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Big Bad Politics!

Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
I don’t believe there is, a least not on a universal scale, since everything is relative. There’s only “objective” truth that humans can all agree on, but even then, differing perspectives will differ.
Rampant Bear - A courageous companion
Autist -
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Lil Importer Shid - Hi, Im a lil shid.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Senior Moderator
Well, from empirical experiments, scientists believe that everything is relative. Now, whether or not those observations actually mean anything, or if they’re only accurate in our very specific circumstances is not something we’re able to tell.

Yep. Glenn Beck is part of the Kosher Sandwich. He is designed to prevent people on the Right from straying off the reservation — from seeing things they are not supposed to.
I would be curious to know what wasn’t a Jewish distraction in your eyes but not your ideology.
If it is able to be shown on mainstream news sources - CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc, or even on Youtube without being censored and kicked off the moment it becomes popular? It probably falls within the Kosher Sandwich. The source may not itself be paid - it may just be earnest in its beliefs - but ultimately anything that is perceived by a threat by the system is shut down by the system.
In my experience in dealing with “white nationalist” as you refer to yourself, everything to the left of you, and somethings to the right, are all jewish agents
False. You do not have to be a jewish agent in order to be pozz’d, or hopelessly beholden to the neoliberal power structure the kikes in power have set up. You do not have to be a kosher dill pickle to be firmly embedded in the kosher sandwich.
meant to guide people away from the true knowledge ||I was even told by one guy that anyone who calls themselves a white nationalist is pozzed ||
Is the person consistently banned from ‘normie’ sources for “hate speech”? Then they’re probably doing something right. Granted, there are glowies that infiltrate, but that’s to be expected.
Those two aren’t direct consequences of homosexuality. They’re just consequences of gay “culture”, which I’m not going to defend.
Gay culture arises from the fundamental brokenness of gays. You can see this when all eyes are off them, and the gays all get together and do something of their own - they do not behave like heterosexuals.
Psy Key
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Cocky Scamp
@Anonymous #B89C  
>gender dysphoria being neurobiological  
Factually incorrect based on lack of evidence. Neurobiological would be in relation to nerves and other receptors, and their relation to received stimuli. Neurobiological has barely anything to do with thoughts, the brain (on a psychological scale), or gender dysphoria. If we were to say that it was a neurobiological issue, then you would be default saying that trans people all have, in fact, birth defects, which if we knew this then we would be able to spot a trans person at an extremely young age, because there would be a direct cause for the change that, as you’re trying to assert, would be physical.
To give perspective as to why it is impossible for it to be neurobiological, neurobiological disorder is something like having no feeling in your hand. Your nerves are not functioning properly. It’s easily tested and, with enough testing, can be located to particular areas. What you asserted was that, somehow, Gender Dysphoria is connected to nerves. And to top it, you suggested with this assertion that those with Gender Dysphoria, have birth or growth defects so significant they would be related to nerves, but so insignificant we haven’t found them yet.
Maybe you were thinking about neurobiochemical, which is in relation to how your nerves and receptors respond when receiving biochemical stimuli, like dopamine and other biologically natural chemicals, but this would still indicate a birth or growth defect that would be easily replicated in study. We don’t find that.
The reason we know Gender Dysphoria is purely psychological is because if it were not, there would be extremely recordable, observable, and replicative causes that would be from or almost from birth. These would need to be small changes that would only be inferred from strenuous testing, that would all point back to a physical cause.
>sexuality conversion therapy  
I disagree entirely. I believe those with Gender Dysphoria need to take a step back and have a real discussion, hopefully with a professional or those with enough education in approaching the more difficult topics in psychiatrics, about why they feel they’re not in the proper body, and anything else they would like to discuss.
From my understanding, the issue relates very closely with things that have been on the minds of humans for a very long time:
  1. Who am I?  
  2. What am I?  
  3. Am I accepted by others?  
  4. Do I accept myself?
    These four questions have been the driving point behind everyone. At some point, everyone asks themselves these questions, and if they don’t have the answer or don’t know how to properly ask them, they feel completely out of place. And after that, a number of things can happen.
    I believe that those with gender dysphoria, by and large, have major issue answering any and all of these questions because they are so focused on community adhesion that they completely miss the concept of a functional community where everyone is comfortable. They may delve on thoughts that shouldn’t relate at all with the reference material such as, “What do others at school think about me,” when the reference material is about what they themselves think about being slightly feminine.
    From my observations, it all relates back to this illusion of being far more important than they really are, while simultaneously seeing that, to many people, they’re nothing. They want to fit in, but then they see that standing out gets them some sort of attention, and they also like being different as most humans do, but they also want to be with a group of some sort because humans are extremely complex when it comes to where and who they align with. Before you know it, you have groups trying to expand the group, gain traction, have no clear goal or intentions, are completely fooled by their own illusions, and the rest of the world is forced to be civil with them while these people demand things they already have. What they want after is unreasonable at best.
    >nuanced mindset  
    A nuanced mindset would be looking at real data, understanding real science, and not caring what emotions play in the process because science and medicine have literally nothing to do with emotions, until you get to chemistry, which is the dirty side of physics.
    If the subject matter was as easy to spot as you attempted to assert, humanity would be jumping at the opportunities to correct it on a physical, determinable level, because the majority of the world is eugenic in their own desires and beliefs, and attempting to change the world when you’re such a minor part of the population will get you, among other possibilities, pushed away. Set aside. Forgotten, ignored, and any actual accomplishments vanish before the greater work can appreciate them.
    I’m not trying to be tough on you; but reality is extremely raw and often disrespects our own preconceived notions.
Anonymous #4756
@Psy Key  
Not him, but I’ve been following this and I appreciate everyone’s desire to keep this civil.
Stipulated: body integrity identity disorder, a.k.a. apotemnophilia, a.k.a. somatoparaphrenia, a.k.a. the “this limb doesn’t belong to me, it’s not part of who I am, please cut it off, Doc” disorder, is caused by atrophy, tumors, or lesions in the right parietal lobe. Cotard’s Delusion, a.k.a. the “bury me because I died years ago, I shouldn’t still be walking around” and/or the “I don’t really exist” disorder, is caused by atrophy, tumors, or lesions in the fusiform gyrus or parietal lobe. Fregoli delusion, a.k.a. the “everyone else on Earth is one single person who keeps changing costumes to spy on me” disorder, is caused by lesions to the right frontal lobe or left parietal lobe. Brain damage can change people in ways we wouldn’t be inclined to imagine.
