Big Bad Politics!

Boot badge - It's Bootiful
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
U Lil Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ezekiel 33:11
If you wanna talk to someone who thinks that free healthcare is a bad thing, I’m the guy you wanna talk to.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
Good ol’ Alex Jones, who sprinkles 10% truth in 90% bullshit in order to discredit the truth. Now whenever someone tries to talk about industrial dumping of carcinogens into the water everyone thinks of the fat man with the beet red face shouting about gay frogs and the issue dies in silence along with the victims.

Healthcare is already not subject to proper market forces due to insurance. Hospitals charge absurd sticker prices to pretend to negotiate with the insurance companies (who refuse to lay half the time, anyway).
It’s the same reason that being able to take out loans for college education pushed tuition prices to the stratosphere.
Anonymous #94CA
This is my canadian faggot school in which i was forced to go. Look at this satanic ugly shit. It does not have windows. The almost complete lack of sunlight in the school is, of course, typical Canadian cynicism, which also manifests itself in their architecture.
There they also have old computers in the library from the 90s and their old monitors are dangerous for your eyesight. And how much effort Canadian teachers do to ensure that we wear their uniform. They summoned us to the director for a tense conversation or forcibly sent us home on the break time to get our uniform if we had left it home, yelling at us.
And when they turned on a movie in the theater hall during a break, and if it started playing in English, they started laughing like satanic pigs, like Kamala’s satanic laughter, they muted the English soundtrack and then they tried to switch the soundtrack to French.
But of course liberal american pigs have been spamming their degenerative lies everywhere that canada is best, progressive,tip-top, most anti-racist country ever. and, oh surprise,… non-monarchic even! And by the way,I went to the library of Montreal to rent a book about Alexander the great, and that book had many iterations of the word “faggot”. And by the way, state law = separatist law, only federal law should exist.
Anonymous #94CA
Aboriginal women are kidnapped and killed in canada. But why and by whom? By canadain mafia for organs? or to reduce the birth rate ? Canada is a big death camp. Previously, they killed aboriginals in residential schools, but now under Trudeau they secretly kill aboriginal women and have also legalized euthanasia for everybody. Wireless irradiations propagate from antennas installed on tall buildings causing cancer. The bloody,vampirous regime needs human suffering. Canadians are ill in the head. They, like Russians, need bloody human sacrifices. This is why they bullied Amanda Todd or Rehtaeh Parsons in the school.
Medieval monkeys and their medieval corruption. Discrimination and greed in real estate and in hospitals and on workplace. And yet, youtube is full of videos how canada is great, wonderfull, best country on the planet. All these videos are uploaded by liberals and by the immigration agents who lure immigrants in and receive money from them. They write CVs for them for 100 dollars or help with visa. immigrants are afraid that they will be fired and therefore do any lousy job with a long hours schedule. And this is how life turns into shit. An immigrant pig covers a Canadian pig. Shit, shit, shit everywhere! We live in shit! We are burning in radioactive fire coming from the antennas! Slowly!!! We eat carcinogenic palm oil because the Canadian backward pig does not know how to produce its own oil and buys palm poison! MY NEIGHBOR HERE IN NORTH MONTREAL WAS A KIND PERSON! HE GIFTED US ZUCCINI THAT HE GREW ON HIS PROPERTY, FOR FREE!!! IT WAS A VERY LARGE ZUCCINI, BIGGER THAN SOLD IN THE STORE! AND HE RECENTLY DIED! WHY? HE HAD FLUID ACCUMULATED IN HIS LUNGS. AND THE MEDIEVAL CANADIAN BACKWATER PIG COULD NOT DO ANYTHING TO HELP HIM!!! THEY COULD NOT DO OR THEY DID NOT WANT TO DO. BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW IF YOU SPEAK ENGLISH IN A CANADIAN HOSPITAL IN QUEBEC - YOU WILL BE TREATED LIKE A ENEMY. AND CANADIAN DENTAL CLINICS WILL FIND A WAY TO DECEIVE YOU - THEY WILL DRILL OR PULL OUT YOUR GOOD, HEALTHY TOOTH, OR SOMETHING WORSE.
Anonymous #94CA
You should be happy that Trump has won because liberals will no longer be able to grab narcotics on the silver platter brought to them by the mexicans. No more loonatic parties.
Anonymous #94CA
@Anonymous #A62D
newfoundland and nova scotia is a sparsely populated desert if chris chan goes to any of the town in those provinces he will make that town famous. I feel depressed even when I look at these provinces from Google maps. This is such abandoned and undeveloped and culturally degraded provinces that it makes me feel uneasy, I feel sorry for the people who live there.
Twilight Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
A toast - Incredibly based

