Viewing last 25 versions of comment by TheBrokeOne on image #54168

Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Needs A Mouthful
"[@Anonymous #3541":](/images/54168#comment_2583
That's what pissed me off the most about some of the choices made over others. Great images getting passed up by relatively unseen artists getting shafted because "muh cute pic".



bq]but the way i see it if they are hiding comments that are just bitching at artists and not offering actual constructive criticism then… why are you commenting? if you only downvote art pieces because they contain a specific tag then you should filter it and shut up.[/bq]
You ain't the only one who feels this way. It really does boil down to retards who want to spew some of the dumbest diarrhea out of their mouths while screaming "BUT MUH FREE SPEEZH". Mind you, I'm all for it. But there's a time and a place for certain comments, and better ways to convey your ideas other than smashing on the keyboard and sprinkling insults into it.  
Even 4chan has posting standards. Something that some of these retards conveniently forget.
No reason given
Edited by TheBrokeOne