On the one hand, even if it had some “woke” elements, that does not forestall enjoyment for me. It could bring something interesting to the table or even be more of a marketing tactic in phrasing. I’m not going to completely write this off till I see it.
On the other hand, the phrasing, “diversity and inclusion” have been sullied by the ideology that has spread throughout our intellectual and media class and is
a complete red flag for me Worse though, is the plot being framed as a “activist” that is “trying to improve Equestria”. That feels like they are reacting to a lot of modern issues or at least framing it that way. If it’s about some racism in the world though that lens there is a chance for cringe. Worse still, if there is any meta context to the fandom itself. That would trigger a civil war if the show was a success and a renewed twitter crusade with some media pressure.
I sure don’t want it. Nor do I want a right wing and left wing polarized fandom split. That would destroy the culture.
Not going to go there in full till I see it though. This could easily be a whole Scootaloo’s lesbian aunts being a big deal when in reality it was insincere tokenism with Scootaloo’s absent fan fic tier parents being the real characters that should had the scrutiny.
@Dex Stewart
Unless they’re changing places outside Equestria,the first movie introduced a dark world of corruption outside their own known world.
That would be cool and best case.