Public Relations
Princess of the Moon
if chris chan goes to any of the town in those provinces he will make that town famous.
Jean-François Gariépy once committed a crime in New Brunswick, so the Maritimes have two degrees of separation from Chris Chan.
Anonymous #94CA
the Institute of Experimental Physics in Sarov (federal nuclear center)ordered 76 icons of Serafim Sarovsky in 2019. All those 50 years old geezers are religious. How can you work with atoms whole your life and believe that an icon magically helps??? Can you imagine scientists in Area 51 have prayer rooms and a bunch of icons on the iconostasis?
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Bae > Bay
The son’s DNA has a lot of similarities with the sample left by D.B. Cooper. The FBI is now going to exhume Richard McCoy’s body for a more conclusive test. The man, who was a demolitions expert in Vietnam and an avid skydiver, had committed other aircraft hijackings. He also looks just like the drawing and his kids have the parachute that the FBI says is the original from the hijacking.

Anonymous #CE6A
I don’t think Trump being pres will result in any long term good for Americans
Cloppy Hooves
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #FA18
Again, I get called a fascist, but in the same breath say my whole family should be hammered to death just because I’m spitting simple facts. Here’s hoping Trump brings back the asylums for people like you.
For the record, I don’t support Putin. He’s not a good guy.
The fact of the matter is though that Russia didn’t start the Ukraine conflict. NATO did. Putin has done a lot of bad things, but that doesn’t change the fact that when he says that Ukraine is full of Nazis he isn’t lying. The mainstream media was even reporting on it 10 years ago as I shared in my previous comment. The only thing that’s changed since then is the agenda.
Cloppy Hooves
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #FA18
Trump isn’t corrupt. The democrats are. And we got the presidency, senate, and house. A full trifecta victory. Cry all you want. We got absolute power. With all of the speed bumps out of Trump’s way the likes of Bill Gates and Clinton are going to be publicly executed. You’re going to see Obama crying on TV with a rope around his neck and there’s nothing you can do about it libtard lmao.
Cloppy Hooves
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Contesting the election is a legal process. And he should have, the election was rigged and you know it. You people act dumb like it wasn’t but I think you know damn well. Liberals are the most corrupt, dishonest pieces of trash on this planet. Stores had to shut down in California because you people can’t even stop looting them.

And J6 this, J6 that. Trump said to march patriotic and peacefully. He didn’t start shit. If you had half a brain and actually did some ACTUAL research you’d know that it was a setup and Antifa was involved. There are videos out there of security handing bats out a window to people in black masks. And the full security footage shows police waving people in. They cherry picked footage with Antifa and made it look like a big thing that it wasn’t.
And you know what? Even if J6 wasn’t a psyop I wouldn’t care. You know why? Because you people had your “summer of love” where you spent the entire summer of 2020 burning down cities and looting everything in site all because some fentanyl addict overdosed. A man who once held a pregnant woman at gunpoint. So spare me your high horse stance.
I WISH Trump could be the man you people think he is. If I were in his position I’d have every one of you exiled from the country. And perhaps that’d be a far smaller penalty than you child molesters deserve.
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