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Derpibooru Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Relief Thread

Anonymous #8BA0
As long as the mods here don’t ban people just for shits and giggles, this is the safest brony site on the internet.
Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
@Anonymous #428A  
Well, I’d say it’s mostly the ratio of staff/users. We have many staffers compared to how many users we have. And I think if the site keeps growing we’ll expand our staff as well
Anonymous #7590
@Anonymous #428A  
Could be true with more problematic users to handle, but I’m mostly refering to the images that I reported due to different or high resolutions, the staff responded faster here than in DB.
Anonymous #8BA0
On Derpibooru, tracing art and using bases with the artist’s permission is considered art theft.
But if the person they catch doing it happens to be friends with 1 of the mods on Derpibooru, nothing happens to them.
Anonymous #8BA0
Exactly my point, they still won’t allow it, even if you show them proof that the artist is cool with it.
Anonymous #8BA0
ImperfectXIII is also in charge of the official MLP wikia, so that why I don’t even bother reading anything on that site, pretty much anything they write in the characters bios could be made up just to fit their own personal head canons.
I just go there for the screenshots of the episodes and that’s it.
Anonymous #8BA0
@Anonymous #7590
I can’t give an example here, because the artist I speak of has an account here also, and I don’t want to get in trouble for talking about him here. All I can say about him is, he’s a Trixie fan and ships himself with her.
Anonymous #8BA0
@Anonymous #428A
Judging by the way he acts when someone ships Trixie with a real character from the show and he gets jealous about it,  
I’d say he still sleeps in a baby crib with a Trixie plush at his side.
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

I like the staff here… even if I don’t honestly know who’s actually on the staff with checking the staff listing. I consider that a good thing, though. Here, the staff member are like normal people and users, but on derpibooru they’re dumb computers how can’t do the simplest tasks without wasting resources and crashing. Interacting with derpibooru staff is like installing or updating the latest Windows, it’s a horrible thing that is forced upon us mercilessly and without consent. Interacting with Ponybooru staff is like noticing that someone you’re subscribed to is livestreaming or a friend has just come online.
When Ponybooru staff memebers show up, it’s to interact with the rest of us. On this thread page alone, both Sapphie and Luzion are commenting and just being normal people. On derpibooru, you learn who is on the staff, so you notice when they’re around. When those people show up it’s like: Oh! Why are they here? What do they want now?!
Ponybooru Staff - Just people amongst people, only acting when there’s the need for action.  
Derpibooru Staff - It’s like interacting with the mob or mafia. “Why are they here? We already paid the protection money this month!!”
Adán Druego
A toast - Incredibly based
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

People hate Ponybooru, because of the users. You know, we have actual opinions and views that differ from those who hate us.
People hate Derpibooru, because of the staff. You know, the people who alienate and harass anyone with opinions and views differing from their own.
That’s the difference between hating Ponybooru and hating Derpibooru.  
One is being allowed to just exist, while the other is not even being allowed to disagree.
Anonymous #5F71
@Adan Druego  
Every time the obvious derpi trolls come here to pick fights and complain about this place they do and say things that would have been grounds for a insta ban and public humilliation if they had said and done the same things on derpibooru.  
Being the kind of people they are, they never notice that.
Liberty Belle - A bell rings once again in honor of the unchained.  (Attended our anniversary picture.)

More Than Just A Fanboy
@Adan Druego  
The most recent Windows system and the mafia were accurate ways to describe how it feels to be with the Derpi Staff. When you see an administrator of the page commenting in an image or forum, you’re like: “Something’s gotta go terribly wrong”. One of the worst administrators in my opinion, and maybe more people with me will coincide, was Derpi Whooves. Someone else shared here proofs of that guy beign an idiot in the forums. I had too much friction with him; The words miserable & authoritarian fits almost perfectly with him.
Why I mention him? Cause seeking in my old memory trunk, I found a link to a image where he made a fucking massacre, put it in some way. Here’s the image. Down below, he commented before the indiscriminated wave of commentaries deleted and bans. Just because people is maybe a little bit tired of the pride flags with ponies?
Anonymous #70B0
I don’t think any of the art on his Deviant Art account is actually made by him, those are just commissions he paid someone else to draw for him, including his OC character.
Anonymous #5F71
I remember derpi members who were given an artist tag for uploading nothing but recolored stock vectors and their own scribbles, which were so bad that would make an elementary school kid feel second hand embarrasement.  
But they considered themselves as “artists” and nobody could make them see things the way they were for real.
Anonymous #428A
@Anonymous #5F71  
I don’t consider myself an artist, but I figured if I was going to have to file for an artist link on derpi I may as well go ahead and do the same on the alts.
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