real protagonist is Alastor, since he’s there to watch the other characters fuck up, just like the audience.
Also, here’s a clip of the show being self-aware:
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I’ve noticed that in a lot of these cartoons, The ones where you’re just a whatever flavor of bigot at the time, the main character is very passive until the plot says “Do something” and than that’s it.
That clip pretty much showed why it’s a failure. The daddy issues is instantly resolved by her calling him and he helps. The bartender does her job better than she does. The lesbian angel is there just to be lesbians with the MC, The court scene was there for her to lecture angels, I saw that on the side. The angels are more evil than the demons, somehow.
It feels like a show just there for people to make porn of the characters and for people to desperately believe they’re edgy when they do everything they’re told. I said it on DB and got a lot of cope posts when I said this show is edgy, in the early 2000’s on Newgrounds.
There is no evil in hell. Most equate it to living in California which makes more sense. If the series continues I imagine whatever viewers it had will likely tune out as the “Fans” are too busy fapping to all the fanart to bother watching, which has happened to a lot of the “popular” new show before being memory-holed for the next.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Brown-fanced Barbara Gordan and her hulk “female” companion who solves cases before the literal detective. Harley is also gay and the Penguin is Stephone Sterling.
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