Given the foregoing, I submit that it doesn’t seem like a stretch to hypothesize that the “this penis doesn’t belong to me, it’s not part of who I am, please cut it off, Doc” disorder, in those rare instances where it’s real and not just poorly raised teenagers grabbing onto the latest Tumblr trend in a bid to get even with Daddy for not buying them ponies when they were nine, is also caused by brain lesions. I do not discount the possibility that in some instances we could be seeing a combination of learned behavior, via sexual abuse in early childhood, with being told by the abuser, “I wish you were a girl.”
I will offer the further hypothesis that this disorder–again, in those extremely rare cases where it arises organically and isn’t put into a child’s head by an abuser, or by brainwashing in school via the “Genderbread Man” and similar mind control tools, or sought out as an act of rebellion against Daddy, is a subset, a special case, of apotemnophilia, in which the body part about which the delusion revolves is the genitals instead of the more common arm or leg. Do you suppose brain scans of these individuals might have a greater than average statistical likelihood of revealing lesions, atrophy, or tumors in the right parietal lobe? Perhaps even an enormously greater than average likelihood? For about fifteen years the scholarly literature has been full of articles in which it is stated that such individuals exhibit a distinct, recognizable, and predictable pattern of significant brain abnormalities when examined via MRI or PET scan, though specific details are lacking. I think the experiment needs to be done.
Psy Key
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Cocky Scamp
@Anonymous #4756  
Ah, I really enjoyed reading this!
>Somatoparaphrenia, BIID, apotemnophilia  
All of these are distinct disorders, but I’ll agree with you that each of them are very closely related and, without extensive testing, can be proposed diagnosises all one in the same.
I find this to be the most interesting out of the group; specifically because it is characterized by an irrational obsession to remove a body part, which is seemingly what we’re dealing with in the overwhelming majority of cases concerning transgenderism. However, I believe that it falls short given the disorder does not specifically fixate on one’s own limbs or body parts, and doesn’t explain the extensively widespread (in comparison to normal case rates) common fixation specifically with the penis. Entertaining the hypothesis that it is apotemnophilia, and given it’s common link to structural abnormalities within the brain, we would have to assume natural development, and in which case there would be an identifiable root cause. If this was absolutely the case, there would need to be a rise in rapid changes at early developmental stages that are related to something chemical. It’s the only thing which would explain common outcomes across a wide and diverse group; especially one that isn’t concentrated into a single location or area. Which is why I believe there’s an extremely small chance that this is the case. There’s far too many variables to explain the constant one we’re observing.
I believe this has even less potential to be our answer, because this diagnosis is predominantly characterized by the left side of your torso being the fixated area, with the left arm typically being the body part associated with removal. While it is theoretically possible the penis could be a target of fixation, I have not heard of a case where it is. The possible factors that would lead up to this, on a large scale, are much the same as the previous suggestion and equally unlikely if not more so.
This seems to me the most-likely diagnosis out of the three. It does not have to be typically associated with any single body part, by paralysis is apparently a very characteristic factor in a few cases. I would be hard-pressed to put BOTH types, spinal cord and not, into the same disorder but the overall focus is the individual desires to fix their body because it does not feel complete with the fixated part being attached or operable.
While extensive testing is needed to truly determine if transgenderism has determinable physical causes or not, my current hypothesis is that it’s widespread hysteria, induced by communal factors, while playing on the neglected individual. It’s a coping tool.
My questions to dig deeper would be:
Why do we not see transgenderism in communities and societies where children largely connect with their families prior to adulthood? Why do places like Japan have incredibly low rates of transgenderism?
Why is communism and other concepts that favor a vulnerable community, one that speaks greatly of constant fun and love, so favored among transexuals?
Why do transsexuals believe society must accept them when they are, by their declared nature, unable to accept themselves?
Why is pedophilia and transgenderism, and the overall manipulation of children, so tightly and closely knit by statistics? Why do they employ the same overall tactics to justify manipulating and scarring children mentally that religion employs?
If transgenderism is natural, why do we not see any credible mention of it before the time of Dr. John Money? Are we to just assume a new type of individual, one that is both sexually and mentally forgone compared to our current male and female, developed in an extremely short time?
My personal belief is that it is neither natural nor healthy. Even if the individual is happy, I would not designate them healthy. Much like I cannot designate a victim of Stockholm Syndrome healthy despite them being happy in their abusers arms; I cannot say, with honesty and devotion to mankind and the betterment of the world in totality, that these people are healthy.
If my overall hypothesis is found to be correct, I believe I would call it a ‘new’ syndrome, which is characterized by great neglect as a child, and seeking of close community and belonging as an adult. I believe transgenderism is only one facet that is possible in this overall affliction. It appears to me that, once set in, a revision is impossible until a realization is undeniable, and rational thought returns to conflict with their warped reality.
My suggested prescription: A single 10mm projectile administered at high velocity through both hemispheres of the cranium. Counciling. A focus on the self, and not on transgenderism.
Anonymous #4756
@Psy Key  
The topic deserves answers in much greater depth than this, but I will say that I strongly suspect that 99.9%+ of individuals claiming to be “transgender” are angsty teenagers who heard about it on Tumblr and want to get in on the newest fad. Some people call them “transtrenders.”
The educational system in left-leaning areas of the US and Canada has added things like the Genderbread Man to the curriculum. They’re teaching this stuff to toddlers. They’re normalizing it and brainwashing five-year-old White boys to go to the doctor and threaten to commit suicide if they don’t get their dicks cut off, so that they’ll be “stunning” and “brave” and everyone will love them. Of course, they only hard-sell it to White children, who are supposed to sterilize themselves, die off childless, go extinct, and be replaced with hundreds of millions of IQ-55 mystery-meat colonists from the Third World who will stand on the Magic Dirt and become American, only without all that embarrassing stuff like holding politicians to account or caring about any standard above supplying de gibsmedats. That’s how they’ll “solve racism,” by turning the schools into brainwashing factories that teach White children that being a tranny makes you better than everyone else. In SJW World, “gender is a social construct” on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but “some babies are born with the wrong gender brain” on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Weekends are for spending time with their special bacha bazi boys.
Seriously, read the material. And go to places like the Social Justice wiki, which I refuse to link here, and see them saying the quiet part out loud and boasting about it.
Even in the Weimar Republic they didn’t teach this shit to toddlers in the public schools. That giant meteor can’t get here fast enough.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

卐 1488 卐
Even in the Weimar Republic they didn’t teach this shit to toddlers in the public schools. That giant meteor can’t get here fast enough.
I’m just hoping we can find the next Uncle Adolf soon. That’s the only thing that can save us at this point.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

@Anonymous #4756  
so i did read that genderbread thing, it looks like a proper run of the mill school material, and i didnt even know that “two spirit” even existed
this feels wrong, like the wrong people discovered how to properly change a culture (slowly, over time and starting with the kids). i live on the opposite side of the world from america and even im worried for the future
Psy Key
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Cocky Scamp
@Anonymous #4756  
>giant meteor can’t get here fast enough  
Absolutely agree.
>Weimar Republic  
Weimar Republic was a fucking joke. Did nothing to prevent complete degeneracy. Mothers and their daughters working in jew brothels. Jew banks charging interest into the sky so your ass is in debt for the rest of time.
>Genderbread Man  
Sex and gender are the same thing. People who disagree want to rape your children.
We wouldn’t be in this particular situation if Hitler did kill 6 million. Instead, the jews despise their white man savior. They make no statues in honor of the white man, and the jew was apparently dying by the day, and that you could tell which jews were burning by the color of the ash that day. The white man saved these Semites, and the Semites hate their saviors.
We need someone who will actually do shit.
Artist -
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

local ceo of antifa
@Psy Key  
>leftists say everyone who disagrees with them is a nazi  
>rightoids say everyone who disagrees with them is a pedo  
>horseshoe theory confirmed  
>centrists win again baybeeeee
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